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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jul-15-2011 02:22)

Israel Fires on Two Americans off Gaza Coast

With Vittorio Arrigoni out of the way, Israel increases attacks on Gaza fishing boats.

(GAZA) - Israeli boat attacks Americans off Gaza coast Two Americans are among those rescued after Israeli naval forces attacked unarmed Palestinian boats for the second consecutive day.

Israel's attacks on unarmed fishing crews who are hard pressed to earn a living, are on the rise.

Read Full Article (Jul-14-2011 19:33)

Abir Aramin was shot in the head, but nobody shot her

No one has been punished and no one will be punished.

(TEL AVIV) - Abir Aramin On Sunday 10 July 2011, 8 Tammuz, the legal seal of approval was given to the book The King’s Torah [1] by Israel`s High Court of Justice, which ruled that the child Abir Aramin, age 10, who was shot in the head three years ago in Anata, was struck by a bullet that came from an unknown rifle fired by unknown soldiers or police.

The projectile that was found under her small body has found no home, and it might as well stop searching.

Read Full Article (Jul-12-2011 14:55)

Starving Gaza is not cricket

Neither is stopping the aid flotilla sailing.

(LONDON) - Image from the service of Gaza Activist Vittorio Arrigoni. Setting sail with the Gaza Flotilla is no Sunday afternoon game of cricket. You're suddenly in the blockade busting business and if you succeed in getting through you'll put a lot of noses out of joint and symbolically squidge the evil ambitions of racist-supremacists like Netanyahu, Barak, Lieberman and Peres.

You’re interfering in their economic terror war to crush Hamas. And the Israelis don’t take kindly to anyone spoiling their sick fun.

Read Full Article (Jul-12-2011 13:34)

Libya and US Debt: Another Treasury-Draining War

Clearly the reason now for the NATO-led Libya mission is a regime change of vital civil interest to the U.S., and if not, why is the U.S. participating, especially when are economy is faltering?

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Libyan rebels rested Wednesday after seizing Qawalish, a village in western Libya. (NY Times) The U.S. national debt exceeds $14.2 trillion and climbing. About 14 million Americans are unemployed. Public health, education, social services, and police and fire departments are facing cutbacks.

Yet, the bill for U.S. participation in the NATO-led Libya mission is projected to reach at least $844 million by September with the U.S. funding about three quarters of the military spending by all NATO countries.

Read Full Article (Jul-11-2011 15:48)

Uri Avnery Elaborates on Israeli Psychosis

I don't always agree with Avnery but I have a lot of respect to this brave man.

(LONDON / TEL AVIV) - אורי אבנרי‎, Uri Avneri, is an Israeli writer and outspoken advocate for the people of Palestine In this video, noted Israeli activist Uri Avnery refers to the Israeli ignorance, arrogance and collective neurosis.

The founder of the Israeli peace movement Gush Shalom, Uri Avnery Hebrew: אורי אבנרי‎, Uri Avneri, is an Israeli writer and outspoken advocate for the people of Palestine.

Read Full Article (Jul-11-2011 12:58)

Gaddafi Can Stay `In Another Room of the Palace`

France Says NATO Bombing Has Failed.

(TRIPOLI) - NATO damage in Libya The world is increasingly examining the role of NATO in Libya with critical eyes.

Could it be that this is one more money and oil sham? The people of Tripoli believe that as they bury their dead.

Read Full Article (Jul-10-2011 18:20)

Welcome to the State of the Police

Special thanks to Adam Keller's blog, for Israeli citizen Hagai Matar's eyewitness account of events yesterday at Ben Gurion airport.

(TEL AVIV) - Welcome to Palestine Hundreds of police and other security personnel, dozens of Interior Ministry employees, a careful intelligence work, a massive PR campaign. What for?

In order to prevent a few hundred peace activists from touring the country and seeing its reality that, to arrest five Israelis, and drive away from the airport three journalists - including yours truly.

Read Full Article (Jul-10-2011 17:44)

Flotilla, Flytilla and the prospect of `Civil Society Action`

Israel's fate is doomed. It is just a question of time. It is not a matter of ‘if’ but a question of ‘when’.

(LONDON) - Gaza boy It might be argued that the passing week was not very easy on the Palestinian solidarity movement: firstly, an international peaceful flotilla aiming to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza did not manage to leave Greek ports.

The Greek government had surrendered submissively to Israeli pressure and American Jewish organisations, and blocked the naval enterprise.

Read Full Article (Jul-10-2011 13:25)

Franklin Lamb in Tripoli - Libyans ask `Why Now?`

The bottom line is that there is support for Gaddafi in Libya and the west isn't paying attention.

(TRIPOLI, Libya) - Franklin Lamb in Lebanon A fresh report from Tripoli on the mood and situation on the ground. Franklin Lamb is a well known International lawyer who provides regular updates from the Arab world.

Recent reports have seen other writers take exception to Franklin's point of view.

Read Full Article (Jul-09-2011 22:23)

Netanyahu Panics When Folks Like Kathy Kelly Come to Visit Palestine by Sea or By Air

Allegations of Israel's blockade of West Bank were proven to be exactly what Israel's critics claim.

(CHICAGO) - Kathy Kelly When the Israeli government discovered that a large contingent of American and European activists were coming to visit Palestine, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went into his full military stance.

He made one huge mistake. He forgot to ask: What is the enemy’s goal?

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