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Christian-Buddhist-Jewish Leaders Support Hindus Upset Over Lord Shiva Beer

The beer, named as “Shiva”, displays the image of Hindu Lord Shiva in Nataraja form.

(RENO) - Shiva Beer In a remarkable interfaith gesture, Christian-Buddhist-Jewish leaders have backed Hindus upset over Indian Pale Ale beer brewed in Asheville (North Carolina, USA) carrying the name-image of Hindu deity Lord Shiva.

Read Full Article (Dec-04-2013 13:03)

After the Humiliation of the Last Papal Visit
Will the Pope Insist on Seeing Gaza this Time?

Or should he, too, boycott Israel until Jerusalem and the Christian and Muslim communities are freed from occupation?

(LONDON) - Gaza after Israel's attack 'Cast Lead' that killed more than 1400 people, almost 400 children among them. CNN reports on Israeli PM Netanyahu's reception at the Vatican and plans for the Pope to visit Israel in May.

Recalling the shabby treatment of religious leaders on previous visits to the Holy Land, let us hope Pope Francis takes a firmer line than his predecessor and insists on seeing Gaza and ministering to his terrorised flock there. In May 2009, when Benedict was Pope, the Vatican told the Israeli press that the Holy Father would refrain from visiting Gaza. The word ‘refrain’ was a peculiar one in the circumstances. "The Pope will refrain from visiting Gaza...." smacks of abstinence, as in refraining from sexual intercourse.

Read Full Article (Dec-03-2013 19:39)

Preface: Hijacking The Holy Qur`an And Its Religion Islam - Muslims and Imperial Mobilization

The substance of these modern techniques of mind manipulation and behavior control is examined in the companion volume on Modernity.

(LOS ANGELES) - Project Human Beings First This book which you now hold in your hands, Hijacking The Holy Qur'an And Its Religion Islam – Muslims and Imperial Mobilization 1st Edition 2013, is a broad compendium of topics at the intersection of religion of Islam and political science. It is a case study in social engineering and is not intended as an advocacy of Islam. Volume I is abridged version.

This present compilation is broadly focused on demonstrating how the religion of Islam has systematically been misused for “imperial mobilization” and narrow self-interests, and how its singular scripture, the Holy Qur'an, has itself contributed to that state of affairs.

Read Full Article (Dec-03-2013 13:08)

Upset Hindus Urge Withdrawal of Lord Shiva Beer in USA

In Hinduism, Lord Shiva, along with Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu, forms the great triad of Hindu deities. Moksh (liberation) is the ultimate goal of Hinduism. There are about three million Hindus in USA.

(RENO) - Lord Shiva Upset Hindus have urged Asheville (North Carolina, USA) based Asheville Brewing Co. to apologize and withdraw its Indian Pale Ale beer carrying image of Lord Shiva, calling it highly inappropriate.

This beer, named as “Shiva”, displays the image of Hindu Lord Shiva in Nataraja form.

Read Full Article (Dec-02-2013 19:08)

Message of Hope in the Time of Trouble

“A voice is a human gift; it should be cherished and used, to utter fully human speech as possible. Powerlessness and silence go together.” Margaret Atwood

(LONDON) - Pakistani Christian band Hallelujah Amidst the trials and un-ending problems for the Christians living in Pakistan, certainly no words or actions can pacify or comfort those living there.

Under constant threats and the fear of something might happen which will shatter their lives in the form of persecution, attack or blasphemy law, God’s hand is more powerful to strengthen the Christians of Pakistan in their faith.

Read Full Article (Dec-02-2013 13:54)

Salafist Crimes in Syria Against Islam Escalate as Sunnis Join Shia in Repudiation

U.S. backed Salafist extremists are turning Syria into a living hell for women.

(DAMASCUS) - Salafist militant in Syria Reports from across Syria, increasingly arriving from such diverse locations as Aleppo, Qalamoun and Reqaa, lay bare massive crimes now being perpetrated against the Syrian people in areas under Salafist control.

A recent German domestic intelligence service annual report describes Salafism as the fastest growing Islamic movement in Syria. And indeed, interviews conducted by this observer recently in Damascus indicate that mainstream Salafism, with its emphasis on adherence to the Koran’s principles and standards for correct behavior towards humanity, is being deeply subverted in the Syrian Arab Republic by forces organized from outside this country.

Read Full Article (Dec-01-2013 13:11)

`Tis the season to be jolly...
A Dissertation On Comparative Religions

Man is the only religious animal... that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat if his theology isn't straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother's path to happiness and heaven... - Mark Twain

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Pillory at Charing Cross Our godly neighbor nation to the south has just about run the gamut of the current news cycle, exhausting their tears and incredulity over the massacre of children.

But this holy tide of Christmas all other doth deface, so its high time all of us were getting on with it, redirecting our attention to ringing sleigh bells and shoe-horning beloved carols into the doggerel of year-end car sales.

Read Full Article (Nov-29-2013 22:31)

`As Sick as a Plane to Lourdes`: Memories of Reverend Bud, or Why We Need Not Fear Rulers

A reminder that rulers of whatever denomination tend to exchange not only their ethics but wisdom and reason itself for a new sauna and nicer wall panelling in their private studies.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Vancouver School of Theology (VST) He was an odious little creep, even by church standards. But in his immaculate suit and "I can sell you anything" smile, he obviously had just the right stuff to head a seminary: specifically, as Principal of my Alma Mater, the Vancouver School of Theology (VST).

His name was Bud Phillips, and he dropped among all the pious bunnies a year after I had enrolled there.

Read Full Article (Nov-28-2013 22:05)

Hauled Over the Coals - Incompetent Puppet Finally Gets the Boot

Christian and other minorities are losing their voice in Pakistan's political arena.

(ISLAMABAD) - Tahir Khalil Sindhu Tahir Khalil Sindhu – the only Minister in Punjab province, resigned from his portfolio as provincial minister for health after Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif severely reprimanded him for inefficiency.

And Pakistan Times reported “Incompetent” Sindhu gets the boot. A Health Ministry’s spokesperson said the chief minister confronted Sindhu over his inability to implement precautionary measures.

Read Full Article (Nov-26-2013 20:39)

Fighting A Monster

Artists express their discontent with the monsters found in corporate greed at the expense of the middle and lower class, the consistent attack on human rights and freedom, the misuse of the military in imperialistic wars, and of course in the tragedy of Palestine

(BOSTON) - From left to right, Jay R. Crook, Agron Belica, a.k.a. Aldin Entertainment’s most recent production, Fighting a Monster, continues the focus on societal and political ills.

From the monsters of corruption of governmental institutions and “1984”-style “big brother”-spying on the daily communications of an unsuspecting citizenry, fear-mongering to ensure obedience, the transformation of America from a democracy to a corporate oligarchy, the hypocritical posturings of politicians and faux statesmen, to the monster of the genetic manipulation of our food supplies.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
