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Salem-News.com (Oct-05-2011 21:56)

Combat Troops in Iraq Talk About PTSD

We have PTSD interviews from the combat theater that will be the centerpiece of this project.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Clockwise from top left; Army S/Sgt. Ryan Ahern, Army Spc. Clarence Ariola, Marine Sgt. Cory Marcus, Marine Sgt. Jake Witt.  Hundreds of thousands of American combat veterans are victims of the effects of combat and war. The symptoms of PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, are wide ranging.

The current conflicts continue to generate PTSD in our troops, and they join the ranks of veterans of the Persian Gulf War, Lebanon, Vietnam, Korea and WWII as survivors of things that no man or woman should ever witness in a civilized world.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-01-2011 20:55)

Sears? Yeah that`s right. Sears!

Rebuilding Together and Sears' Heroes at Home program assists veteran with critical needs.

(CLEVELAND) - Sears Rebuilding Together is working with Sears on a Heroes at Home project, serving an Iraq War veteran.

Heroes at Home projects serve the nation's military members and families by addressing their critical housing needs.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-01-2011 14:58)

PTSD/TBI and General/Doctor McCaffrey

Wrong, wrong, and wrong again as usual.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Barry McCaffrey I can't say that I am amused by the continuing blather erupted by Dr./Gen. Barry McCaffrey about PTSD and also drugs when he was interviewed by Mike Francis of the Oregonian 28 Sept. 2011.

He proved when he was drug czar in the White House a few years ago that he didn't know anything factual about marijuana and drug abuse and he repeated showing his ignorance in this article.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-25-2011 12:54)

Petition Obama White House to Allow Veterans Access to Medical Marijuana to Treat PTSD

Marijuana works with this natural body system to ease the symptoms of PTSD giving disabled Veterans a big improvement in their quality of life.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - PTSD We petition the Obama administration to... Allow United States Disabled Military Veterans access to medical marijuana to treat their PTSD.

Modern research has proven what disabled Veterans have known for a very long time, Cannabis is an effective medicine. Veterans from the time of the United States Revolution through World War I had legal access to cannabis but in 1942 due to the efforts of a handful of powerful men cannabis was removed from the United States Formulary.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-19-2011 12:45)

PTSD and the American Legion

The battle against Post Traumatic Stress- Help! Help! Help!

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - PTSD veterans This article in the American Legion magazine (September 2011) is one of the best in a non-psychological medical magazine, however as a PTSD-treating physician I must object to some of the "institutionalized errors" which have been practiced and published for years.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-07-2011 06:05)

Marijuana: Does it Help?

'We need a fuller, clearer, more rational debate on the uses and abuses of marijuana'.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Marijuana leaves 'We need a fuller, clearer, more rational debate on the uses and abuses of marijuana' - this erstwhile headline was stolen from an Oregonian OPED article August 30, 2011 Does Marijuana Help? by Daren Engstrom.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-05-2011 16:17)

Medical Marijuana and the Monstrous Marijuana Doctor from Molalla

PTSD cares not about its victims, anguish and/or depression the ongoing result.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - hands clenched After Medical Marijuana was legalized in Oregon in 1998, I breathed a sigh of relief – now the Feds will quit harassing us. I knew many people were using it for legitimate medical reasons and why not. It works better and is cheaper than almost any pharmaceutical prescription.

My elation was short-lived and the specter of Devil Weed and Reefer Madness reared its ugly head.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-05-2011 00:05)

Life is not all Hard Edges

Update On My Leukemia Diagnosis.

(ENNIS, Mt.) - Lesli Moore Dahlke Many of our readers know me through my writing here at Salem-News.com about my plight, challenges and struggles with Agent Orange exposure. I unknowingly received extensive exposure during Christmas 1970 in Vietnam during a USO Tour.

I value the support I have received from many of our readers. I appreciate the comments— some favorable, some not. No matter what your personal opinion, continuing a dialog on this highly emotional and difficult political topic is moving in a positive direction.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-25-2011 17:30)

Merkley Statement on Trip to Afghanistan

“The political system is dysfunctional, leaving enormous questions regarding the presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for 2013 and 2014" - Jeff Merkley

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after returning from a Congressional Delegation trip to Afghanistan.

“You can’t meet with our troops overseas and not be blown away by their skill, dedication, and sacrifice. They undertake and accomplish amazing things under incredibly difficult conditions every day, and it was an honor to spend time with them.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-03-2011 15:39)

High Levels of PCDDs in Vietnamese Breast Milk from Historical Agent Orange Spraying

The Hidden Horror in Agent Orange.

(LONDON Base Peak) - Agent Orange being dropped over Vietnam. One of the unfortunate legacies of the futile Vietnam War in the 1960-70s is linked directly to the decision to undertake large-scale defoliation in order to remove ground cover for the opposing troops and destroy crops.

The principal herbicide used was Agent Orange which was contaminated with toxic impurities that continue to exert their influence even today.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
