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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-18-2008 13:01)

Dangerous Drugs: Dead Patients

Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician Pharmacologist and Toxicologist.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - As a geezer, well into geezerhood, I read AARP News and Senior & Boomer News to see how I am fairing; AARP says we geezers are being screwed. Is there any other real news?

Well yes, Senior & Boomer News prints an article by Jack Pflug whom I read occasionally. He writes that Oregonians are paying the price for untreated drug & alcohol abuse which costs Oregonians $5.9 billion a year. One of his subjects is the Drug Free Workplace Initiative. Actually this for some really perverse reason is aimed at legal cannabis/medical marijuana users.

A recent article I found on my computer indicates the 20 most dangerous drugs/causing most deaths. I will include those of pharmaceutical importance...

Read Full Article (Nov-18-2008 11:08)

VA Clinic Groundbreaking at the Oregon Veterans` Home‏

Good news for veterans in Central Oregon.

(THE DALLES, Ore.) - Iraq photo by Tim King The Portland VA Medical Center will hold a brief groundbreaking ceremony for the VA The Dalles Clinic at 10:00 AM Friday, November 21st, at 704 Veterans Drive in The Dalles.

The VA says that when complete, the 1,288 square foot clinic will provide primary care and mental health service to veterans in The Dalles area. "This new facility in The Dalles will ease the burden of travel for more than 1,200 veterans who currently use other Portland VAMC facilities for their medical care," David Stockwell, Portland VA Medical Center, Acting Director said.

"We are pleased with the partnership and support of the Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs to place primary care and mental health services closer to the veteran population in The Dalles and surrounding communities."

Read Full Article (Nov-18-2008 07:30)

Boy Crushed by Truck Continues to Inspire Disabled Veterans (VIDEO)

"Big Evan" is a 'Boy Wonder' whose good deeds would compete with Superman any day.

(MARION, Ill.) - VA child volunteer Few stories give my heart strings the workout that this one does. A 4-year boy who spends his extra time cheering up wounded and disabled vets with his grandmother in Illinois, narrowly survived being crushed by a pick-up truck. The story involves gritted teeth, forgiveness, perseverance, recovery, and a really unforgettable airplane ride.

On October 8th 2008, Susan Tackitt's youngest grandson was run over by a 3/4 ton pickup. Both wheels went over this tiny child who has been a VA Volunteer for more than half of his life. When "Big Evan" was hit by the truck, he was seriously injured, according to Tackitt.

"His femor and pelvis were broken, he had lacerations on his liver and spline and is in a full body cast," Tackitt said, adding that, "For four days he wouldn't eat."

Read Full Article (Nov-16-2008 17:53)

Casualty Numbers in Iraq War Escalate

Combat and accidents continue to claims lives in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Casualties are up in Iraq in recent days and weeks. As the word is released that the U.S. will stay in Iraq for the next three years, the Department of Defense released information regarding a number of casualties in Iraq, and the death of one soldier in Jalalabad, Afghanistan.

Eight deaths have been reported since November 5th. Casualties in this group are both combat-related, non-combat related, and from vehicle accidents.

All who were killed in recent days are members of the U.S. Army. The number of casualties in Afghanistan seems to have dropped in recent weeks.

Read Full Article (Nov-13-2008 17:42)

Medical Marijuana Ignorance: Lobbyist Dan Harmon`s Advisor Wins First Prize

Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician Pharmacologist and Toxicologist.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Whoever was Dan Harmon’s advisor, he did not know or understand anything about the State Medical Marijuana Program and especially the victims requiring the medicine.

The State of Oregon says IT IS MEDICINE. 12 other states have similar laws.

Every other medicine they can think of is more dangerous than Cannabis, morphine-like pain killers ARE VERY DANGEROUS. Alcohol and other dangerous brain depressants are rarely tested for --- why not?

Read Full Article (Nov-13-2008 07:26)

West Coast Doctors Square Off Over PTSD Therapy

A combat veteran-turned-physician who treated PTSD victims for years, trades verbal blows with the psychologist pioneering virtual reality therapy for PTSD.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Two west coast doctors, a psychiatrist and a retired osteopath, are lobbing shots at one another over how to treat combat vets who suffer from combat-related stress. Their starkly different opinions on treatment reflect the enormity of problems associated with PTSD.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have been exposed to combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Many who served witnessed horrific scenes on the battlefield and are scarred emotionally as well as physically. The resulting problem is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD.

It seems fair that controversy would accompany such a serious problem and it does on several levels. Approaches to PTSD treatment vary considerably, and many cases remain undetected as career soldiers and Marines risk promotion and advancement opportunities if they reveal their mental stress to their commands, in search of treatment.

Read Full Article (Nov-11-2008 23:49)

Albany Veterans Day Parade Mixes Patriotic Displays With Reality (VIDEO)

See the sites and sounds of the Albany Veterans Day Parade through the lens of Tim King's television camera. Also catch our slide show presentation of photos by Bonnie King.

(ALBANY, Ore.) - The Albany, Oregon Veterans Day Parade drew more than 40,000 spectators and participants to this Willamette Valley city. The November 11th event marks the day World War One ended in 1918. caught up with the last part of the parade and the video is published below.

In this record of the parade you will see everything from a float decked out with bamboo to signify Vietnam, to old cars, a Miatta club, marching bands and anti-war groups like Vietnam Veterans For Peace.

The event brought together all of these groups that represent and serve veterans, without political interference. The organizers allowed all to pay homage in their own way to the men and women who serve this nation in uniform.

Read Full Article (Nov-10-2008 17:02)

PTSD: Cannabis Vs. Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) Pizzen Conflict 2008

Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician Pharmacologist and Toxicologist.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - American soldiers on patrol in Afghanistan Photo by Tim King As a Combat Infantryman with PTSD and an observer of PTSD breakdown on the "Front Lines" and as a physician who took care of about 400 Vietnam PTSD victims who requested cannabis medication, I take a dim view that subjecting battle PTSD victims to intense battle sounds – bombs and heavy machine gun fire – would "snap them out" of their PTSD. Most such battle Veterans will hit the dirt if they hear a truck backfire.

To even think or suggest that Virtual Reality battle sounds would "help" battle caused PTSD stretches my understanding and my memories of artillery barrages.

I read of recent VRT with clinical but quizzical interest. I was in Europe for 18 months with 5 months in the battle zones. I endured heavy artillery barrages, mortar barrages, 40mm anti-aircraft cannon fire and more than my share of rifle and machine gun fire as a scout, point man and forward observer.

Read Full Article (Nov-02-2008 18:59)

PTSD Virtual Reality Therapy:
Fraudulent High-Priced Boondoggle: Part One

Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician Pharmacologist and Toxicologist.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - PTSD Not all wounds are visible I was abjectly stunned and stupefied when I first read of Virtual Reality Therapy for PTSD Veteran victims. What it first suggested to me was that the VA Psychologists (and Social Workers) didn’t have the slightest comprehension of who and what they were presumed to be treating.

Read Full Article (Nov-02-2008 08:52)

Is John McCain the Ultimate Infidel? (VIDEO)

People instantly associate the word "Infidel" with Islam, but in reality it, like the word infidelity, simply refers to someone who is not faithful or "Nunquam Fidelis".

(SALEM, Ore.) - POW John McCain being I have been contacted by many people over John McCain's war record. Many believe important facts about the senator's history are being overlooked while his campaign speaks of integrity and honor.

This is not something to tread upon nonchalantly, but the amount of questions from viewers led us to research many facts and theories. Some findings have been shocking, others not so much. Either way, it is information worthy of your knowledge.

Recognizing that John McCain has used his former POW status as a platform for his election campaign, it seemed only fitting to shine a light on McCain's other accomplishments, the ones that are less than flattering.

The list of less than faithful actions by McCain tend to make former President Bill Clinton's indiscretions look tame.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
