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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-21-2012 18:49)

Supreme Court Sides with Broadcasters But Avoids First Amendment Challenge to Decency Rules

“The airwaves are owned by the people of the United States, not broadcasters” - Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel

(WASHINGTON DC) - FCC building Today, in FCC v. Fox the U.S. Supreme Court sided with Fox Television and ABC in their “vagueness” challenge to the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) decency violations.

But the High Court did not rule on the constitutionality of FCC’s decency standards.

Read Full Article (Jun-17-2012 10:34)

Sergey Lavorov: `On the Right Side of History`

An article from Russia's Foreign Minister on the Syrian crisis.

(MOSCOW) - Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov Over the last year or a year and a half, the events unfolding in North Africa and the Middle East have come to the forefront of the global political agenda.

They are frequently referred to as the most remarkable episode in the international life of the new 21st century.

Read Full Article (Jun-16-2012 18:41)

Five Years and Counting: Israel Creates and Manages Its `Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza`

It is an appalling situation for which Israel, the United States, and the rest of the “good Germans” in the world, are deeply liable and responsible.

(CHICAGO) - Child in Gaza. Courtesy: The Guardian Drawing from a report by Save the Children, Electronic Intifada’s Managing Editor describes what she correctly terms, Israel’s managed “humanitarian crisis in Gaza”.

A humanitarian crisis that is managed? Wait a minute; “managing” means controlling what happens. Yes it does.

Read Full Article (Jun-15-2012 20:57)

The Palestinian Kosher Place

Palestine Place, forget about them, it is taken over by the PSC and the BDS gang.

(LONDON) - Ken O'Keefe during last May's protests in Gaza We've learned that one of central London’s abandoned houses has been reclaimed and transformed into a “radical” centre for “discussion, action, and education around the issue of Palestine.”

It didn’t take more than a week for the ‘radical’ place to become yet another crypto-Zionist gathering engaged primarily in gatekeeping and even expulsion of some distinguished activists and thinkers.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2012 21:41)

Bangladesh: Thousands of Refugees Fleeing Burma in Need of Food, Shelter

Our human rights ambassador contacts Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs to help refugees from Myanmar.

(SALEM) - Suffering Burmese refugees The face of a Burmese refugee pleading with Bangladeshi officials, is possibly one of the saddest moments ever captured.

Bangladeshi public officials know there is terrible secular fighting taking place in Burma's Arakan state; yet Bangladesh is failing to fulfill an obligation to humanity.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2012 19:30)

Salem TV Show Interview with Tim King from

Hosts of 'The Word' on CCTV talk to Tim about news and political views.

(SALEM) - Tim King's appearance on CCTV's 'The Word' Agron Belica located this clip today on YouTube, of Tim King's recent appearance on a local Salem, Oregon TV show.

The television show is called 'The Word', the hosts asked Tim, who started almost eight years ago, to explain what the news group does and what our general angle was in approaching the news.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2012 15:33)

Most Precious Gifts

A Springtime visit to PALESTINE

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Nahida and a row of boys in Palestine Every now and then, our writers have the most amazing and rewarding experiences and it is to our good fortune, that we receive extraordinary photo pieces like this one from our dear friend Nahida Izzat.

Those who read her work regularly do not need it explained; I would just say that a limited number of human beings have the ability to make us feel the pain and hope the way Nahida does.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2012 00:39)

2012 National Edward R. Murrow Award Winners

CBS News took the awards for Video Feature Reporting and Video Investigative Reporting in the network television grouping.

(WASHINGTON DC) - The Radio Television Digital News Association has announced the 2012 National Edward R. Murrow Award winners. The awards honor excellence in electronic journalism.

In all, 67 news organizations are being honored with 99 awards...

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2012 23:54)

NATO Preparing Vast Disinformation Campaign Over Syria

Introduction by Anthony Lawson; translated from French by Olivia Kroth.

(PARIS Votaire Network) - TV propaganda Member States of NATO and the GCC are preparing a coup d’état and a sectarian genocide in Syria.

If you want to prevent these crimes, you should act now: circulate this article on the Internet and alert your elected officials.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2012 22:47)

William Gomes Live on CII Radio

Human rights ambassador made strong showing for human rights.

(SALEM) - William Nicholas Gomes Our Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes, is on the CII Radio program live talking about his human rights campaign.

William has had a number of positive government responses to his letters criticizing human rights violations. In more than one case, his appeals have held major weight.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
