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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-30-2009 22:39)

Israel Seizes Former Congresswoman and Nobel Laureate on Humanitarian Aid Ship on Route to Gaza

Israel seizes humanitarian activists from across the globe including former Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney and Nobel Laureate Mairead Maguire.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) condemns the Israeli naval commandeering of a ship carrying humanitarian supplies to the besieged territory of Gaza.

The ship, which left from the Cypirot port of Larnaca, was approximately 20 miles off the coast of Gaza when it was board by Israeli Navy personnel and redirected to the city of Ashdod.

Read Full Article (Jun-30-2009 15:31)

PTSD & Psychosis Among Army Psychiatrists: Reprise

They're Either Lying or Dumb.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Straight jacket I wrote the original article December 16, 2007 in I browse past articles to see comments by readers coming in months after the posting. Here are two comments coming in 6 months later. These are important enough to post:

Zachary: I was in the Marine Corps stationed in Washington D.C., before and after 9/11, and let me tell you, there is A LOT of drug use going on where I was stationed at, Marine Barracks 8th & I. Lots of alcoholics too...

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2009 04:06)

Veterans-For-Change Increases Pace in Fight for Americans Who Served

Veterans Group Vows to Wake Up Congress and Nation by Exposing the Endless Psychological War Veterans Battle - Just for Benefits.

(GARDEN GROVE, Calif.) - The mission of Veterans-for-Change is a simple one and it should be shared with all. According to Jim Davis, the founder of Veterans-for-Change, the mission for Veterans-for-Change is, “To wake up Congress and the President to meet the needs and fulfill the promises made to care for and treat Veterans."

Davis continued, "As a member of Veterans-For-Change, an expanding vocal group for Veterans rights, benefits, and treatment, I as well as my co-members and veterans nationwide, are extremely upset that the following areas are not being addressed by Congress or the Veterans Affairs adequately or properly."

Read Full Article (Jun-25-2009 04:00)

War and PTSD: A Discussion Regarding the Documentary (VIDEO)

Viewers learn more about our upcoming documentary that will help countless thousands of U.S. combat vets.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Dr. Phil Leveque and Bonnie King The first time we produced a television documentary the project was for Oregon Public Broadcasting, the year was 1993, and the subject was the story of the sole survivor of the WWII B-17 bomber crash on Cape Lookout in Oregon.

Now we are engaged in the production of a documentary about a huge subject: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is a condition experienced by people who survive any range of traumatic events, and combat heads the list of reasons that people end up living with PTSD.

Read Full Article (Jun-23-2009 05:34)

Rich Doctors: Rich Lawyers and Richer Insurance Executives

What happened? Now Doctors actually work FOR medical insurance companies. They tell us in no uncertain terms what we can and better NOT do – THEY WITHHOLD PAYMENTS!

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - The Lawyers and Insurers have destroyed the best medical system in the world. How do I know? Been there, done that, seen that. I wanted to be a doctor since I was a child. I was a golf caddy and I knew dozens of rich doctors and rich lawyers. The Insurance executives were still in the closet except that the doctors and lawyers knew who they were and how much loot they were dragging home.

There are about 1300 medical insurance companies – very profitable – and most of their upper level drag home more money than very many doctors.

Read Full Article (Jun-22-2009 03:42)

Medical Marijuana, Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta (VIDEO)

Lukewarm Favorable to Medical Marijuana?

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Screenshot from Anderson Cooper 360 I have already saluted Mr. Cooper for having the chutzpah to talk/educate the public about medical marijuana on CNN. It seems most commentators are afraid to catch REEFER MADNESS. The recent CNN series on medical marijuana helps to propel the subject out of the closet.

Dr. Gupta gave a very favorable report. He is definitely a bright young neurosurgeon. His ancestral homeland is/was the site of the first medical/scientific studies on medical marijuana.

Read Full Article (Jun-21-2009 20:37)

IED`s Blamed in at Least Half of Latest Iraq and Afghanistan War Casualties

Four of the 12 died in circumstances that were not combat-related. 6 Army soldiers were killed in explosions stemming from improvised explosive devices or 'IED's'.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Image from the Field of Flags display The United States has reported a significant number of casualties in June, 2009.

This latest report is the third that we have issued so far in June, and includes one person who died aboard a Navy ship on the North Arabian Sea whose death was not combat-related. Seven of the casualties were in Afghanistan and four were in Iraq.

Read Full Article (Jun-17-2009 14:37)

Medical Marijuana and Anderson Cooper

Marijuana Educator Par Excellence: the First Nationwide MJ Television Interview.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - CNN's Anderson Cooper and's Dr. Phil Leveque The Oregon Medical Marijuana Program started May 1st 1999. Senior health officials calculated that only about 500 patients would be eligible for a MJ permit. About 2 years later someone was forging my name on applications and with newspaper publicity, this came to the attention of the Oregon Medical Board and for some reason they felt I was responsible.

I was the only known Oregon Marijuana Doctor and they proceeded to harass me. This story got into the New York Times and Mr. Cooper on CNN picked up on it and interviewed me of the first Nationwide Television interview on Medical Marijuana. Here is the interview, he has continued to interview many other users and advocates.

Read Full Article (Jun-17-2009 09:25)

PTSD, Depression, Anti-Depressants and Alcoholic Death

My emails from PTSD Vets and others indicate these drugs cause all kinds of adverse effects including nightmares and suicides.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Dr. Phil Leveque at a WWII Commemoration event. The first report of what we now call PTSD was reported by a physician in an Egyptian Pharaohs Army. That must have been about 4000 years ago. PTSD has plagued those in psychologic traumatic endeavors ever since.

American and British Army doctors trivialized it at least starting with America’s Civil War when it was said to be “they miss their mothers”, “home sickness”, or “soldiers heart”. The British called it “lack of moral fiber”. Who seeks sudden horrible death?

Read Full Article (Jun-16-2009 15:35)

Palestinians Say Israeli Soldiers Slaughtered Helpless Animals In Gaza Zoo

The world has remained cool over the 1,400 Christian and Muslim men, women and children killed by Israel during its recent invasion of Gaza—but will they care about the innocent caged animals slaughtered by Israeli soldiers at the little zoo in Gaza?

(GAZA CITY) - Entrance to the Gaza Zoo Video makes for hard evidence. That is a fact, and police and military groups that overstep the boundaries of decency are increasingly debuting on the worldwide screen through venues like YouTube, much to the chagrin of those who used to get away with much, much more.

The charges this time are against the Israel Defense Force and regard caged animals at the Gaza Zoo. Reporters with American Free Press say the acts were needless.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
