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Africa: Faces in Words

New weekly update on the breaking stories in the African nations.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Nigerian girls are being forced to work as prostitutes Unseen, unheard; no one should be the bearer of these two words. Unfortunately, Africa is often in the forefront of this.

Our common humanity should change this; we should never look away because it is too distant.

Read Full Article (Oct-08-2010 11:47)

Hunger costs Poor Countries $450 Billion a Year

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Zebra corpse in starving Africa ActionAid has released their report revealing the cost developing nations face in the fight against hunger, an estimated $450 billion a year - more than ten times the amount needed to halve hunger by 2015.

“Fighting hunger now will be ten times cheaper than ignoring it. Every year reduced worker productivity, poor health and lost education costs poor countries billions. And the cost is not just financial..."

Read Full Article (Oct-08-2010 11:26)

One Billion Slum Dwellers Cannot be Ignored

Effective mechanisms to hold governments accountable can strengthen efforts.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Amnesty International is urging international communities and their governments to the protect the world's poorest and most vulnerable people.

An estimated 70 percent of those living in poverty are women, yet, the MDG efforts in many countries fail to address the wide-spread discrimination women face in accessing food, water, sanitation and housing.

Read Full Article (Oct-08-2010 10:39)

Africa: Faces in Words

New weekly update on the breaking stories in the African nations.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Boys in Somalia Unseen, unheard; no one should be the bearer of these two words. Unfortunately, Africa is often in the forefront of this association.

Read Full Article (Sep-29-2010 11:46)

Millions Suffer Malnutrition

The international community asserts that violence against the life of millions of human beings, especially children – forced into misery and hunger – is due to the inequality of wealth distribution.

(MADRID) - St. Augustine of Hippo Courtesy There are various campaigns spread throughout the media and communication networks. A campaign carried out by Doctors Without Borders explains that millions of people have been displaced in Sudan due to violence.

Read Full Article (Sep-26-2010 23:11)

Post-Earthquake Photos of Haiti by Daniel Cima

Incredible images from a still stricken land.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Haiti post-earthquake photos by Daniel Cima This past week in Washington, D.C., I met with award-winning Argentine photographer Daniel Cima, who spent over a month in Haiti following the January 2010 earthquake.

The following series of Cima’s photographs is an example of disaster-inspired creativity of a different nature than that espoused by hip-hop artist Wyclef Jean, who preferred to channel his artistic talents into a bid for the Haitian presidency before settling for a musical album entitled “If I Were President, the Haitian Experience”.

Read Full Article (Sep-26-2010 18:09)

Africa: Faces in Words

New weekly update on the breaking stories in the African nations.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Newsweek image from Darfur Unseen, unheard; no one should be the bearer of these two words. Unfortunately, Africa is often in the forefront of this association.

Our common humanity should change this; we should never look away because it is too distant. Our commitment to one another, to human rights, and the ability to learn should always keep us connected no matter the severity and complexity of problems.

Read Full Article (Sep-21-2010 11:31)

Protection of Civilians and IDP`s Must Take Priority in DRC

An example of this was seen last month when over 200 women were gang raped within 20 miles of a UN stronghold.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Woman in DRC Human Rights Watch is calling on the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the UN peacekeeping mission to provide greater emphasis to the protection of the nearly two million people displaced in the conflict-ridden eastern part of the country.

Read Full Article (Sep-13-2010 16:17)

Border Activists Organize for the Long Haul

“We’re looking to build long-term capacity. The issues won’t go away.” - Emily Carey, ACLU

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - New Mexico border Comprehensive immigration reform might be off the legislative agenda this year. And it remains to be seen how the immigration issue will play out once the November elections are over.

But in different parts of the United States, pro-immigrant rights activists are quietly building networks and digging in for the long haul.

Read Full Article (Sep-13-2010 16:03)

Stay Connected: Help Paying Your Phone Bill

The Oregon Public Utility Commission currently serves about 45,000 Oregon residents.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Phone bill The Oregon Public Utility Commission wants you to know that you may be eligible for help paying your telephone bill.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley