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NORML Fights Changes to Oregon Medical Marijuana Laws (VIDEO)

"The War on Marijuana is a War on America" - Madeline Martinez, Oregon NORML's Executive Director

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Madeline Martinez from Oregon NORML, says the advocacy group and others stand together in appealing to Oregon legislators to kill Senate Bill 388-9.

This is legislation that would greatly modify the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program which Martinez agrees needs clarity, but she says these changes would strip Oregon medical marijuana patients of important rights.

Read Full Article (Apr-24-2009 16:52)

Power Line Accidents Decline in 2008

The Oregon PUC monitors electric power line safety throughout the State.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon PUC logo The number of people injured after coming into contact with high-voltage power lines dropped slightly in Oregon in 2008 compared with 2007.

“We are very concerned that most of the accidents continue to involve individuals who are working near overhead and underground power lines,” PUC Commission Senior Electrical Engineer Jerry Murray said.

Read Full Article (Apr-21-2009 07:28)

Former Oregon Air Guard Commander Shares Holocaust Experiences

The talk was part of the at 142 Fighter Wing diversity event.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Retired Oregon Air National Guard Brigadier General Fred M. Rosenbaum A former commander of the Oregon Air National Guard recounted his experiences during the Holocaust at Portland Air National Guard Base, April 18, 2009.

Retired Brig. Gen. Fred M. Rosenbaum who is Jewish spoke at an event sponsored by the fighter wing's Diversity Council as part of their Holocaust Remembrance observances.

Read Full Article (Apr-21-2009 07:24)

New Maps Reveal Landslides Using Laser Based Imaging

New technology is helping state geologists create some of the most accurate landslide inventory maps in the world.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - maps showing historic and pre-historic landslides in the West Bull Mountain area The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) has released two maps showing historic and pre-historic landslides in the West Bull Mountain area of Washington County and the northwest portion of Oregon City in Clackamas County.

Read Full Article (Apr-20-2009 17:27)

Labor Commissioner Expresses Concern over HB 2430

“I fear this legislation moves us in the wrong direction by rolling back prevailing wage law and hurting Oregon workers” - Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - State Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian Today, State Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian expressed concern with House Bill 2430, which seeks to modify state Prevailing Wage Rate (PWR) law and expand the current exemption for affordable housing construction.

The legislation, currently under consideration in the Oregon House, would allow the affordable housing exemption to also be applied to certain “mixed-use” developments with an affordable housing component.

Read Full Article (Apr-19-2009 00:42)

KINK FM`s Les Sarnoff Passes Away Friday After Losing Battle With Cancer

Les Sarnoff was 60. He served as KINK FM's morning host for 22 years, and over that time became an extremely familiar voice on the air in Portland.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Les Sarnoff Portland, Oregon said good bye to longtime local radio personality Les Sarnoff Friday evening. KINK FM relayed the word that Les passed away at Providence Cancer Center in Portland, Oregon after a courageous and inspiring battle with cancer.

Read Full Article (Apr-15-2009 23:12)

Vancouver Police Officer Shot: Two in Custody (UPDATE)

The search for the police shooting suspects ends.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - A manhunt has ended in SE Portland for two suspects involved in the shooting of a Vancouver, Washington police officer tonight around 9:20 p.m.

The officer is a Vancouver PD sergeant. He was shot during a traffic stop. The bullet struck the officer in the chest but his bulletproof apparently saved his life.

Read Full Article (Apr-07-2009 12:12)

Oregon Police Increasingly Using Unmarked Vehicles for Traffic Stops (VIDEO)

Are police putting your family's life at risk? Yes, they are.

(McMINNVILLE, Ore.) - Fighting crime and fighting to overtake our rights as people, are truly different things. Drivers in Oregon need to be painfully aware that the use of unmarked cars and trucks as police vehicles is on the rise.

Cops in both Oregon and Washington know that they open the door to police impostors by using unmarked cars for traffic enforcement, and they don't care.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2009 18:48)

Oregon AG Pleased by Decision to Uphold Conviction of Sizemore

The Court of Appeals affirmed a trial court determination that Sizemore “willfully violated an injunction that the court previously entered in the underlying case.”

(SALEM, Ore.) - Bill Sizemore A court ruling against Oregon's biggest tax foe, Bill Sizemore, will be upheld. Attorney General John Kroger applauds the news.

“We are pleased that the Court of Appeals upheld the finding that Sizemore was in contempt,” Kroger said. “We’re deeply committed to holding people accountable when they break the law.”

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2009 07:24)

New Report: One-Third Do Without Health Insurance in Oregon (AUDIO)

"...the overwhelming majority of these 1.1 million Oregonians, 75.8 percent - more than three out of every four - were uninsured for at least six months." - Families USA executive director Ron Pollack

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - About one in three Oregonians younger than age 65 has gone without health insurance for at least a portion of the last two years, according to a new report from Families USA, a national health care reform advocacy group.

The group is releasing data by state to add momentum to the push for reform. In Oregon, most of the uninsured are working, and Families USA executive director Ron Pollack says their lack of insurance is not just a temporary situation.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
