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About Ptsd articles Page 18

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PTSD / TBI: You Can`t Go Back and You Can`t Come Back

My subject matter is that whatever the degree of PTSD/TBI the condition is almost permanent.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Military truck in Iraq that was struck and destroyed by a roadside bomb I wanted to get your attention with the above title. I have posted several articles on this subject. See PTSD Leveque, maybe about 100 including piggy back articles.

TBI is most likely the new name for SHELL SHOCK which is mostly concussion injury or direct physical injury to the head.

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2010 20:35)

PTSD: VA Failure and Veteran Alcoholism

PTSD and alcoholism in veterans are connected.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Iraq PTSD I don’t remember if I was surprised that the Army trained its recruits to be alcoholics but reminiscing of my experience in basic training and advanced infantry training it certainly seems so.

No recruit ever considered after the first week that basic would be easy and certainly NOT fun. We were psychologically and physically stretched beyond NORMAL limits and many recruits died.

Read Full Article (Dec-04-2010 12:16)

Women Veteran Suicides: Is this SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)?

Our sisters and sometimes our mothers or daughters...

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Women veterans This history of American women in the military goes back to the Revolutionary War and every war since and most probably the result of the same mistreatment including rape, the worst assault.

At the present time 15% of military veterans are female and this amounts to about 2,000,000.

Read Full Article (Nov-19-2010 17:15)

So I was a Coffin

They said you are a spear. So I was a spear...

(SAINT LOUIS, Mo.) - Forward by Editor: War is Hell, and the only people who can adequately describe the experience are the survivors.

The amazing depth that this poem from a Marine Combat Veteran conveys, is only matched by similar works from others who were meant to survive; people like our writer Dr. Phil Leveque, who survived combat operation against the Nazi's in WWII.

Read Full Article (Nov-01-2010 14:28)

PTSD Therapy- One Trillion Dollars: Reprise

“One in three of 2,000,000 Middle East Vets will have PTSD – that’s 600,000.”

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - PTSD I feel that I am rather pragmatic about this subject after seeing about 5000 patients and about 1000 who were PTSD victims.

They, not me, found that Cannabis/Marijuana (C/MJ) was very effective for PTSD long after battle and also battle terrors during and immediately after battles when C/MJ was a highly beneficial tranquilizer to calm ones frazzled nerves.

Read Full Article (Oct-30-2010 13:10)

Deadly Infantry: Sacrilegious Sacrifice at the Rhine Crossing

Losing friends on a German River...

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - GIs keep low inside a landing craft during an assault across the Rhine at Oberwesel, Germany Almost everybody made sacrifices in the Army Infantry. The catch was the lower ones rank the more and worse the sacrifices the Army expected one to endure.

It seemed that the “ninety day wonders” excreted from Ft. Benning were trained to be and were expected to be as bitchy and obnoxious to their underlings, we privates, as possible.

Read Full Article (Oct-29-2010 19:35)

Rwanda Politics, Behind Bars

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza Ms. Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza , Chair of FDU-Inkingi was arrested and incarcerated in Kicukiro on October 14th 2010. Police had surrounded her home, keeping her from leaving or receiving visitors several days prior to the arrest.

“The police should grant Ingabire access to visitors and should respect her rights to due process,” urged Rona Peligal, Africa director at Human Rights Watch.

Read Full Article (Oct-29-2010 16:06)

Children as Weapons of War; Okay says President Obama

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Apparently the rampant epidemic problem of children in war is A-OK with U.S. President Obama International Human Rights groups and organizations are outraged and left grappling for answers. Earlier this week President Obama gave four countries a year pass, a waiver for the use of child in war; Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), Sudan, and Yemen.

In one momentary, sweeping act President Obama has undercut years of work and thousands of dollars spent in effort to protect children worldwide from this very traumatizing act.

Read Full Article (Oct-26-2010 15:33)

PTSD Therapy: One Trillion Dollars

...U.S. Gov't Estimates $600 Billion... the probabilities of fraud are enormous

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - ptsd virtual reality therapy Anyone who has read any of my articles on this subject will know that I have spent much time and effort putting my articles together and I have had few readers disagree with me.

Read Full Article (Oct-24-2010 19:54)

Vietnam`s Bloody Defeat of China

Flashback in time to a war most Americans aren't familiar with.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Chinese female soldiers in the Sino-Vietnam War China lost a significant war in 1979 against Vietnam, though many people in the west do not realize this important history.

The Vietnamese attacked and defeated the genocidal Khmer Rouge in Cambodia after the U.S. war ended in the mid-1970's. For this China invaded Vietnam, only to lose and retreat after 29 days, ultimately abandoning their military aggression.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
