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Salem-News.com (Jul-03-2013 01:28)

Black Hole Discoveries

The problem with the scientists is that they associate black holes with the force of gravity when it is exclusively the result of electromagnetic energy.

(SAN DIEGO) - Black hole On Sunday, June 30, 2013 the Science Channel broadcasted a program titled “Swallowed by a Black Hole” copyrighted in 2013 by BBC.

It began with “A systematic black hole is getting ready to have dinner as a gas cloud 3 times the size of the Earth is caught in its gravitational hold. Across the world astronomers are getting ready to discover what happens when a black hole gets ready to eat.”

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Salem-News.com (Jun-22-2013 22:11)

Genetic Antichrists of Nostradamus: E1b1b1

How many ages hence shall our lofty scene be acted over in states unborn and accents yet unknown. Shakespeare.[1]

(MONTEREY, CA) - E1b1bRoute with M35 Napoleon E1b1b1 is the common root of the male gene for the two Antichrists described by Nostradamus: Napoleon Bonaparte whose subclade M-35 has a genetic origin from Ethiopia to North Africa and the Middle East ending in Southern Europe. Adolf Hitler’s subclade M-34 originated in present day Israel.

E1b1b1 is 26,000 years old mutating in Ethiopia in the East Horn of Africa. 20,000 years ago this gene group was in present day Israel and its people were known as the Kabaran, also as the Kebarian.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-14-2013 13:39)

Myriad Genetics Not Allowed To Play, `GOD`

Luke Easter takes a poetic look at the issues surrounding Myriad Genetics and their controversial attempt to patent technology.

(CLEVELAND) - Myriad Genetics When options for healthcare are denied, and scientific advances thwarted, the results are staggering and tragic. Medical care is no option for so many people in this nation where some of the most powerful voices hold only disdain for the poor.

Americans are a proud lot, so why do they harm each other so intensely? Luke Easter's poem below goes right to the heart of the matter.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-11-2013 14:10)

Study: Ocean Acidification Killing Oysters by Inhibiting Shell Formation

The study is important, scientists say it documents for the first time the links among shell formation rate, available energy, and sensitivity to acidification.

(CORVALLIS) - Oyster larvae at Whiskey Creek In recent years, the Pacific NW oyster industry has struggled with significant losses due to ocean acidification as oyster larvae encountered mortality rates sufficient to make production non-economically feasible.

Now a new study led by researchers at Oregon State University has documented why oysters appear so sensitive to increasing acidity.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-06-2013 17:02)

Marijuana: The Unique, Best Tranquilizer

Yes, it really is the best!

(PORTLAND, OR) - Marijuana bud I can feel a bunch of psychotherapy-minded psychiatrists jumping up and down, causing a minor earthquake. That's OK, we pharmacologists have a totally different understanding about what goes on under patient's hats.

Besides that, it was the biochemists who made the first discoveries about what made the wheels in the head go around or not go around.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-05-2013 16:44)

3D Printing: The Future Has Arrived

This may be the single most amazing thing I have ever seen...

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - 3D printer made Crescent wrench My son Christian who is 13, was shown a video in school today, that seemingly redefines the future. It is called 3-d printing. Machines now have the ability to literally "print" a replica of any item that can be scanned. Confused yet? It is perfectly OK, this is something that most of us could not have predicted.

It isn't exactly brand new. As you will note by the date on the YouTube video, this technology has been around in its usable form for a couple of years.

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Salem-News.com (May-27-2013 22:40)

Mermaids are Real

A team of NOAA researchers proved that mermaids exist, then the police came and seized their research, but it was too late to stop the scientific revelation.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - confronted by a mermaid This article's title is quite a claim, I only went with it because mermaids are now an accepted, proven, scientific fact.

The theory is that millions of years ago, the human species developed or evolved, into a water creature, still resembling a human being, still retaining much of the human structure, but with a recessed skull for enhanced audio ability and a fin in place of legs.

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Salem-News.com (May-04-2013 15:59)

Review of ET Hearings in Washington DC

Several former members of Congress convened to learn about visitors from outer space and a lack of governmental disclosure.

(WASHINGTON DC) - ET Hearings The following is a collection of press releases issued in regard to the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, the 'ET' (Extraterrestrial) Hearings held last week in the nation's capitol.

The group says information collected in recent days will be used to gather facts for the creation of effective laws.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-08-2013 13:41)

John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka Create Stem Cells Identical to Embryonic Stem Cells Without Destroying Human Embryo

New test may allow the therapeutic use of induced pluripotent stem cells or iPS.

(MADRID) - Shinya Yamanak of Japan and Sir John B. Gurdon of the UK. John B. Gurdon of the UK and Shinya Yamanaka of Japan, have created cells whose characteristics are identical to those of embryonic cells, but without destroying human embryos.

The Swedish Academy said that both Gurdon and Yamanaka "have revolutionized our understanding of how cells and bodies develop", and allowed to refine unusual "methods of diagnosis and therapy".

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Salem-News.com (Mar-31-2013 22:53)

Scientists Change Their View on Space: It Is About Time

While I endured many years of frustration, now I can enjoy and take pride in the fact that I have been trying to promote a concept that has been proven to be correct.

(SAN DIEGO) - Ed Chromie's theory of electromagnetism In a Nov. 5, 1997 NASA news conference, Dr. Alan Title said: “We have finally solved a 55 year old puzzle; why is it hundreds of times hotter outside the Sun than inside. The Sun is surrounded by the equivalent of an electric blanket. The blanket is heated by magnetism, however, not by electricity.”

What they discovered is the electromagnetic energy fields depicted in the photo.

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