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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-26-2013 13:27)

Pakistan: Rise in Blasphemy Accusations After Peshawar Church Bombing

Reactions from the Muslim majority to the protests were mixed, which might signify how Christians are on the whole perceived in Pakistani society.

(PESHAWAR) - Christians across the country took to the streets to protest after 96 people were killed in the bombing of All Saints Church, Peshawar Two months ago, on September 22, two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside All Saints Church in Peshawar when congregants were leaving the church after the Sunday communion.

The incident was a landmark in the history of Pakistani Christians. To condemn this largest attack on the Christian community – in terms of loss of life – Christians from across the country held protest rallies, claiming that, as a recognised minority, the government fails to protect Christians.

Read Full Article (Nov-25-2013 15:11)

Egypt Thwarts `the New Middle East` Conspiracy

On June 30th Egyptians once again, mesmerized the world with a real revolution and with the help of a patriotic military managed to not only do away with the rule of the terrorist MB group but to put the whole new made-in-US world order/conspiracy to a halt.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Egypt today A couple of years ago and while the millions of Egyptians were embarking on the world’s biggest occupy-your-square movement, President Obama alluded to what was happening in Tahrir Square, the hub of the Egyptian uprising, and said “We are witnessing history unfold in Egypt” … and as much as he was right then, he is now way on the wrong side of history and deadly dishonest, as if honesty had to do with politics, about what is still unfolding in Egypt.

Even more, Obama’s administration is foolishly losing Egypt, a pivotal Middle-Eastern state that has been a close ally to the US for over 40 years now...

Read Full Article (Nov-25-2013 00:55)

Four Coptic Christians Killed at the Exit of a Wedding in Egypt

The Salafists, who are even more extreme than the Muslim Brotherhood, have taken advantage of the chaos to terrorize the Copts. Copts have also come under attack jihadists in Sinai.

(MADRID) - Coptic Christian protest in Egypt The Foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has issued two campaigns with the slogans: "Syria, The Church will not abandon you" and "With your prayer peace is possible".

Moreover, in the Arab Republic of Egypt Coptic Christians are killed by the Muslim Brotherhood, accusing them of being to blame for the ills of Egyptian society..

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2013 13:14)

Hindus Welcome Leonardo DiCaprio`s $3 Million Donation to Save Nepal Tigers

Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, commended LDF’s reported focus on “empowering local communities”, which were mostly Hindu.

(RENO) - Tigers in Nepal Hindus have welcomed Oscar nominated Hollywood actor-producer Leonardo DiCaprio’s (The Aviator) bold initiative of donating $3 million for saving tigers in Nepal.

According to reports, this grant by Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF) will help World Wildlife Fund (WWF) double Nepal’s wild tiger population by 2022 (next Chinese Year of the Tiger), create tiger corridors, protect core areas for tiger breeding, prevent poaching, monitoring and helping communities.

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2013 12:21)

Palestinian Sisters as Keepers of Their Brothers
Inside Emergency Damascene Shelters

Prior to the armed conflict in Syria, Yarmouk, a suburb just south of Damascus city, was home to over 160,000 Palestine refugees.

( AL ZAHERA NEIGHBORHOOD, S Damascus) - Palestinian kids vin Damascus This brief update is not focused on the ever deteriorating grave conditions of Palestinians and Syrians displaced and often trapped inside dangerous areas on Damascus, where this observer had been visiting some of the 24 former Damascus public schools currently being used as shelters.

Rather it seeks to highlight the esprit de corps, solidarity, resistance, and good will among Palestinians here is Damascus who were forced from Yarmouk and other camps and how they are huddled and preparing for a harsh winter which one senses these frigid nights it not far off.

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2013 11:45)

Feeling So Lonely

I write for the people who suffer for nothing, Christians are the marginalized segment of the society, like me.

(ISLAMABAD) - Christianity in Pakistan Pakistan - with a Muslim majority, the country’s Christian population is quite small, about 3-5 percent is Christian. Among them, 98% are living below poverty line. In rural areas, they live under the pressure of their landlords and in urban areas most of them work as laborers and could barely make ends meet. In the capital, Christians live around the seasonal drainage and flood during raining seasons.

I know I cannot eradicate poverty or change their social status.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2013 21:49)

Christians of Pakistan Under the Blasphemy Law

The National Commission for Justice and Peace reveals during the last 25 years, 1,058 cases of blasphemy were registered. From 1927 to 1986, only seven cases of blasphemy were registered in the subcontinent.

(LONDON) - Mobs like this one in Pakistan have terrorized Christians Living in a land of 97% Muslims, the Christians in Pakistan have the fear of persecution all the time in the guise of threats, discrimination and hatred but one intimidation that hovers on them every time is the blasphemy law.

Pakistan got independence in 1947 from the British rule and the Christians living in the subcontinent decided to be the part of Pakistan although many have decided else and preferred to live in India.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2013 11:46)

Fear of Arrest and Harassment for Human Rights Lawyer Sardar Mushtaq Gill and His Family

Advocates say he is being targeted due to giving legal assistance in blasphemy cases. (Includes supporting documents)

(LAHORE) - Human rights defender Advocate Sardar Mushtaq Gill LEAD (Legal Evangelical Association Development) is deeply concerned that human rights defender Advocate Sardar Mushtaq Gill has gone into hiding due to a fear of an illegal raid for arrest; he has been harassed by Police Officials who were operating illegally without police uniforms.

On 18 November, 2013, at approximately 9:30 PM in the late night, when people mostly are in bed, in Phool Nagar (Bhai Pheru) some unidentified persons came to his home and knocked at the door.

Read Full Article (Nov-20-2013 14:51)

Afghan Senators to Boycott Jirga

The Taliban and Hezb-e-Islami Party condemned the Jirga last week, saying that even considering prolonging U.S. involvement in Afghan affairs was a crime against the country.

(KABUL) - Kabul, Afghanistan near Camp Phoenix, a U.S. base. A number of Afghan Senators on Sunday voiced criticisms of the upcoming Loya Jirga and said that they would not participate in the gathering.

The Loya Jirga, which will convene on Thursday, will bring together thousands of government, religious and tribal leaders from around the country to discuss the Kabul-Washington Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA).

Read Full Article (Nov-19-2013 17:03)

`Shall We Stop this Bleeding?`: A Call from Kevin Annett

Half of the problem is rooted in the fact that church leaders ask their congregations to not report crime to law enforcement - but rather to keep it in the church political system.

(SACRAMENTO ) - Kevin Annett I feel honored to know Kevin Annett, much less serve as his news editor. I know of few people with such passion and dedication toward helping the voiceless, the nameless, the poor. His work for humanity in exposing Genocide and helping befall high ranking members of the Catholic Church for protecting priests that rape children is extremely important.

So many people bemoan the anguish of child sex trafficking, rape and abuse victims, yet 99% of the people do nothing about it.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
