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The Return of Kevin Annett

Recorded five days ago...

(SACRAMENTO / COUNTY CLARE, Ireland) - Kevin Annett in Ireland is not just an organization of reporters and photographers, some of our team members have heroic tendencies and are highly controversial. One of these razor's edge activists is Kevin Annett.

He exposed the Genocide of Native American children in Canada; along with (International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State), and Kevin has forced great change inside of the Catholic Church, he was recently nominated for the Nobel Prize.

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2013 14:45)

International Physicians Protest Against American Academy of Pediatrics` Policy on Infant Male Circumcision

Includes the anti-circumcision songs, Leave those babies alone and Day after day by Ace. and Jonathan Conte's presentation of the SHAME award to AAP.

(BERLIN) - Protest against AAP sanction of male circumcision There are no compelling health arguments in favor of circumcision, while it can have serious long-term urological, psychological and sexual consequences.

Performing medically unwarranted circumcision of underage boys conflicts with good medical practice. Male infant circumcision conflicts with child rights and the doctors’ oath not to do harm.

Read Full Article (Jun-06-2013 14:38)

UPDATE: Ben Fellows Alive and Well

Ben Fellows was missing for several hours, catch the interview with Julia Fellows.

(LONDON) - Ben Fellows Journalist and former child actor Ben Fellows has gone missing after writing several articles accusing Ken Clarke of touching him up when he was 15 years old.

His YouTube channel disappeared, and his wife Julia Fellows says she has no idea who took it down. Ben Fellows' accusation against Clarke was immediately followed by his disappearance. As you will learn in this video, his wife was told by police that they are not going to investigate.

Read Full Article (Jun-04-2013 11:14)

ITCCS Breaking News Report: Top Vatican Official Set to Resign, to Avoid Arrest While in Office

Vatican Secretary of State Set to Resign: Insider

(BRUSSELS ITCCS) - Tarcisio Bertone A source within the Vatican announced today that Tarcisio Bertone, the most powerful official in the Roman Curia and one of five Cardinals convicted by a Common Law Court of Justice last February, has prepared his letter of resignation.

Cardinal Bertone has been the effective "king maker" at the papacy for many years, and helped force Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, from office on February 11 just days after an arrest warrant was to be issued against Ratzinger.

Read Full Article (Jun-01-2013 15:49)

INDIA: If Only the Dalit could Delete Sex Abuse and Oppression

Abuse is rampant, government and Church nearly silent.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Dalit woman abused by Indian police Dalit Christians in Tamil Nadu has accused the Church of failing to make use of the legal and Constitutional provisions to safeguard their interests.

“Minority rights never helped Dalit Christians enjoy equity, equality, social justice and fraternity, because of the caste affinity displayed by the Church,” said A Xavier, one of the representatives of the Dalit Christians.

Read Full Article (May-28-2013 09:48)

Sex and the Soldier, Continuation: Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Modern day writers are trying to interpret events they were not present for, and they are making huge mistakes that dishonor the legacy of the U.S. Army in Europe during WWII.

(PORTLAND, OR) - An American soldier offers advice to a French woman I previously posted 'Sex and the Soldier: the Real Truth' May 24 2013 in

As a critique of the book "What Soldiers Do" by Mary Louise Roberts, she implies that American soldiers spent most of their free time raping in France, Belgium and Germany. She printed that they committed thousands of rapes.

Read Full Article (May-24-2013 19:56)

Sex and the Soldier: the Real Truth

Marriage, yes... Rape, not so much.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Woman during WWII Sex and the Soldier is the title of my own book on this subject and it is included in my own memoir, Gen Patton's Dogface Soldier.

In part, the book Love, Sex and War by John Costello, was the source of the information in many of own books, but I was also not only at the front as a Combat Infantryman, I also ended up as a medical statistician...

Read Full Article (May-24-2013 01:48)

New Alliance is Forged in Italy to Stop Child Rape and Trafficking

Joint Campaign to Commence in Rome on September 20.

(SAVONA, Italy) - Kevin Annett and Francesco Zanardi An important announcement was issued at an historic press conference yesterday in Italy about the safety of kids.

Two groups fighting to end church terror against children formally joined forces and announced the launching of a public campaign commencing in Rome on September 20.

Read Full Article (May-23-2013 11:51)

Civil Society Strongly Condemns Mayor Hashimoto`s Recent Remark on the `Comfort Women` Human Rights Ambassador joins 67 organizations worldwide demanding more for these abused women of WWII.

(HONG KONG) - WWII 'Comfort Woman' from the Philippines Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto is in the world spotlight over remarks issued May 13 about “comfort women” for the Japanese Army during World War II.

He says it was “necessary” in maintaining discipline in the army and providing relief for soldiers.

Read Full Article (May-20-2013 19:51)

Military Sexual Trauma: Continuing Ignored Super Epidemic

Will Congress do anything??? Probably not.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Women in miltiary suffering sexual trauma Military sexual trauma: this situation is so bad! It is a longstanding continuing problem, and anything I write might help to slow down this egregious military problem based on the statement that "Rank has its privileges".

Rape should not be one of these privileges.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
