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Somalia: Assassination Attempt on Staff of Khalif Huudow Human Rights Organisation

Two human rights defenders are now in a safe location but are in fear for their lives.

(YORK, UK) - Somali flag The Murder of a journalist in Somalia prompted human rights activists to conduct an investigation that nearly cost them their lives.

As Yusuf Osman Mohamed and Hawa Omar Ahmed were conducting a fact finding mission in Towfiiq village, located in the Yaqshiid district of Mogadishu, they were confronted by four unidentified individuals carrying guns.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2013 18:09)

Ken O`Keefe in Tehran - `Iran is not the Threat, we are` - American Patriots Rise

When America truly becomes a nation of honor I will be proud to stand among its citizens as a genuine member of the family.

(TEHRAN) - Ken O'Keefe at the Hollysoodism conference in Tehran It is time to stop being Israel's Bitch!

I renounced my US citizenship and the United States of Hypocrisy refused to acknowledge my right, our right, to self-determination.

Read Full Article (Mar-25-2013 14:26)

Oregon Documentary `Finding Normal` to be Shown for Human Services Program`s 40th Anniversary

Oregonian film critic Shawn Levy praised “Finding Normal” in his review of the film, grading it an A-minus and calling it “incredibly engrossing.”

(SALEM) - Finding Normal A special screening of a documentary highlighting the battles in recovering from drug addiction will highlight a 40th anniversary celebration of Chemeketa Community College’s Human Services program.

“Finding Normal” will be shown at 6 p.m. Friday, April 5th, in the auditorium (Building 6) at the college’s main campus in Salem.

Read Full Article (Mar-19-2013 14:34)

The Hives Are All Abuzz

With the successful nomination of John Brennan to head the CIA, drone killings could increase.

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Bee hive The drones have roused the hive; and Junior Republican Senator Rand Paul has the bees swarming. Excuse the analogy.

Until Paul decided to filibuster the Senate on the nomination of John Brennan as CIA director, both the polity and the mainstream media were paying little attention to the U.S. government's use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), better known as drones.

Read Full Article (Mar-15-2013 14:34)

The Sanitation of Your Local and World News

Will people figure it out before their nation is drug into another deadly war?

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Mainstream news monkeys It is widely accepted that news is edited to meet the needs of advertisers and to help achieve political objectives. Republicans find the news too 'liberal' and left leaning people consider network news to be sold out.

These agencies continually repeat the same old stories; many are simply designed to take us to war.

Read Full Article (Mar-09-2013 17:21)

Smoking Blunderbuss

Illegal failure to consult with tribal peoples dooms giant solar and wind plants across the West.

(SOLANA BEACH, CA) - Bird Singers, Blythe, California, October, 2010. Chris Clarke's recent article deconstructs a video clip from the film, "Who Are My People?"

It is important for the public (us) to get our heads around the idea that the federal government is legally responsible to Native people.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2013 20:43)

SRI LANKA: Still Drenched With the Blood of Ethnic Cleansing and War Crimes.

Ranking member of US House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Congressman Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, does not know true definition of 'Human Rights'.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Tamil victim of Sri Lanka is the only U.S. news agency that regularly covers the ongoing human and political tragedy in Sri Lanka.

Up to 160,000 Sri Lankan Tamils were massacred in a Genocide that culminated in May 2009 during the end of the country's long-running civil war.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2013 15:23)

Citizen Arrest Warrants Issued Today to Detain Former Pope, Queen of England and Other Church-State Officers

- Property and Assets to be Seized

(BRUSSELS) - Popecuffs Thirty officials of church and state who were convicted last week of committing and concealing Crimes against Humanity in Canada have defied a lawful Court Order, and now face immediate arrest.

Today, The International Common Law Court of Justice has issued an International Citizens Arrest Warrant, of one year duration, authorizing the detaining and imprisonment of these thirty fugitives...

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2013 21:34)


An undisclosed toxic nightmare for Marines, govt. drug smuggling, and Murder.

(SACRAMENTO) - BETRAYAL: TOXIC EXPOSURE OF U.S. MARINES, MURDER & COVER-UP A Kickstarter campaign has been launched by's Bob O'Dowd to fund the first published edition of our new book, currently on Amazon Kindle.

BETRAYAL: TOXIC EXPOSURE OF U.S. MARINES, MURDER & COVER-UP is one of the best tools for reaching the millions of Marines and sailors and civilians who served under toxic conditions and know nothing about it.

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2013 12:16)

Hindus Think Men-Only Pope’s Conclave is `Out of Line`

Women should be ordained to priesthood and should perform the same functions as male priests.

(RENO) - Pope’s Conclave Idea of men only Pope’s conclave electing one amongst themselves as the biggest religious leader of the world was simply “out of line” in 21st century, Hindu statesman Rajan Zed stated in Nevada (USA) today.

Roman Catholic cardinals (115 men) will soon hold a conclave in Sistine Chapel in Vatican City to elect a new Pope.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
