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Is the `Blue Lantern Report` Secretly Aiding Both Sides of a Middle Eastern Civil War?

Is America again playing both sides against the middle for corporate gain as previously demonstrated by the Cuban Project of the fifties and sixties as well as the Iran Contra fiasco of the eighties and the Drug Wars of the nineties?

(COLORADO SPRINGS) - US commercial direct sales weapons program As an American citizen, I have a few questions I would like to ask Congress and The Senate of the United States, as well as the President.

Its obvious our Main Stream Media is not allowed to ask these type questions during their press conferences. If so, they would be thrown out of the room on their butts.

Read Full Article (Sep-16-2013 01:05)

Truth of US-Russia Confrontation

Aggression was over the Moment those Two Missiles were Fired.

(DAMASCUS) - US and Russian confrontation A well informed diplomatic source told As-Safir newspaper that...

“The US war on Syria had started and ended the moment those two ballistic missiles were fired, leaving inconsistent information, as Israel denied and Russia confirmed, until an Israeli statement was issued indicating they were fired in the context of an Israeli-US joint drill and fell in the sea, and that they were not related to the Syrian crisis.”

Read Full Article (Sep-12-2013 17:49)

CIA Using Direct Commercial Sales Program to Arm Jihadist Rebels in Syria

It has been revealed that the CIA was actively smuggling weapons to Syrian rebels as the attack on the Benghazi Embassy was waged.

(OZARK, MO) - Hillary and Obama Most Americans had never even heard of Bashar al-Assad, Syria's President, until Obama started ranting about chemical weapons. I talk to people frequently who still can't identify him by name. They are often dumbfounded when they learn that this country has done little to deserve its wrath from the western powers, with the USA in the lead.

The Syrian rebels are far from rational, they are a sect of Islam that does not seek peace, nor do they accept a secular government like Assad's where Christians and Muslims and Jews lived peacefully together.

Read Full Article (Sep-11-2013 22:37)

The Warmongers Will Play Along with Commonsense for a While but Eventually Come Back onto their Original Course

Henry Bellingham: “What is the Party doing, please, to rein in its dangerous loons before it's too late?”

(LONDON) - My MP Henry Bellingham has replied promptly to a letter on 26 August about the US and UK’s eagerness to “jump the gun” on Syria.

This was before the famous vote in Parliament and while media headlines were screaming: "Britain is planning to join forces with America and launch military action against Syria within days in response to the gas attack believed to have been carried out by President Bashar al-Assad’s forces against his own people..."

Read Full Article (Sep-11-2013 20:14)

UN Rights Council Says Syria Gas Attack Videos, Photos Fake: Russia

Russia says the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) has confirmed that the videos and photos purporting to show the victims of a chemical attack near the Syrian capital, Damascus, were fabricated.

(DAMASCUS) - Syria pro govt protest The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a Tuesday statement that international experts as well as Syrian public and religious leaders presented their evidence to the 24th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on September 9.

It also said evidence provided by numerous witnesses confirms that militants fighting against the Syrian government used chemical weapons in the Damascus suburb of western Ghouta last month.

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2013 14:05)

Arriving First in Syria: Will 1000 American `Human Shields` Stop Another Criminal War?

One common topic being discussed is the reluctance of the American public to attack Syria and how Obama can ignore it. “What kind of Democracy do you have that your President can ignore the will of the American public?”

(DAMASCUS) - Damascus A sort of roller coaster atmosphere pervades Damascus these days with “good” and “bad” news rising and falling, often by the quarter hour.

Much of the population is monitoring closely the news and quickly expressing their interpretations of the latest media reports and rumors as well as predicting the fairly precise timing of the now assumed American attack on their country.

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2013 12:16)

John Kerry Sells a War that Americans Aren`t Buying

If Congress approves military action in Syria, they will fail to represent the people who elected them.

(WASHINGTON DC) - CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin was removed by Capitol police during congressional hearings on Syria [AP].  It was September 19, 2002, and US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was scheduled to address the Senate Armed Services Committee about why it was necessary to invade a country that never attacked us: Iraq.

I was so concerned about the pending war that I flew to Washington DC from my home in San Francisco. It was the first congressional hearing I had ever witnessed.

Read Full Article (Sep-03-2013 20:36)

Which Syrian Chemical Attack Account Is More Credible?

The U.S. government, of course, has a track record that will incline informed observers to approach its claims with skepticism–particularly when it's making charges about the proscribed weapons of official enemies.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Chemical weapons in Syria Let's compare a couple of accounts of the mass deaths apparently caused by chemical weapons in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta on August 21.

One account comes from the U.S. government, introduced by Secretary of State John Kerry.

Read Full Article (Sep-03-2013 01:00)

Contact your Rep on Syria

Warmongers in the Senate, McCain and Graham, promise the attack would be stronger and more destructive than originally described...

(PORTLAND, OR) - Barack Obama Cavalry heading to Syria Obama’s decision to ask Congress to vote on his plan to attack Syria is a real opportunity to personally smoke out your own representative by name.

As their constituent, urge her or him to tell you if they intend to vote against war or explain why they won’t. This is probably more effective than signing petitions from organized groups.

Read Full Article (Aug-31-2013 10:01)

Judgement Day

When you also know that the motto of Mossad is , ‘By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Wage War’, then the picture becomes a little bit clearer.

(LONDON) - “Blood map”, by Tammam Azzam measuring 4.5 meters, is one of a number works of art that depict the conflict in Syria. Every ‘heavenly’ religion warns us of the day we meet our maker and have to answer for our deeds. We call it Judgment Day.

What made me latch onto this word ‘judgment’ was because it was used many a time yesterday by our own Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron, during the afternoon debate in the House of Commons, trying to justify direct military intervention in Syria.

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