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May-04-2013 15:59 ![]() ![]() Review of ET Hearings in Washington DCSalem-News.comSeveral former members of Congress convened to learn about visitors from outer space and a lack of governmental disclosure.
(WASHINGTON DC) - The following is a collection of information issued in regard to the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, the 'ET' (Extraterrestrial) Hearings held last week in the nation's capitol. The group says information collected in recent days will be used to gather facts for the creation of effective laws. CHD states on their Website:
Committee members are: Congressman Roscoe G. Bartlett (Rep MD), Congressman Merril Cook (Rep Utah), Congresswoman Darlene Hooley (Dem OR), Senator Mike Gravel (Dem/Lib AK), Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (Dem Mi), Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (Dem Ca). Darlene Hooley served Oregon in U.S. Congress and used to be frequently mentioned in Salem-News.com stories. As a member of this committee, Hooley brings a record of being politically open minded and willing to speak her mind. Mike Gravel has been a voice in the growing "truth" movement which seeks disclosure of information regarding the Sept 11th 2001 attacks in the United States. Witnesses will include the top researchers in the world along with government / agency / political persons of rank and station. As of March 30, 2013 the following persons have agreed to testify:
Pilot and FAA Investigator testimonies presented to Congressional Committee at the National Press Club May 3, 2013 The Citizen Hearing: BREAKING NEWS Current testimony is being given to six former members of Congress at the National Press Club on the material and remains found in area 51 at Roswell by multiple military sources. President Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon are said to have sent top clearance CIA operatives to investigate and report back on the findings. One such operative gave video testimony and another, who is no longer alive, was represented by his son. Investigative researchers on the topic who had interviewed and validated the reports of these sources testified as well. Nuclear Weapons Facilities and Unexplained Incursions presented to Congressional Committee at the National Press Club May 2, 2013 The Citizen Hearing: Washington, DC - The fourth day of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has come to a close with extraordinary testimony taken by six former members of Congress regarding events and evidence pointing to the presence of highly intelligent life systems.
Top researchers, scientists, military officials, aviation professionals and other members of foreign and domestic government testified to Senator Mike Gravel, Congressmen Roscoe Bartlett, Merrill Cook and Congresswomen Lynn Woolsey, Carolyn Kilpartick, and Darlene Hooley. Testimony included the history of documented incidents which point to highly intelligent systems that may exist. Witnesses also testified on relevant topics including the Rockefeller Initiative, the RAF Bentwaters case, nuclear missile shut downs, governmental documents, and incidents which occurred in South America, England, Canada, China and Italy. Friday's testimony will include statements from pilots and the former FAA Director of Investigations, a discussion of technologies and closing remarks by former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer, political activist Stephen Bassett and first-hand Roswell witness Jesse Marcel, Jr. Earlier in the week former Air Force personnel testified regarding what some call "England's Roswell." Sgts. John Burroughs and Jim Penniston were directly involved in the 1980 events near RAF Bentwaters in the UK when an incursion occurred over several nights at this nuclear installation by a craft of unknown origin. This case is considered one of the most important in the modern era. Perhaps the most powerful testimonies of the day came from retired United State Air Force personnel, Capts. Robert Salas, Bruce Fenstermacher, David Schindele and Sgt. David Scott who gave compelling first hand accounts of the shutting down of ballistic missiles by unknown craft hovering over nuclear launch sites in the United States. Several members of the Citizen Hearing Committee called for formal Congressional hearings into these incidents. When asked what are the top two messages she wanted to get out to the people after hearing these testimonies, Congresswoman Kilpatrick commented, "this is an international phenomena and the US and other countries need to acknowledge that there is other life. The US can lead this world issue; we must find out if this phenomena will enhance the universe or cause the demise of the universe." She added, "The military witnesses spoke of incidences from 30, 40, 50 years ago and have remained silent during this time. They have come out of retirement with compelling information that would have us look further into this phenomena. Senator Gravel commented that he began to understand the vast implications of this after hearing the testimonials of numerous military witnesses who provided evidence of incidents where hovering craft compromised nuclear missiles. If the missiles can be prevented from launching, imagine the implications to our defense funding. AIR FORCE FIRST RESPONDERS TO ANNOUNCE PLANS FOR FEDERAL LAWSUIT Allege conspiracy to deny benefits for injuries sustained in the line of duty. By Patrick Frascogna WASHINGTON, D.C., April 30, 2013 – Two career United States Air Force veterans announced their intention to file a federal lawsuit against the Veterans Administration in an effort to obtain medical benefits to remedy injuries sustained in the line of duty at a press conference at the National Press Club on Tuesday.
Retired Tech Sergeants John Burroughs and James Penniston claim the government is denying them proper treatment for injuries sustained in the line of duty as base security at the U.S. airbase at RAF Bentwaters in December of 1980. Penniston and Burroughs were the first on-scene responders to a potential base incursion by an object of unknown origin into one of the most sensitive United States Air Force installations at the height of the cold war. As such, the pair were momentarily on the front lines of the USAF defense establishment in Europe. In the course of first response, Penniston and Burroughs were exposed to the effects of an as yet unexplained phenomenon in the Rendlesham Forest adjacent to the twin base facility of Bentwaters and Woodbridge. At the time of their encounter the twin bases were a key component of U.S. Air Force deterrent strength at the height of the Cold War and the area surrounding the base home to a variety of high-power radar and electromagnetic weaponry. Incidentally, the stress was so extreme on the personnel there that the base had one of the highest suicide rates of any in the Air Force. To this day, there has been no public explanation of the events surrounding their exposure to the phenomenon. The incident in question has been denied by USAF representatives despite the release in 1983 of a memorandum by the then-Deputy Base Commander to the British M.O.D. confirming the incident. The pair claim that formerly classified documents confirm that the Air Force was aware of dangers presented to the airmen, but failed to properly brief them for their mission. Both Burroughs and Penniston have experienced medical issues in the years since their encounter at Rendlesham Forest. The VA has utterly denied benefits to the pair and further obfuscated any release of medical records on the incident without reason.
"We've been stonewalled", Burroughs said. "We've tried A, We've Tried B, we've tried C and none of the avenues have lead to proper support of our post-incident medical issues, nor to any viable explanation of why information useful to treatment of our condition is being withheld." By filing a federal lawsuit the pair intends to force disclosure of the details known to their chain of command pertaining to the incident that would prove useful in treatment of their respective conditions. "After almost two years of utterly futile attempts to obtain John Burroughs' and Jim Penniston's service medical records from the government, in addition to a failed attempt by former Arizona Senator Jon Kyl, it is becoming ever more apparent that someone, somewhere, does not want them released," said Pat Frascogna, counsel for Burroughs and Penniston. "Key records from the timeframe in question seem to be considered classified by the VA. Consequently, if we cannot obtain them, all of them, without redaction, then we will have no recourse but to file suit against the federal government, perhaps as soon as by year's end." If the action moves forward, the chain of command and key witnesses to the potential incursion the pair responded to will be subpoenaed to testify as to the nature of the phenomenon Penniston and Burroughs were exposed to and knowledge of it withheld from them during training. "We don't intend to be the last two casualties of the Cold War", Burroughs said, "left hung out to dry by our chain of command and obsolete notions of national security. There is no reason at this late date to deny us the information that may extend our lives, the bulk of which we spent in service to our country." Nuclear Weapons Facilities and Extraterrestrial Incursions at the National Press Club The Citizen Hearing: Days One and Two Washington, DC - April 30, 2013 The second day of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has come to a close with extraordinary testimony taken by six former members of Congress regarding events and evidence pointing to an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. On day one some of the top researchers in the field testified to Senator Mike Gravel, Congressmen Roscoe Bartlett, Merrill Cook and Congresswomen Lynn Wolsey, Carolyn Kilpartick, Darlene Hooley. One panel of witnesses, which included Stephen Bassett, Grant Cameron Linda Moulton Howe and Dr. Steven M. Greer, addressed the history of the Rockefeller Initiative - a three year effort by Laurance Rockefeller, a friend of the Clintons - to convince President Clinton to release to the public all documents in government files relating to unidentified flying objects and grant amnesty to members of the military services and government agencies who come forward with relevant information.
Mr. Bassett testified that those who were aware of and/or directly involved in this effort included President Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Leon Panetta, Albert Gore and Bill Richardson. In a later interveiw Bassett added, "President Clinton remains a major figure in the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton sought the presidency and was appointed Secretary of State by President Obama, John Podesta went on in 2002 and 2003 to call for the release of all government held "UFO" files and was appointed co-chair of President Elect Obama's transition team, Leon Panetta was appointed Secretary of Defense and Director of the CIA by President Obama, Bill Richardson stated in 2004, "the mystery surrounding this crash (Roswell 1947) has never been adequately explained -- not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government." Richardson then sought the presidency and was selected by Obama to be Secretary of Commerce (he withdrew his nomination.)" Bassett also stated,"None of these powerful political figures have ever been asked a single question by the press regarding the Rockefeller Initiative." On day two, Air Force personnel testified regarding what some call "England's Roswell." Sgts. John Burroughs and Jim Penniston were directly involved in the 1980 events near RAF Bentwaters in the UK when an incursion over several nights occurred at this nuclear installation by a craft of unknown origin. This case is considered one of the most important in the modern era. Burrough's and Penniston's attorney announced a law suit will be filed regarding the treatment of his clients in the aftermath of the Bentwaters incidents. Perhaps the most powerful testimonies of the day came from retired United State Air Force personnel, Capts. Robert Salas, Bruce Fenstermacher, David Schindele and Sgt. David Scott who gave compelling first hand accounts of the shutting down of ballistic missiles by unknown craft hovering over nuclear launch sites in the United States. Several members of the Citizen Hearing Committee called for formal Congressional hearings into these incidents. Truth Embargo mini-trailer: www.youtube.com/embed/23ZxPuDOkfs BOOKSThe books listed below, many written by Citizen Hearing witnesses, are but representative of a vast body of research into the science, politics and history of the extraterrestrial phenomenon in the modern era. While there are other issues which overlap the core issue, perhaps none is more relevant than the rise of institutional secrecy in America. For that reason books addressing secrecy and secrecy reform have also been listed. Note: some of the topics covered in these books will not be addressed at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, but may be the focus of future Citizen Hearings.
Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Coverup - Timothy Good A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth about Alien Contact Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience - Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: A Reporter's Notebook on Alien Abduction, UFOs, and the Conference at M.I.T. - C. D. B. Bryan Day after Roswell - Lt. Col. Philip Corso (USA, ret) with William J. Birnes Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History - Steven Greer, MD Faded Giant - Robert Salas with James Klotz Firestorm: Dr. James E. McDonald's Fight for UFO Science - Ann Druffel Flying Saucers and Science: A Scientist Investigates the Mysteries of UFOs: Interstellar Travel, Crashes, and Government Cover-Ups - Stanton Friedman Hynek UFO Report - Dr. Allen Hynek Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species - Paul Hellyer Majic Eyes Only: Earth's Encounters with Extraterrestrial Technology - Ryan Wood Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up - Terry Hansen Need to Know: UFOs, the Military, and Intelligence - Timothy Good Open Skies, Close Minds: For the First Time a Government UFO Expert Speaks Out - Nick Pope The Roswell Legacy: The Untold Story of the First Military Officer at the 1947 Crash Site - Jesse Marcel, Jr., MD UFO Crash at Roswell - Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt The UFO Enigma: A New Review of the Physical Evidence - Dr. Peter Sturrock The UFO Evidence - Richard Hall The UFO Evidence II - Richard Hall Top Secret/Majic: Operation Majestic-12 and the United States Government's UFO Cover-up - Stanton Friedman UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning - Dr. Jerome Clark UFO/FBI Connection: The Secret History of the Government's Cover-Up - Dr. Bruce Maccabee UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites - Robert Hastings UFOs and the National Security State - Vol I - Richard Dolan UFOs and the National Security State - Vol II - Richard Dolan UFOs, Area 51, and Government Informants: A Report on Government Involvement in UFO Crash Retrievals - Grant Cameron with T. Scott Crain, Jr. UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record - Leslie Kean UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities - Dr. John Alexander Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut's Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds - Dr. Edgar Mitchell Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the 60-Year Cover-Up - Thomas Carey and Donald Schmitt Zero Point Energy: The Fuel of the Future - Dr. Thomas Valone Blank Spots on the Map: The Dark Geography of the Pentagon's Secret World ─ Trevor Paglen Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency ─ James Bamford A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth about Alien Contact ─ Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel Culture of Secrecy: The Government Versus the People's Right to Know ─ Athan G. Theoharis Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years ─ Russ Baker House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power ─ James Carrol Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA ─ Tim Weiner Nation of Secrets: The Threat to Democracy and the American Way of Life ─ Ted Gup Secrecy: the American Experience ─ Patrick Moynihan Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers ─ Daniel Ellsberg Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power ─ Alexandra Robbins The Puzzle Palace: Inside the National Security Agency, America's Most Secret Intelligence Organization ─ James Bamford The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America ─ James Bamford Top Secret: When Our Government Keeps Us in the Dark ─ Geoffrey R. Stone Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981-1987 ─ Robert Woodward DOCUMENTARYThere are hundreds of documentaries which have been produced to address the history of the phenomena in the modern era and the ancient world. They vary in quality and with few exceptions were produced with inadequate funding. Nevertheless, when viewed with discernment they represent an extraordinary effort by independent film makers to explain extraordinary events and evidence. The following documentaries represent a portion of the evidence supporting the truth of an extraterrestrial presence. Blank Spots on the Map: The Dark Geography of the Pentagon's Secret World ─ Trevor Paglen
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James Carlson June 3, 2013 10:35 pm (Pacific time)
In regard to your recent commentary about Robert Salas' testimony, you should probably be aware of a couple very salient points.
1. Robert Salas has never witnessed a UFO -- not even he makes that claim.
2. Robert Salas is as proven liar and a fraud; this has been repeatedly affirmed by the very same men he has repeatedly used to confirm his egregious lies and repeated slanders.
Concerning the comments you published regarding UFO interference with ICBM sites at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967, I'd like to correct for you a few misconceptions Robert Salas seems to be so obsessed with. This apparently stems, for the most part, from his refusal to accept the claims of the only two people who were present at Echo Flight: Eric Carlson, the commander of Echo Flight, and Walt Figel, his deputy commander. Both men have repeatedly asserted that UFOs were not involved with any events at Malmstrom AFB in 1967. There's not a word of truth to any of the claims Salas has made. Salas, author of "Faded Giant", has been repeatedly accused of lying about and/or embellishing details of these incidents by those military veterans who served their nation well during the hottest period of the Vietnam War and the coldest of the Cold War.
If you wish to know exactly what happened in 1967, why the missiles at Echo Flight actually failed, and why the Oscar Flight claims are so pointless, I'd encourage you to evaluate the following narratives, all of which you can examine without cost:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/42303580/Echo-Flights-of-Fantasy-Anatomy-of-a-UFO-Hoax-by-James-Carlson [this one is an examination of the issues for those unfamiliar with the case, and describes in full the gross distortion of facts that Salas has decided to sell].
I would also recommend that you examine the numerous interviews and articles at the Reality Uncovered website: http://www.realityuncovered.net/. Many of the articles discuss the events at Echo Flight and Oscar Flight in March 1967, and include interviews with both the commander and the deputy commander at Echo Flight on March 16, 1967. To this day, Robert Salas insists that both men confirm his claims of UFO interference, which both men deny strongly. He refuses entirely to discuss these matters in detail or answer any questions regarding the testimonies of these two men, preferring instead to attack the integrity and credibility of those publically raising such issues. He refuses to offer anything substantial in the way of evidence, and fails entirely to explain the details of his claims or to answer any of the valid questions raised by his insistence. What he has done is rely on the craven use of blatant lies and baseless insults in regard to his critics without once managing to refute or even discuss their criticisms.
A lot information regarding this incident can be found at the Reality Uncovered forum, in particular the Echo Flight Incident thread: http://www.realityuncovered.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19andt=1688andsid=fb3fd24f098c0f3bc35595ea1b41a146. Every single detail, digression, discussion or subject of argument asserted by Salas has been explained and discussed in great detail in the documents and on the websites you've been directed to. Not one question has been left unanswered, a statement that Salas cannot in turn honestly affirm. He is a proven liar who has created fiction and called it fact, something anyone willing to actually do the research can determine very readily for himself, as the events -- contrary to the claims of Salas -- have been declassified since before 1980.
Tim Hebert, an ex-USAF missileer himself, has also written some enlightening articles regarding the case on his blog at: http://timhebert.blogspot.com/. You should take the time to read them.
Dr. David Clarke, for many years an accepted expert regarding the British military forces' investigations of the UFO phenomenon, has also discussed this case in the context of the "UFO and Nukes" connection asserted by Robert Hastings and Robert Salas. You can read his article on the subject at http://drdavidclarke.blogspot.com/2010/11/flat-earth-nukes.html.
The folk tales currently being spread by Salas have not merely been dismissed as one possible interpretation of their claims; they have been repeatedly dismantled and shredded -- proven as lies by witness testimony and documented evidence. There is no doubt whatsoever that he created this case outright. There were no UFOs involved -- it is a lie, and nothing more. Witnesses that Salas has presented to the public have actually come forward to dispute the claims he has made. They insist that their statements were taken out of context and distorted purposely in order to suggest the presence of UFOs where no such presence could otherwise be established. Salas has perpetrated a UFO hoax of the worst sort, and has attempted to destroy the reputations and career service of better men than himself.
The commander of Echo Flight on March 16, 1967, CAPT (Ret.) Eric D. Carlson, has released the following definitive statement:
"Let me start by stating that, as best as I can recall, my only contact with Salas and Hastings has been on the phone. I did tell Salas that he could release my name to whomever he wished, don't know why he needed my permission. I have talked to a newspaper writer in Great Falls, several years ago, and a TV producer from one of those UFO shows. With both these individuals I denied any knowledge of any UFO's at Malmstrom. In addition, I stated that there was no, repeat no, incident at Oscar flight as Salas maintains. The man is either lying or delusional.
"My only contact with Hastings was a call I received from him regarding his book. I stated that his book sounded interesting and he later sent me a copy which I read and gave away .... At no time did I mention anyone's mental status; yours, mine, his, or Salas', although in retrospect I could comment on Salas'.
"My memory is quite good regarding the events at Malmstrom and there is no doubt in my mind that there were no reports of UFO's and no incident at Oscar flight. I will be willing to discuss this with anyone who is truly interested in the facts."
His deputy commander at Echo Flight, COL (Ret.) Walter Figel, Jr., has insisted as well that UFOs were not involved, and adds that his version of this event has been distorted by Robert Salas in order to give the impression that an actual UFO was involved. He asserts very strongly that no UFOs were involved, nor were UFOs ever reported. He has, in fact, been refreshingly open and definitive in regard to the events of March 1967, and has repeatedly confirmed all of the aspects of this story that I've made available and that my father, Eric Carlson, has repeatedly confirmed. It's all just more of Salas' pathetic nonsense.
Walt Figel has released numerous comments regarding the incidents of March 1967, including the following definitive statement:
"First – your dad has not lied about anything nor do believe that he is even capable of lying about anything at all. He was, is, and always will be an honorable man. You should remember that always – I will.
"Second – Bob Salas was never associated with any shutdown of any missiles at any time in any flight and you can take that to the bank. Just think about this for a split second. He is a person wrapped up in UFOs to the Nth degree. Yet he could not remember he was not at Echo. Then he thought he was at November – wrong again. Then he thought he was at Oscar – wrong again.
"Third – There is no record about anything happening at November or Oscar except in people’s minds that are flawed beyond imagination. Salas has created events out of the thin air and can’t get the facts straight even then. My best friend to this day was the flight commander of the 10th SMS at the time. He and I have discussed this silly assertion in the past couple of years – he thinks it is all madeup nonsense for sure. I put both Salas and Hastings in touch with him and he has told them both that an incident at November or Oscar never happened. In addition he was subsequently stationed at Norton AFB where the engineers tested the possible problems. No little green men were responsible.
"Fourth – I have always maintained that I do not nor have I ever believed that UFOs exist in any form at any place at any time. I have never seen one or reported that I have seen one. I have always maintained that they had nothing to do with the shutdown of Echo flight in Montana.
"Fifth – The event at Malmstrom has a hand written log from me that was turned in just like all the other logs that I wrote over several years. I would think that if I wrote something like that in the log, there would be copies, it would have been classified at the beginning and then released along with the classified SAC messages and base reports. Nothing in that urgent SAC message even hints of UFOs at all and I think that it would if the official logs or telephone calls had referenced that fact.
"Sixth – When it happened, neither your dad nor I were “visibly shaken” by the events. It was just another day with a unexpected event in our lives. It was rather underwhelming at the time. No one rushed out to see us, no one made us sign any papers, no one interrogated us for hours on end.
"There is no Air Force “cover-up” [of the events of March 1967]; it just did not happen the way Salas and has portrayed the course of events. I am sorry that you are all caught up in a pissing contest with these people, I really am. They are just not going to let go no matter what you say or do. He has made a 15 year career pandering about the country talking about things he has no knowledge about. I am not at all interested in taking them on – it’s not worth my effort – I have more important things to do with my life. I much rather just stay out of it.
"Hopefully, we can move on. I did read about a briefing on the 27th here in DC. I am here in VA about 10 miles away. Interesting. Hopefully this helps you and confirms to you at least that your dad is a straight shooter and does not lie to anyone" [This statement regards the press conference Salas and Robert Hastings put together in 2010 in Washington, DC; neither Figel nor my father were invited to present their testimony -- a somewhat odd development. given that Salas and Hastings both insist their testimony confirms their UFO claims].
Robert Salas' commander at Oscar Flight, Frederick Meiwald, insists that he doesn't even believe in UFOs -- a strange comment to make in light of Salas' insistence that a UFO took out the missiles at Oscar Flight during an incident that resulted in an injury to one non-commissioned officer, requiring that man to be evacuated from the site by helicopter. When interviewed by researcher Robert Hastings, he stated unequivocably that he doesn't remember anything at all about a UFO. In fact, Robert Hastings himself has written:
“Meiwald then elaborated and said that he couldn’t support everything Salas has said about the incident because he had been resting/sleeping when the first missile or two dropped offline -— which occurred moments after Salas received a report from the Oscar Flight Security Controller about a UFO hovering over the Launch Control Facility’s front gate.
“Although Salas had quickly told Meiwald about that telephone conversation, Meiwald says that he can’t remember it.”
In another interview conducted by Hastings, Meiwald is equally clear:
"RH: Okay. Now, when Bob, I think moments [after] he woke you up, or you got up and sat down at the commander’s consol—he of course had received a call from the Flight Security Controller, saying that there was a bright red, oval-shaped object hovering over the security fence gate—my understanding is that is what he told you as soon as you were at your consol, that he had received this call and, uh, that of course coincided with the missiles beginning to malfunction. Do you recall him telling you that?
"FM: I really don’t remember that portion of it, relative to the bright object. I remember an unusual condition [but] as far as the details, uh, I can’t elaborate on that."
The following exchange is also revealing:
"RH: Okay. He of course has also said that you two were, uh, when you were back at Malmstrom, you were debriefed by OSI and required to sign non-disclosure statements. Do you remember that?
"FM: I remember being directed to do that. But that was no problem. I’ve been one of these people, when told to forget something, I forget it—eventually [inaudible].
"RH: Right, well, is that a polite way of saying that you really don’t want to discuss this, even though you know more than you’re saying?
"FM: No, I’m saying I don’t remember."
In a letter from 1996 from Meiwald to Salas, Meiwald insists that there was no debriefing by OSI and he was not required to sign non-disclosure statements in regard to any UFOs he allegedly witnessed, contrary to Salas' testimony since 1996. He also states in that letter that what he recalls is very different from the bulk of Salas' testimony. Meiwald has never confirmed Salas' UFO claims, which is also contrary to Salas' claims since 1996.
For nearly ten years Salas also used Meiwald as a confirmation of the events at both November Flight and Oscar Flight, stating that either my father or someone else called Meiwald on March 16 and told him all about Echo Flight. When interviewed by Hastings, Meiwald stated, "Whatever happened over at Echo, I have no idea." He has rebuffed completely all attempts by Salas to establish confirmation for the UFOs they've invented.
Meiwald has also clearly stated in other interviews with Salas that only 3-4 missiles failed during the one missile failures event he has recalled. Salas insists the entire flight of ten missiles dropped offline, and again uses Meiwald as a confirmation. In addition, Meiwald has NEVER stated that the UFO story he told Salas in 1996 had anything at all to do with missile failures; it's never even been mentioned in context.
My father, the commander of Echo Flight in March 1967, was present when all ten missiles were taken off of strategic alert by an electronic noise pulse generated internally at the launch control facility. This pulse interfered with the normal operation of the logic coupler on the guidance and control module for that facility, causing thereby the failure of the missiles, which were, in effect, simply turned off. The incident was very well documented and was thoroughly investigated, and every word that Robert Salas has ever said on the subject has been repeatedly discounted or proven outright to be little more than lies and embellishments created for the purpose of making money from the sales of books, the sales of associated videos, and the speaking fees he and Hastings charge as a matter of course when retelling their ridiculous little folk tales.
I'm not asking you to believe these points I've outlined. It isn't necessary, as they're already included in the public record and can be examined by anyone who's interested in the subject. I do ask, however, that you give some further thought to claims you've discussed. You should be aware that there is another point of view in regard to this matter -- one that has been repeatedly confirmed by those men who were actually involved with this singular event in USAF history, has been very well-documented through the years, and was very thoroughly investigated by the USAF for some months after the incident itself.
There were only two witnesses at Echo Flight in March 1967: the commander of the flight, CAPT Eric D. Carlson, and the deputy commander, COL Walter Figel, Jr. Both men have publically affirmed that there was no UFO. Robert Salas, on the other hand, is merely an agitator -- a liar and a fraud -- who has repeatedly misrepresented the claims of the men involved in these incidents. He started utilizing these methods years ago, found out that it made his claims convincing to a few ignorant people, and continued this path of slander and disruption as a result of his minor and isolated successes. He is a petty con-men and a fraudulent huckster -- nothing more.
Most sincerely,
James Carlson
Albuquerque, NM
Project Humanbeingsfirst.org May 5, 2013 4:19 pm (Pacific time)
Americans are among the most gullible people on earth. Why of course, they invented Disneyland for the masses here. But I suspect that the readers of Salem-news are far more sophisticated than that. They understand that this UFO nonsense can only takeoff in America -- and surely will spread like virus to the rest of the planet because the planet apes America, the bastian of Westen civilization and all wonders of the modern world. I would like to bang my head on the wall after reading this article, but it would only increase my existent headache and serve no useful purpose. But perhaps leaving this link might be more useful. It is to an analysis I did a couple of years ago which shows the purpose of this is only psychological conditioning before the mainevent. I think Salem-news also published it (but I can't find the link --- Tim please insert it if you can find it). The article on website is: The Agenda Behind Aliens and UFOs - A Hegelian Mind-Fck http://print-humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.com/2011/01/aliens-and-ufos-hegelian-mind-fck-pt2.html This statement in the article: "The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will attempt to accomplish what the U. S. Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time." is a Hegelian Dialectic. In case someone wants to understand what that is, it is described with detailed examples, including the UFO example, in The Mighty Wurlitzer, I think it was also published here. Perhaps Tim can leave a link if he can locate it. It's also on my website. Thanks, zahir
Dexter May 5, 2013 3:06 pm (Pacific time)
Discovery channel is going to love this.
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