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The Rise of the GOP`s Holy See

Foremost in the minds of the Founders: was separation of Church and State...

(PASO ROBLES, CA) - Karl Rove cartoon The Republican Party has become a more religious body than political, and it is Evangelists who guide the politicians and who are calling the political shots.

If Karl Rove is not the architect he at least is their chosen who persistently strives for greater dominance.

Read Full Article (May-29-2012 21:06)

Controversial Liam Fox Visit to Sri Lanka

Arun Tambimuttu said the MPs had responded positively to an invitation they extended during a meeting held with them in London recently.

(JAFFNA, Sri Lanka) - Liam Fox A group of British Conservative MPs including Liam Fox will visit Jaffna.

They will monitor the current situation in the peninsula especially on the alleged military presence, Presidential Advisor Arun Tambimuttu said yesterday.

Read Full Article (May-28-2012 23:50)

New Face in NYC and New Voice from Florida

Mordechai Vanunu's image lights up during rush hour in Times Square.

(CLERMONT, FLA) - Mordechai Vanunu electronic billboard in New York City Last week it became official that this citizen of conscience obtained beyond the required number of petition signatures to get my name of the 2012 ballot for US HOUSE of Representatives, District 5 in Florida.

Last week, this image also flashed during rush hour in Times Square, New York City, as Israel's Nuclear Whistle Blower's June 6 Appeal blanketed US Mainstream Media NEWS Desks nationwide.

Read Full Article (May-28-2012 23:28)

Lebanon On the Brink (I of II)

Lebanon is rife with rumors and people are convinced that all the recent developments are linked together.

(BEIRUT) - Hizbollah peace sign Lebanon is always on the verge of civil war, but this status does not always mean that civil war is necessarily around the corner.

It may happen tomorrow, or Lebanese may find a way to postpone its eruption, but civil war is inevitable.

Read Full Article (May-26-2012 22:31)

It`s a church! No, it`s a state! Stop! You`re both right!

Why We are Still in the Middle Ages: The Vatican Inquisition Strikes Back.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Inquisition Paolo Gabriele is languishing in a secret church prison tonight in Vatican City after being arrested by church police for having some of the Pope’s private papers in his possession.

The Pope’s former butler and a father of three children is threatened with thirty years in a papal jail for having uncovered some of Joseph Ratzinger’s dirty secrets.

Read Full Article (May-25-2012 17:42)

Does it Explode?

"Once we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do is run around like drugged roaches in a bottle" - Israeli general

(BETHLEHEM) - Langston Hughes Our situation in Palestine is very dire indeed. Millions of Palestinians squeezed uinto concentration areas and money pours in to a few of them to keep the lid on the rest of us.

Among Palestinians and Israelis, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Read Full Article (May-25-2012 13:37)

How I Survived a Tel Aviv Mob Attack

Things are getting very sketchy in Israel...

(TEL AVIV +972Mag) - A crowd starting a fire on the main road of Hatikva (Activestills) Last night I had to flee a raging mob not too far from my home in south Tel Aviv.

After long speeches of incitement by right-wing parliamentarians, the masses stormed after me and a fellow journalist, and then turned on African asylum seekers, their businesses and their homes. This is how it happened.

Read Full Article (May-24-2012 13:26)

William Nicholas Gomes: the Enemy`s Enemy

Asian governments are out of line with their obligations toward humanity and he won't stop writing about it.

(SALEM) - William Gomes interviewing a mother whose son is acid survivor at Dhaka Medical College Hospital for News agency Asia News Blatantly false claims are published in Bangladesh over our human rights ambassador, a highly effective journalist / activist named William Nicholas Gomes.

William has been under constant attack by pro-government media and they are dastardly in their methodical attempt to discredit our writer. It is not going to work out for them however.

Read Full Article (May-24-2012 01:56)

England`s Savage Treatment of an Immigrant Family

Racism in the UK: family terrorized over jailed children. Mainstream press ignores substantial case.

(SALEM) - Musa family children- before they were taken from their parents. A Wood Green Crown Court case in North London may be one of the ugliest debacles in a 'court of law' that I have ever heard of.

Chiwar and Gloria Musa moved to the UK, only to be greeted by a nightmare. An unfounded allegation led to their children being yanked from the household as if the family had no rights at all.

Read Full Article (May-23-2012 16:23)

No Party Politics - No Elections

SO, SF is not included in Tiran Alles's new party, as its only a “remission of the balance sentences to be served by the above prisoner.”

(COLOMBO Sri Lanka) - Sarath Fonseka "I might not be able to contest and vote, but still I can do politics," Fonseka, 61, told Reuters on Tuesday in a telephone interview from his home outside the capital, Colombo.

"I can educate the people, I can talk to people and have meetings," he said. (quote from Reuters – on line 23 May)

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
