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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Aug-27-2013 23:57)

Jumping the Gun on Syria

We are now hearing from the government’s media serfs on a regular basis that Syria has not signed up to the Chemical Weapons Convention, as if that settles the matter.

(LONDON) - Syria British people woke for a second morning to the chilling realisation that the US and UK were not waiting for the results of the UN's enquiries in Syria before launching military intervention.

There's also a suggestion that the UN inspection team’s remit does not include determining blame for the chemical attack (if that's what it was).

Read Full Article (Aug-16-2013 20:59)

Lebanon Offers Palestinians Syria Ramadan Greetings

'Eid Mubarak, Dear brothers and sisters! Yalla! Go back where you came from!'

( MASNAA, Syria/Lebanon border) - Palestinians in Syria On 8/5/13 this observer decided, quite on the spur of the moment, to take a three day break from Damascus the next morning and make a quick trip to Beirut to do some errands because offices would be closed starting at dawn for Eid al Fitr celebrations (a day later for Shia Muslims).

The annual Eid al-Fitr, being the festival of the breaking of the month long Ramadan fast, which observance is regarded as one of the Five Pillars of Islam.

Read Full Article (Aug-10-2013 10:22)

Seven of Syria`s Thirteen Palestinian Camps Now Controlled by Salafi- Jihadists

“Syria’s Palestinian camps have become theaters of war,” - UNWRA Commissioner Filippo Grandi.

(HOMS Palestinian Refugee Camp, Syria) - FSA Jihadists are entering Syria at an accelerating pace, according to Syrian, UNWRA, and Palestinian officials as well as residents in the refugee camps here.

For the now-estimated 7000 imported foreign fighters, Palestinian camps are seen as optimal locales for setting up bases across Syria.

Read Full Article (Jul-24-2013 08:05)

Syrian National Council Says Hizbullah `Mass Graves` Unearthed in Syria

The conflict, pitting a Sunni-dominated rebel movement against Assad, has raised sectarian tensions in Lebanon and Lebanese Sunni fighters have also been killed while fighting alongside Syrian rebels.

(DAMASCUS) - Hezbollah flag The opposition Syrian National Council on Tuesday claimed that it has documented the presence of a number of mass graves containing the bodies of hundreds of Hizbullah fighters who were killed in Syria.

“We have discovered a number of mass graves in which Hizbullah used to bury its members after every battle on Syrian territory, instead of repatriating the bodies to Lebanon,” SNC spokesman Mouayyed Ghizlan told CNN.

Read Full Article (Jul-24-2013 07:31)

NATO Data: Assad Winning the War for Syrians` Hearts and Minds

A report to NATO said Syrians have undergone a change of heart over the last six months. The change was seen most in the majority Sunni community, which was long thought to have supported the revolt.

(LONDON) - Syria and UN After two years of civil war, support for the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad was said to have sharply increased.

NATO has been studying data that told of a sharp rise in support for Assad.

Read Full Article (Jul-18-2013 16:18)

A Russian Lady`s Brutal Rape and the Injustice of Sri Lanka

“They started beating me. I fell to the ground….. They killed Khuram and sexually assaulted me…”

(MOSCOW) - Victoria Tkacheva According to witnesses, Ms. Tkacheva was discovered in a room, naked and unconscious. The police subsequently confirmed that she was either raped or sexually assaulted: “She had been raped or sexually assaulted and had suffered vaginal injuries, according to a Sri Lankan police report”.

Ms. Tkacheva waived her right to anonymity as a rape-victim because she wanted justice. Sadly, justice, in Rajapaksa Sri Lanka, is the ultimate oxymoron.

Read Full Article (Jul-17-2013 10:35)

Chemicals Seized from Area Held by US-Backed Syrian `Rebel` Terrorists

The Syrian army has found toxic chemical agents in Joubar after seizing a factory operated by foreign-backed militants fighting the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

(DAMASCUS Press TV) - boy being treated at a hospital in the Syrian city of Aleppo The army says the chemical materials were found at the factory in the town of Joubar, which was used by militants before Syrian forces gained control of the area.

The Syrian army also claims that the materials were intended to be used for making mortar shells.

Read Full Article (Jul-14-2013 11:12)

Zionist Racism

Imagine if a politician in another country had bragged about lowering a minority group’s birthrate – like Netanyahu and his new ambassador to the U.S. did.

(BETHLEHEM) - Israeli soldiers prepare to arrest a 5-year old boy In this week’s news: Hamas and Fatah rift widens as they picked sides in Egyptian rift; both ended up harming the Palestinian case for perceived factional interests.

Hamas supporters defended their association with President Morsi and Fatah leaders put their support behind the Egyptian military that deposed Morsi.

Read Full Article (Jul-12-2013 11:01)

`Let`s Cut `Em Off at the Knees and Let Allah Sort It Out!`

AIPAC & OFAC Ratchet-Up US Sanctions Targeting Syria and Iran’s Populations.

(DAMASCUS) - Adam J. Szubin and David S. Cohen The US Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Assets Control, since March of 2012, is directed by Mr. Adam J. Szubin who more than once has boasted on the sidelines of a Congressional Hearing on Iran and Syria and at last March’s AIPAC’s national conference, that he fancies himself a modern day Inspector Javert.

Choosing the Victor Hugo character, according to one Congressional source, as a kind of role model because of Javert’s focused and relentless obsession.

Read Full Article (Jun-27-2013 19:52)

The Obama Doctrine

Once again, we are told we have a moral responsibility to ignore international law by attacking a sovereign nation. Just because American troops are not doing the killing does not mean we are not backing a war.

(COOS BAY) - Obama, Clinton and a dead Marine A few months ago I heard a “progressive” talk radio host claim we were in “a historically peaceful time.” I wondered if he is one of those Democrats who think America is only at war if US boots are on the ground.

He credited President Obama for taking most of the troops out of Iraq and promising to do the same in Afghanistan.

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