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Salem-News.com (Nov-30-2013 14:56)

No Escaping An Investigation

It is important to remember LTTE combatants who surrendered and therefore were prisoners of war, were murdered. They are protected by international humanitarian law - killing these prisoners of war was a war crime.

(LONDON) - White flag surrenders An article titled The Illegality of U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki  Moon’s approach to Sri Lanka written by Mr. Dharshan Weerasekera, former member of the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defence and current attorney has brought up every nearly argument from a legal standpoint to defend Sri Lanka from a war crimes investigation.

The main focus of the article is to question if U.N. Security-General (UNSG) reports can be indirectly submitted to the U.N. organs and the answer is yes...

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Salem-News.com (Nov-29-2013 16:35)

Allow People to Give Way to Their Emotions, Wigneswaran Warns Colombo on Heroes Day

“While praying that peace be upon the souls of those perished, we also regard this event as a sign of bringing ourselves into a new world” - Chief Minister Hon Wigneswaren

(COLOMBO TamilNet) - Planting trees on Heroes Day - Mahveera The Chief Minister Hon Wigneswaren has given a timely warning to the Sri Lankan government that suppression of people's emotions are counterproductive.

Although tree planting or any other form of gestures for the departed heroes on the Mahveera (Heroes) Day was strictly forbidden by the army, the Chief Minister ventured to initiate tree planting on this day, proving to the government that exercising ones right is not a crime.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-29-2013 16:00)

`Comet Encounter` - Ison

The current research could have begun over 30 years ago and saved billions of taxpayer dollars on unnecessary research.

(SAN DIEGO) - This new view of Comet C/2012 S1 Exciting reports in science should be coming soon. On Nov. 20, 2013 KPBS broadcast a program about the new Comet, Ison that is now approaching the Sun titled “Comet Encounter”.

The Narrator said: "We’re able to see Ison because of sunlight reflecting from ice and dust but as it continues to warm up, something incredible happens. The gasses start to glow with a light of their own."

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Salem-News.com (Nov-28-2013 19:24)

Raping and Murdering Your Way Into War Crime Court
`Indisputable` - the Only Word for Sri Lanka`s Guilt

Sri Lanka's army messed up big time in deciding to rape and murder a famous TV reporter named Isaipriya.

(SACRAMENTO) - Isaipriya Sri Lanka did not follow these rules of war. In the first photos of Isaipriyaa, she is dead, her clothes are stripped away from her body, her hands are tied behind her back and her pants are pulled down, her legs are spread.

Either way, dead women with their legs open and their clothing stripped away, who are bound, are generally rape/murder victims.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-28-2013 13:40)

SRI LANKA: Realities Of An `International Investigation`

It is pertinent that anyone calling for an international investigation do so under the powers of Article 99 of the UN Charter routing this through the UNSG instead of the UNHRC for more effective action and avoiding political factors...

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - Mahinda Rajapaksa It is important to point out that nobody should have any illusions of where an "international investigation", if conducted through the UNHRC, is leading to.

If an international investigation is commissioned by the UNHRC as promised by March 2014, it does not mean the Rajapaksas will be taken to court the next day.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-27-2013 15:00)

Tamil Tigers Honored on Maaverar Naal Heroes Day in Tamil Eelam

It became a tradition in the LTTE to pay tribute to all the cadre's contributions to the movement on this day.

(SACRAMENTO) - Tamil Heroes Day The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) or Tamil Tigers, were defeated in May 2009 but their spirit is honored each year on 27th November 2009, Heroes Day in Tamil Eelam. Heroes Day (Tamil: Maaverar Naal) in the Sri Lankan breakaway state of Tamil Eelam recalls the incredible sacrifice of the Tamil Tigers.

The military group formed to defend the Tamil people in the north and east of this island nation from a government set on establishing a Sinhala Buddhist nation. The LTTE staved off the establishment of "Sinhalazation" of the Tamil areas which is taking place in the wake of the war, one that ended as a Genocide.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-26-2013 18:02)

Family of Tamil Activist Threatened in Mannaar After `Sri Lanka CHOGM`

The relatives of missing persons, while peacefully demonstrating and demanding the visiting British PM to witness their plight, were attacked by the Sri Lankan Police...

(MELBOURNE TamilNet) - Tamils in Manaar There is absolutely no democracy in Sri Lanka. Any activist runs the risk of making a disappearing act without a trace. Jude Bashil Sosai (Suresh) is in that process right now. His only crime was that he fought for his people's rights.

Disobeying the orders of the military, whether they are reasonable or not is a crime in Sri Lanka. The punishment for which, is that they would disappear in a white van and there will be no information on him.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-26-2013 12:42)

Sri Lanka`s Human Rights Situation is Deteriorating and Time is Running Out

CHOGM – The morning after...

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - M.A. Sumanthiran In the heady days leading up to Commonwealth Heads of Governments Meeting (CHOGM) 2013 a government minister stated that:

'The CHOGM will …bring more fame to our country and provide a great opportunity to showcase Sri Lanka's post war developments….this conference…will provide a great opportunity for them (the Commonwealth Heads of State) to witness the development activities in the country….’

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Salem-News.com (Nov-26-2013 00:07)

Air Glow Layer and Sprites

"Air glow is due to the short wavelengths, the ultraviolet wavelengths that cause sunburn if you don’t use sun block, or X-rays..."
- Dr. Kerri Cahoy, M.I.T.

(SAN DIEGO) - Green oxygen airglow is seen as a thin line beneath the red and green aurora. (Photo: NASA ISS-6 crew). On Nov. 20, 2013 KPBS broadcast a “Nova” program titled, “At the Edge of Space”. It included data and video of lightning, sprites, and explored the air glow layer that is a part of the ionosphere, which is a vast sea of electrically charged particles, or ions.

The program explains that these particles with help from the Sun, create this glow, and the most important thing about the airglow may not be why it glows but where it’s located. It’s the lowest part of the ionosphere, the uppermost region of the atmosphere.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-25-2013 19:27)

Prabhakaran`s Philosophy and Ideology

Let us see some of the useful but very important messages in Prabhakaran’s speeches especially in 2007 and 2008. Let us start naturally with reference to the great country, our India.

(LONDON) - Velupillai Prabhakaran The day November 27th has the holiness and significance of Tamils. They remember and honour their dearly beloved heroes whose supreme sacrifice for the liberation of our motherland continues to fill all their hearts.

Heroes Day speeches clearly tell the world the policies and actions of the LTTE and can be taken as indicators of Prabhakaran’s philosophy and ideology.

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