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Salem-News.com (Jan-14-2011 01:44)

Boomers 2011: Welcome to the Real World

It appears that you Boomers were too busy trying to make a living that you could not perceive what the financial “Institutions” were doing to us.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Baby boomer generation There are not too many Americans who can remember the Crash of 1929.

I do, I was 6-years old at the time and selling newspapers in a logging and sawmill town; Klamath Falls, Oregon's bustling 'red light district' (pun) which up to that time was producing lumber like crazy to supply the post WWI building boom.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-29-2010 19:39)

The Perfect Crime: Weaponized Conservatorship as a Whistleblower Gag (AUDIO)

Once these wheels start rolling there is no stopping that train...

(PORTLAND, Ore. KBOO) - Salem-News.com Investigative journalist, Janet Phelan has hit a deep nerve in the Judicial-Industrial brainstem: What she has uncovered is the Perfect Crime as well as the only legal, airtight bag in which to silence whistleblowers.

Thanks to dubious accidental loopholes in the legal code, it is possible to strip an individual of the right to fight a well as the resources necessary to defend oneself.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-25-2010 11:46)

Sacramento Judge Grants Melodie Scott a License

Janet discussing the latest in the Melodie Scott chronicles; Tune in and find out, Mike Herzog hosts "American Awakening" which airs on Oraclebroadcasting.com at 7:00 p.m. Central this Monday.…

(SACRAMENTO) - Judge's gavel In a hearing in Sacramento Superior Court last Friday, controversial conservator Melodie Scott was granted a license to practice as a professional fiduciary.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-01-2010 18:01)

PCC`s Senior Studies Institute: Having Fun and Turning 20

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - members of Portland Community College Senior Studies Institute It's laughter, lively discussions and lots of learning. What is it? It's the Senior Studies Institute at Portland Community College and its turning 20 years old this year.

At the Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation District Building and five other locations around Portland, the institute is giving retirees a path to lifelong learning. On a day in early September, about two-dozen senior citizens gathered in one of the old Safeco Insurance Building's classrooms on Kruse Way to chat about current events. In these classes, there's food, social networking, exchange of ideas and plenty of learning. Through offerings like this one, SSI gives attendees a social network and a way to continue their education.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-25-2010 18:15)

Alzheimer`s: Marijuana as Effective Medicine

Cannabis is getting much positive publicity and seems to be regaining its popularity of one hundred years ago when it was the most widely used drug for about 100 different diseases.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Woman with Alzheimer's There is a big toodoo nowadays about Alzheimers which has turned into almost an epidemic for old folks with some even in their 50’s. So far nobody seems to have put a handle on it and I won’t either.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-19-2010 03:34)

Social Security Outrage: Senior Citizens Are Being Cheated by Government

The government's latest scheme with social security...

(CHICAGO) - Senior citizens Former vice-president and presidential candidate Al Gore famously repeated that Social Security is in a "lock box." Actually nothing could be further from the truth.

From its inception under the Roosevelt Administration, the Social Security system has been nothing but a government sponsored Ponzi scheme. To work it relied on each successful generation being larger than the last. Eventually, like an illegal chain letter, it had to implode.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-15-2010 13:00)

Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Social Security Economic Recovery Payment

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - President Obama President Barack Obama is pressuring Congress to pass on a measure that would provide a $250 payment to senior citizens.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-13-2010 01:01)

Eight Injured in Tillamook Tour Bus Fire - PHOTOS

Police say the fire appears to be accidental.

(TILLAMOOK, Ore.) - Bus fire, Tillamook, Oregon 9-12-10 Police say eight people were transported to hospitals in Tillamook and Portland for injuries sustained in a Sunday afternoon fire on a Raz Transportation tour bus on Highway 101 north of Tillamook.

Police say a 71-year old female from Wisconsin was taken by LifeFlight to Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland for burn and smoke inhalation injuries.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-21-2010 19:25)

Salem Puppet Theatre Project- Still Shrouded in Secrecy

The premise: entertainment induces empathy far more than adult lectures and endless sermons on what path our youth take in their own self-interest.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Handpuppet A highly innovative approach to use handpuppets as a hands-on learning tool remains wrapped up in mystery, at least for the moment. The principles involved are several Salem-based social agencies hoping to involve teens and pre-teens.

This reporter has been able to glean a few pieces of that intriguing puzzle. Here is the Salem-News.com scoop for the curious public.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-10-2009 15:48)

Beyond Fort Hood: Mental Health and Mood Disorders Bear Constant Military Scrutiny

We are a troubled nation. That trouble stems from a sense of helplessness. All the eloquent eulogies in the world can only soothe us but should never lull us into false complacency.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Soldier saluting In some ways it was the modern-day series of shots heard round the world. Thirteen innocent soldiers at Fort Hood, TX, lay dead in a senseless massacre evidently perpetrated by a disgruntled army psychiatrist. That mental health screener had his own inner spirits of discontent as a would-be martyr who should have been smarter.

At this time we lack concrete information on his trigger within. At best, we can speculate from the sidelines.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin