(Sep-13-2010 01:47)
Folk Music Legend Pete Seeger Urged to Abandon Israel Event
Tim King Salem-News,com
Both Carlos Santana and Elvis Costello have agreed not to play in Israel in response to human rights violations.
There is a supreme test taking place each year for western entertainers. What do you do when asked to perform in Israel?
Many in the US and the UK live in a fog where they overlook the realities of what their tax dollars support when they fly overseas to Israel.
Read Full Article (Sep-04-2010 21:45)
Is Jesus God, or What?
Kenneth G. Ramey
God is not a political Being, as the Republican Party would have us believe, and Democrats often tend to support.
(PASO ROBLES, Calif.) -
Republican candidates seem obsessed with the notion that God is on their side, but do they really know what they are saying, or is what they say what the Republican Holy See wants them to say? The presumption, of course, is that Jesus is God and that Christianity is the source of all good.
Politically speaking, it may prove helpful to the Republican cause which relies on the assumption that Jesus is a personal God which supposedly is politically inclined in favor of the Republican agenda.
Read Full Article (Aug-26-2010 23:51)
Access to Water Improves Quality of Life for Women & Children
Danielle Nierenberg for
In recent decades, a new generation of innovative approaches to hunger alleviation has emerged from farmers groups, private voluntary organizations, universities, and agribusiness companies.
(DAKAR, Senegal) -
In sub-Saharan Africa, improved access to water means more than simply basic survival for families dependent on agriculture for both food and income. It means the difference between barely scraping by and eating balanced meals, affording education, and owning a home.
In Zambia, the majority of children drop out of school by the seventh grade because their families can no longer afford it.
Read Full Article (Aug-26-2010 11:11)
Top Economists: The Second Great Depression has Arrived
Terrence Aym
Despite the gloom and doom, it's best to remember that things could always be worse.
David Rosenberg, market guru, has officially declared that the US economy is in a state of depression, and he sees the economic superpowers woes worsening.
On the heels of that bleak forecast, the statistics for existing home sales for July were released and the numbers were ugly. The weak housing market collapsed. Reflecting the worst slump in American history, existing housing sales had plummeted a stunning 27 percent and there's no sign on the horizon that sales will stabilize any time soon.
Read Full Article (Aug-21-2010 16:34)
Should all Politicians be Required to Carry a Compass?
Robert M. Collinsworth -
Until the government realizes that the average U.S. citizen prefers a leg-up to a handout, the deterioration we are currently experiencing will continue.
Do you think the recovery plan is working? The facts and figures say "Guess again"!
For almost a year now, we have been exposed to report after report stating that we have turned the corner and the economy is on the mend . . . that things are not that bad . . . that happy days are here again. There is a problem with these messages. They ring hollow at best!
Read Full Article (Aug-19-2010 16:38)
WRAP`s 2010 `Without Housing` Update Has Arrived
By Ralph E. Stone
WRAP argues that until we recognize housing as a human right, we will not end mass homelessness in the United States.
Between 2.3 to 3.5 million Americans experience homelessness and it is estimated that the recession will force another 1.5 million more people into homelessness.
The 2010 Update of "Without Housing - Decades of Federal Housing Cutbacks, Massive Homelessness and Policy Failures" by the Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP), an update of its 2006 report.
Read Full Article (Aug-11-2010 23:13)
Gaza Flotilla Survivor Ken O`Keefe Will Visit Northwest for Speaking Tour
Gordon Sturrock for
If you are in Oregon and you'd like to host a visit/speaking event from Ken and his entourage on our bus, let me know so we can make it happen.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
Ken O'Keefe, survivor of the Israeli attack on an unarmed passenger ship seeking to break the illegal military blockade of Gaza, is coming to Oregon and Washington in the later half of September.
This is a priceless opportunity to help spread a valuable and powerful message, and contribute to a very high profile international event.
Read Full Article (Aug-11-2010 20:17)
From the Jordan Valley, Once the Breadbasket of Palestine: Where Today Residents Must Resist Just to Exist
Barbara Antonelli for
An interview with Luisa Morgantini, former Vice President of the European Parliament, upon her return from a tour of the Jordan Valley and the West Bank in which she led an Italian delegation from Associazione per la Pace.
(ROME) -
Deprived of water and electricity, surrounded by settlements and imprisoned in a large closed military zone under occupation since 1967, the Jordan Valley’s residents resist.
A delegation from the organisation Assopace, led by Luisa Morgantini, former Vice President of the EP, visited the Jordan Valley and met with the local communities.
Read Full Article (Jul-29-2010 04:06)
Stupidity Reacts and the Stupid Respond
Opinion by M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D.
Observing the underhanded tactics of the right.
Earlier this week, the highly paid on-air bunglers and hatchet persons of FOX NEWS and their bastard child, Tea Party), covered the illegitimate charge, by cunningly stupid con artist Andrew Breitbart, of racism on the part of Shirley Sherrod (Now former USDA employee).
This charge was, as most who follow real news know, based on a selectively edited video of a speech Ms Sherrod made in March of this year in which she recounted her own awakening, years before her employ at USDA, of what poor independent farmers faced in terms of keeping and maintaining the viability of their farms in America and her part in helping these farmers.
Read Full Article (Jul-23-2010 12:37)
Darfuri Refugee Voices Asking to be Heard Inside Chad
Alysha Atma & Mohamed Yahya
Al-Bashir has reacted to The Goodwill and Confidence building agreement signed February 2009 with complete disregard and disrespect; an all too familiar pattern.
(PORTLAND, Ore.) -
Struggling to survive, hour by hour is difficult as security threats continue to grow for the refugees inside the Chad, Darfur border.
Read Full Article