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Jul-29-2010 04:06printcomments

Stupidity Reacts and the Stupid Respond

Observing the underhanded tactics of the right.

Shirley Sherrod
Shirley Sherrod

(WINDSOR, N.H.) - Earlier this week, the highly paid on-air bunglers and hatchet persons of FOX NEWS (Rupert Murdoch’s disinfotainment network widely followed by the highly dumbed-down sheeple of the GOP [Grandiose Obstructionist Poltroons] and their bastard child, Tea Party), covered the illegitimate charge, by cunningly stupid con artist Andrew Breitbart, of racism on the part of Shirley Sherrod (Now former USDA employee). This charge was, as most who follow real news know, based on a selectively edited video of a speech Ms Sherrod made in March of this year in which she recounted her own awakening, years before her employ at USDA, of what poor independent farmers faced in terms of keeping and maintaining the viability of their farms in America and her part in helping these farmers. Her admissions, on tape, were both honest and clearly expressive of her personal realization that this issue was not racial. It was about poverty.

As was the case, last year, with the Breitbart assault on ACORN (another case of selective editing which prompted the rapid de-funding of ACORN by a rabid Congress) a reactionary government body immediately called for severing ties with the intended target of Breitbart and FOX. Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, so incensed by what little he actually knew of the Sherrod affair, forced her to pull her car to the side of the road on which she was then traveling and submit her resignation on her Blackberry. To the surprise of some, this reaction by Vilsack was fully supported by President Barack Obama (who actually knew less of the affair than Vilsack). Of further surprise, was immediate support of this reaction from NAACP President & CEO, Ben Jealous (who actually had access to the entire speech of Ms. Sherrod).

Accused, and with no opportunity to defend herself in any legal forum (in fact, Sherrod was not allowed to offer her side, in private, with any of her vilifiers), Shirley Sherrod, a conscientious and enlightened worker, was immediately convicted.

Again, as was the case with Breitbart’s assault on ACORN, alternative media demonstrated Breitbart’s deception. Exposing Breitbart’s deception was, unfortunately for ACORN, not as rapid as with the Sherrod affair. ACORN was penalized both in public vilification and loss of funding to such an extent that it subsequently dissolved. Once exposed, Ms. Sherrod was offered quick apology from the Whitehouse, apology and a job offer from USDA, and apology from NAACP. ACORN, on the other hand, never received an apology and, in spite of a justice’s decision pro, was not re-funded.

The Social Media Reaction: The Twits of Twitter

OK.. Story exposed, recounted, and dissected on the various media “talking head” shows. Rachel Maddow points out the obvious absurdity of the Whitehouse falling for another Breitbart/Fox smear job. Vilsack calls affair a “discomfort” for Sherrod in his apology. Dick Morris calls Sherrod “Reverend Wright in a dress”. Gibbs blathers the obvious “We acted without knowing all the facts”. The FOX on-air asshats, as sociopaths true to their mental disorders, pointed blame at everyone but themselves while protecting their cunning psycho-source, Breitbart. Social media, like Twitter and the million blogs, exploded in assaults against Breitbart and FOX ...and the liberal defenders of everything Democratic Party and Barack Obama began an assault against anyone who dared to hold the President and his administration accountable for his and their reactionary response. I, and many other Twitter key-pounders, have felt (and continue to feel) this wrath. Jeremy Scahill, a young man for whom I have deep respect and admiration for his thoughtful commentary, exceptional research and journalistic integrity, humility and timely humour, twitted best the following: “Apparently I missed this “liberal” Twitter rule: Don’t criticize the Obama Administration even when it is wrong.”

Morality Play

There is a moral obligation of apology from anyone making rash judgments which negatively affect the innocent. In present society, some Psychologists, Counselors, and Sociologists, recognize and comment about an ever increasing sociopathology, particularly amongst the corporate and ruling class and those individuals otherwise lumped into the “Type-A” personality, that while allowing for apology, when caught in an egregious act, such apology is concomitant with deflection, external blaming and internal denial. In other words, a total absence of sincerity. Typically, such “apology” is offered as a means to prevent any perceived or genuine loss of status, brush away any unpleasant media attention, and, subconsciously cover up any defect in personality. In such circumstances, any semblance of atonement and compensation for harms is placed in the hands of underlings whose positions are specifically designed to handle the mechanics of “damage control”. Typically, these are paid “party” followers. Alternately for these sociopaths, there exists a sycophant following which, while they may be initially surprised or even shocked by the behaviours of their “saviors”, fail or refuse to look, sub rosa, at either their acts or motives, blindly accept whatever measure of apology and atonement offered, and religiously defend them. Moralistically, these sycophants can be viewed as unwitting accomplices.

There exists, however, an increasing subset of sociopaths who understand they can continuously present harm absent any realistic expectation, from observers or victims, of either acknowledgment or apology for their egregious acts. For these, there exists a base of supporters who, with sycophantic zeal, are committed to ignoring any real or plausible intentional deception, fraud, or other potentially criminal act. Some work in tandem to promote these intentional harms. These followers, in a moral sense, can be looked upon as witting accomplices.

To be fair, in either group of sycophants there exists a sizable percentage of benignly stupid individuals who simply follow the herd most common to their social strata. These are the individuals who, if told black is now white, repeat the mantra without ever looking at the motives. For them, the message is little more than something they believe will express “their” beliefs if placed on a sign and paraded at rallies. While many leading therapists will suggest that most sociopaths are typically of high intelligence (and there are indicators that this may, in some respects, be true), closer observation reveals that there is, more appropriately, a charismatic appeal that creates an impression of higher intellectual status in comparison only to those margins who are captivated by this charisma.

I will not attempt, here, to detail my sense of why Barack Obama, Tom Vilsack or Benjamin Jealous individually demonstrated their bizarrely irrational reactions to the Breitbart/FOX deception. Nor will I direct further commentary on the sycophant phenomenon or the nature of psychopathic behaviour in relation to this issue. I will, however, suggest that in the case of all three (Obama, Vilsack and Jealous) a miscalculation was not the primary antecedent nor was it that, as Jealous offered “We were snookered by FOX News and Andrew Breitbart.” What, in my opinion, is a more apt observation comes from Forrest Gump.. “Stupid is as stupid does”.

A final observation, and one I sincerely hope more people will consider thoroughly, is how seriously frightening it is to observe people in power reacting in the manner demonstrated through this Sherrod affair.. an affair that, by comparison to the more serious issues presently facing both the US and the world, was barely worth acting upon.

M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. is a Counselor and Conflict Resolution Specialist/Consultant (Mediation/Arbitration/Facilitation) (20+ yrs).

He is the Creator of Thought Addiction programs (Lectures Seminars & Workshops) (Intensive 21 day Addiction Recovery Programs designed for Artists, Actors, Musicians & Industry Leaders) residing in New Hampshire (US). (The Website for M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. is currently under reconstruction)

Contact: 1-603-478-1544 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-603-478-1544 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Twitter: @mdp4202

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Hank Ruari July 29, 2010 8:34 pm (Pacific time)

"Anon": Yours, again as always with those who cannot care or dare to share fair and square with those who can and do by source for me and you, hide behind tree invisible except to thee. I.e., if you cannot put your name on what you state, that alone is proof enough to make sure it doesn't "steam up the atmosphere", which you can easily translate into other- Engish for yourself.

Anonymous July 29, 2010 5:38 pm (Pacific time)

as a political atheist, its interesting to read "the terrible tactics of the left (which I agree with), and then, the terrible tactics of the right (which I agree with).. as bad as the left is, it is obvious the right is going to make racial tensions an issue for Nov. elections. They will even stir the pot to make it get worse. its obvious what they are doing. They cant campaign on the useless wars obama promised to end, nor the economy, and jobs, so they will make race an issue. Watch and see. But then, the repubs will just vote in incumbents, and we are back to going from the pot to the frying pan. What we need, is education that does not come from the federal government running our educational system, and a media that is not controlled by the government/corporatists. I am watching the hitler regime being born again right before my very eyes.

Anonymous July 29, 2010 4:59 pm (Pacific time) that it is admited that there are close to 1 mllion people, with security clearances, basically doing nothing but spying on the American people, and the new legislation that says they can arrest you, without warrant, without bail, and it would take an act of congress to change that arrest, the dis-info, such as this situation, makes everyone, including YOU, a suspect on bad info. For instance: true story: I filled out my census report, just giving how many people who live here. I still had a census worker come to my door. They said, it musthave gotten lost etc. They also told me, that a neighbor said we were hispanic. I have no problems with hispanics. But, what are they doing geting info from neighbors? And we are white as the driven snow..What happens when a neighbor is wrong about something else? Are you feeling any safer? Im not. The war on terror, is nothing but a front to keep the military complex going, the contractors getting rich etc. I am more afraid of this government than I am those brown people. CIA admits they made up the last terror video..they got caught.

Anonymous July 29, 2010 4:47 pm (Pacific time)

Clearly Shirley and the NAACPers who were nodding in agreement are all racists. They should clean house first. The ACORN tapes were as they were, you can't edit a cell phone.

Let's face it, all this racism nonsense has come home to roost squarely on the shoulders of the progressives who are the biggest racists of them all.

Oh and by the way, FOX News had ZERO to do with firing Shirley the racist... the WH demanded she resign before it even aired! And when it finally did air, Beck was stupid and stuck up for her. What a jerk! This woman practiced institutional racism..caught with her mouth open ...

Editor: Harsh, I think that is way out there, your words sound like something white racists would support, I don't. 

Grandmother July 29, 2010 2:35 pm (Pacific time)

This is amoral behavior and we must continue to expose this genre of "Reality News' I hope Shirley makes them all squirm for a loooong time.

Shahrazad July 29, 2010 2:03 pm (Pacific time)

The response is also racist and sexist, no matter how much they deny such sentiment.

Hank Ruark July 29, 2010 10:12 am (Pacific time)

Friends: In plain English, Dr. Paul tells us that Breitbart lied by intent, to protect and facilitate lost power first gained illegally by Supreme special-packaging. Since Sherrod is now suing Breitbart, under democratic discipline of law, we have an unprecedented opportunity to see sensible, reasonable and rational resolution openly testing what the good Doctor so fluently states. Lies are lies no matter how well-wrapped, he states here very clearly; then, also very clearly,he points out that the essential protection in our democracy is to "know the source". He acknowledges difficulties involved when we are engulfed in massive m/s-media impacts, many distorted/perverted for power/politics purposes very intentionally. What is missing here, I do believe, is simple, solid, sensitive fact that many of us follow the same insensitive line, knowingly or not, via too-easy acceptance and too frequent multiplying-impacts in Internet Comments and other democratic conversation --as with friends and colleagues-- without cogitation. It is SO EASY to do that we often commit it even when we are not so stupid-in-fact, but only distracted, with our full needed attention disarmed. That's the greatest emerging danger of easier Internet and rapid-communication assets of emerging life in 21st Century, for which there is only one sure, personally available, low-cost, tested and proven solution: KNOW the SOURCE and then DO YOUR OWN THING --via solid self-examination leading to fullest possible application of what brain-muscle can still be activated. IF you relay what you rely on, learned from only limited media sources, you may find yourself not only embarrassed but, in the longer-run, very badly and painfully damaged at very high continuing costs. That, unfortunately, is an inevitable, unavoidable --and now very threatening-- new probability, arriving right along with new technologies and hugely multiplied volumes of "communications" with this 21st Century.

gp July 29, 2010 5:19 am (Pacific time)

and now Ollie Stone.

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