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Sep-12-2013 17:49
CIA Using Direct Commercial Sales Program to Arm Jihadist Rebels in Syria
Tim King
It has been revealed that the CIA was actively smuggling weapons to Syrian rebels as the attack on the Benghazi Embassy was waged.
(OZARK, MO) - Most Americans had never even heard of Bashar al-Assad, Syria's President, until Obama started ranting about chemical weapons. I talk to people frequently who still can't identify him by name. They are often dumbfounded when they learn that this country has done little to deserve its wrath from the western powers, with the USA in the lead. The Syrian rebels are far from rational, they are a sect of Islam that does not seek peace, nor do they accept a secular government like Assad's where Christians and Muslims and Jews lived peacefully together. Like Libya and Iraq, Syria was not dominated by a religious zealot.
In spite of this, US President Barack Obama is aligning with these forces; tied to the Wahhabi Saudis - who believe women should walk in tent-like burqas and be punished for "crimes" like driving a car. The very worst elements of Islam are the friends of the United States. Now we learn definitively that the US is supplying weapons to the so-called Syrian "rebels" and continuing to endanger and destabilize Syria so that radicals who uphold Sharia law with stones and bullets can be in charge.
It has been revealed that the CIA was actively smuggling weapons to Syrian rebels as the attack on the Benghazi Embassy was waged.
".... The CIA was smuggling weapons from Libyan weapons depots to the Syrian rebels during the 2012 attack on the US embassy in Benghazi. According to a report by CNN, an unnamed source has leaked that the alleged cover-up of the circumstances around the attack is to hide the reality of the smuggling, which occurred before the escalation of the Syrian civil war. This shows that the CIA has been arming the Syrian rebels since at least September 2012. The agents were running the operation out of the Benghazi "annex," which has been reported as a secret safehouse of the CIA in the city, not far from the embassy. This development emerges just one day after reports of CIA intimidation on employees and foreign ground assets.
The problem is that Syria's President is not fully demonized, as Saddam Hussein and Usama bin Laden were. Both Bush presidencies were used to fully propagandize these figures into full-blown evil villains when in fact, both had worked closely with the US as allies in previous years. But then all Middle eastern, Latin American and African national leaders know friendship with the US is something that never lasts long.
"... The CIA has been delivering weapons to rebels in Syria over the past two weeks, with contributions of vehicles and other equipment from the State Department, The Washington Post is reporting.
U.S. officials are hoping the donations will boost the muscle of the rebel fighters in Syria's 2 1/2-year civil war, according to the Post, which cited "U.S. officials and Syrian figures."
The Post says the effort is aimed at supporting rebel Gen. Salim Idriss, commander of the Supreme Military Council, a faction of the fractured opposition. The Post said some of its sources spoke on the condition of anonymity because part of the initiative is covert. ...".
The "Direct Sales Program" is a little known government program that has been underway for a number of years. Some of these weapons have been found in Syria as well as India and Libya.
The following is an excerpt from the novel Deep Cover Shallow Graves by Robert Plumlee; ref CH Ten; FBI office Denver CO 2010:
".... Agent Tanner interrupted. “Conspiracy? Come on Don. Are you saying, Conspiracy at the highest levels? You fellow that line or track and you’ll be seeing a team of doctors all dressed in little white coats, crowded in a little padded room, asking you funny questions. Perhaps you can get a room next to this Pearson character you’ve been telling me about."
Agent Kendrick looked Tanner ‘square on’ and stated flatly. “Don. It’s gun running financed by drug running, covert government ops, off the books.” He threw his hands in the air." "High-impact, high quality military weapons from our stock pile. US weapons going across international borders to hot spots scattered throughout the world. The Middle East, Central America, and Mexico are the hottest spots at the moment. As an example, US weapons account for over two thirds of the weapons found at crime scenes in Mexico—that’s just one example. I believe it’s an ongoing operation patterned much like the old Iran-Contra program of the eighties and the CIA-Cuban projects of the fifties and sixties. These US weapons are showing up in the middle east in record numbers, on both sides of the conflict.
"Some of that profit, as we know today, was being kicked back into political contributions and organized crime figures here in the United States and other countries. It was an international operation for profit and to finance and push minor conflicts into major wars. It’s been ongoing for many years in one form or another. They use people like Will as Shields, castaways. That’s what I believe. And that’s what that file, that Pearson file there indicates. This guy Pearson, Will, has been programed somewhere to forget various past operations and other events of his youth. But now with his advancing age the programing appears to be warring off. His dreams are based on real memories. He’s starting to remember things he should have forgotten. His memories are becoming to detailed to be fabrications.
"To me it looks like some in high places are getting nervous about what this guy might have storied inside, and they are about to launch counter measures."
It’s those highly classified secrets, embedded within those national security files that’s the key. It’s their methods and procedures and the fear of being compromised and what it would lead into, that they are so worried about? Those secrets are the keys to determine if this Pearson character and the events he describes to Doctor Yancey are real or just the imaginations and ramblings of an old, perhaps senile, old man.
If that report and the details embedded within that file are true, then it appears we, the United States government and our foreign policy, play a major roll in instigating the conflicts, which start the wars. It appears we manipulate and escalate that conflict. We supply weapons to both sides at premium, black market prices. We open the doors to the World Wide Arms race. We coddle the International weapons market. It’s Special Ops ‘black operation’ controlled and ran --off the books --by the National Security Council; the White House and its political appointees. It’s their secret army--their Praetorian Guard.
"If you believe what’s in that file, this Will Pearson, in one form or another, has played in that game for a very long time. I’m sure he’s played in more than one sand box, “Perhaps today, some in high places, gathered around that sacred flagpole in DC are still playing the weapons game--still playing both ends against the middle. Perhaps that’s why we can’t get out of Afghanistan, Iraq, or the Middle East. Perhaps that’s why we are constantly bogged down in international ‘brush wars’. Wars that go nowhere except into political rhetoric. It’s little wars in Central America, like Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, and the flashing hot spots of the Middle East, and the Drug War just to name a few. They drain our resources” That Pearson file is the tip of the iceberg. It’s a hard peek into another world; a secret world that few are allowed to see or even allowed to know of its existence. I’m sure there are hundreds of other ‘Pearson files’ locked away out there somewhere; files we at the Bureau will never be allowed to see, let alone John Q citizen." taken from the book Deep Cover Shallow Graves by Robert Plumlee, former CIA asset and pilot
Things the American public does not know about in reference to Direct Commercial Sales to Foreign countries:
Articles for September 11, 2013 | Articles for September 12, 2013 | | 

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Steve Moylett September 16, 2013 9:51 am (Pacific time)
Prior to this administration Russia, at most was a minor player in this part of the world, as were the Islamic radicals. It appears we are now seeing what happens when inexperience, maybe even domestic malice, is running things. Expect more uptick in Americans being subjected to violence around the world. We must have a change in leadership immediately. All the distractions from gun firearm checks (over 70 million of them since Obama was sworn in) global warming scams, and on and on, meaning nothing compared to the violence that is coming to America. The enemy is here now people, talk to any Border Security Fed off the record and let them tell you of the tens of thousands of enemy aliens who have crossed over to America in the last ten plus years. Are they waiting for a set order based on some action by us? Oh yeah! Recall someone bending over and kissing the ring of the Saudi King? Now who does that as an American President?!
Dexter September 16, 2013 7:10 am (Pacific time)
Great story mate.
pinkfloyd September 13, 2013 8:20 pm (Pacific time)
Steve: good post, I have some food for thought tho. I dont have enough info yet to know if this is true, but what if Putin is part of the NWO, and they are simply using him as our next "savior" now that people have found out that obama isnt jesus after all. I dont know, but keep your eyes open. And to anyone that fell for the obama campaign in 2007/2008? turn off your television and think for yourself. Same to the bush/clinton/romney followers. Quit making the same mistakes. You had your chance with Ron Paul and you blew it. That is, unless you are looking forward to the U.S. being a 3rd world banana republic police state. If so, move to north korea.
JamesFre September 13, 2013 4:00 pm (Pacific time)
I find that most people are puppets and fail to believe any truth over what the common press tells them. This has been happening forever and has no end in site until it happens to YOU.
Steve Moylett September 13, 2013 7:34 am (Pacific time)
The current Administration has put America in danger from day one, but now we have a dictator who has now taken control of Obama and you low information and extremely misguided liberals need to take some time and see just what has happened. The below is very informative, take a few minutes, read, and reflect, honestly. "Members of the Washington establishment were quick to denounce Vladimir Putin’s op ed article in Thursday’s New York Times questioning the legitimacy and legality of a U.S. attack on Syria. The White House quickly dismissed his column as “irrelevant” and a sideshow to the real issues at stake. The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said that Putin’s column made him want to “vomit.” Several other members of Congress, including Sen. McCain and Rep. Boehner, have denounced the column. Pundits have also weighed in against Mr. Putin’s intervention into the American debate over Syria. Many tweeters and “texters” have criticized the Times for daring to publish a column by the Russian President that is critical of President Obama and U.S. policy abroad. There is an unspoken sub-text at play here: what President Putin said in his column is pretty much what American liberals and leftists have been saying about the United States since the 1960s. From the standpoint of American liberals, there is nothing the least bit new or controversial in anything Mr. Putin wrote in his column. He is merely hoisting President Obama and his liberal friends by their own ideological petard. Putin made three general points: First, it is contrary to international law for a member of the United Nations to attack another country without approval from the U.N. Security Council. A U.S. attack on Syria, he writes, would undermine the legitimacy of the United Nations and encourage other countries to resort to armed force to settle international differences. As he writes, “Under current international law, force is permitted only in self-defense or by the decision of the Security Council. Anything else is unacceptable under the United Nations Charter and would constitute an act of aggression.” Second, the major powers should avoid armed intervention into internal conflicts and civil wars in other countries. Such interventions are likewise illegitimate under international law. They are also ineffective and typically result only in an escalation in the level of violence. Third, the United States is not an “exceptional” nation, or no more exceptional than any other nation is, and this belief promotes a sense that the United States is not bound by conventional rule of international conduct. Since Americans believe they are exceptional, he suggests, they believe they can make their own rules. As he writes, “It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.” Where have we heard Mr. Putin’s principles before? They are in fact basic articles of faith among American liberals who have been saying for decades that the U.S. should not use military force without United Nations authorization, we should not intervene in civil wars abroad, and the idea of American exceptionalism is a myth used to cover up crimes against women and minorities at home and the poor and oppressed abroad."
pinkfloyd September 12, 2013 6:32 pm (Pacific time)
Sorry, just one more. So, obama administration is pushing the Arms Treaty with the U.N., while breaking the treaty by sending weapons to drug cartels and terrorists...I told ya long ago, the arms treaty is put in place so only the bankers can control the guns. And obama is nothing more than a banker puppet. Same with bush, clinton and many before them...wake up
pinkfloyd September 12, 2013 6:30 pm (Pacific time)
Interesting: obama administration wants to take our guns, while giving them free to alCIAduh rebels and terrorists and drug cartels...This is 1984
pinkfloyd September 12, 2013 6:28 pm (Pacific time)
What is interesting is: I cant rely on the police, they are either low IQ minions for making revenue, or they shoot the wrong people, that is, if they even show up, to protect me from drug cartels or al CIAduh, while my own government takes my taxes and arms alCIAduh and the drug cartels. (fast and furious/benghazi/egypt/syria)...Aint that a hoot? I thought we gave up all our rights and liberties because alCIAduh was gonna get us, and now they are arming alCIAda?????????????????????????????????? And why is the obama administration arming rebels that are killing hundreds of thousands of Christians? Answer that one for me.. This government has gone mad, they are psychopathic liars and murderers. And most dont care, as long as they have their iphone/tv/video games/EBT cards/welfare.
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