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USCIRF Alarmed by Anti-Semitic Remarks in Hungary

“The listing of Jews in Hungary brings up memories of the darkest days of Nazism...” - USCIRF Chair Katrina Lantos Swett

(WASHINGTON DC) - Marton Gyongyosi Marton Gyongyosi, a Hungarian politician from the far-right Jobbik party, has issued a statement urging the government to create a list of Jews who pose a “national security risk.”

Gyongyosi serves as the leader of Jobbik, which is the third largest party in the Hungarian parliament with 44 of the 386 seats.

Read Full Article (Dec-02-2012 20:20)

Zed Wants Lindsay Lohan to Apologize for `Racist` Gypsy Remarks

Lohan reportedly had an altercation with a fortune teller when she reportedly uttered the racist Gypsy slur.

(RENO, NV) - Lindsay Lohan Distinguished religious statesman Rajan Zed has asked for an immediate public apology from Hollywood diva Lindsay Lohan (Mean Girls) for suggesting gypsies were thieves.

Read Full Article (Dec-02-2012 17:54)

Are Israel`s Jews, Some of Them, on Their Way to Becoming Nazis?

The headline was provoked by the announcement that Netanyahu is joining forces with Yisrael Beiteinu, the ultra-nationalist group led by Avigdor Lieberman...

(LONDON) - Israeli Nazi's Some and perhaps many will regard my headline question as offensive but I make no apology for asking it.

I take comfort from the fact that my decision to pose it is fully supported by one of my very dear Jewish friends - Nazi holocaust survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer.

Read Full Article (Nov-24-2012 15:54)

The First Annual Great Canadian Frock Off

Where You get to help Name, Shame and Expel notorious clergy persons in your Neighborhood!

(TORONTO / VANCOUVER) - Kevin Annett and supporters in Canada In the wake of growing revelations of hideous crimes and their coverup by mainstream churches across Canada (and elsewhere), we're pleased to announce the commencement of The First Annual Great Canadian Frock Off.

This nation-wide community event is your chance to publicly identify, defrock and permanently banish child raping priests, corrupt clergy and other wolves...

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2012 12:34)

Loving, 45 Years Later

So much for post-racial America. So much for Supreme Court rulings. So much for a nation where people are allowed to mind their own business.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Mildred and Richard Loving, circa 1967 I keep hearing that we live in a “post-racial society.”

I’m not sure what that would look like, but I do know that race has not left the building, and the 1967 Supreme Court ruling striking down the law of the Commonwealth of Virginia did not end the struggle of interracial couples...

Read Full Article (Nov-11-2012 02:40)

UK`s Responsibility to the Palestinians

The Balfour declaration was a direct outcome of some intensive Jewish Lobby pressure in both Britain and the USA.

(LONDON) - Balfour Declaration stamp In the following Guardian letter a few Palestinians and Pro Palestinian activists call for the British government to acknowledge publicly the responsibility for previous British administrations for the Balfour Declaration and Palestinian suffering.

I totally agree with the content of the letter, yet, it fails to address the most crucial and obvious fact.

Read Full Article (Nov-11-2012 02:13)

The White Minority of Post-America, The Obama Phenomenon and The Indigenous World Court

The Post-America world of minorities is a fitting backdrop for the larger picture of the world's indigenous people.

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Indigenous people On the 5th of November, a day before the Presidential election, Jim McTague, a discerning columnist in Barron's Magazine, wrote a brilliant piece.

The writer predicted a stunning victory by Mitt Romney...

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2012 13:38)

Kevin Annett and Bill Annett Are OK in My Book

Kevin was one of the few people in British Columbia in the 1990's with the courage to go public with concerns about a pedofile group operating in the judiciary.

(BRITISH COLUMBIA) - Kevin and Bill Annett I DO NOT concur or agree with any of the allegations made against Kevin Annett or William Annett.

I have met Kevin Annett on several occasions and I follow his important work. I have found him to be an honourable gentlemen in all respects.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2012 19:48)

South African Presidency Refers School Racism Matter to Basic Education Ministry

Hindus form a considerable part of South Africa population.

(RENO, NV) - Flag of South Africa In South Africa, one grade-three student faced racial and derogatory slurs for the last three years from the teacher in front of classmates for wearing a religious string and was asked to remove it.

When he complained, he was told to hide the red string with a jersey.

Read Full Article (Nov-02-2012 19:39)

Truth, like the Air We Breathe

An Open Letter and Appeal to Dennis Banks, the American Indian Movement, and People of Good Will

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Kevin Annett In this writing, Kevin Annett addresses one of his most outspoken critics; a man who insists that Kevin's work exposing the Native American Genocide in Canada is wrong.

Kevin explains how pointless the public attacks are and tells his critic he's been the target of "badjacketing" tactics by the FBI

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
