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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Aug-28-2011 18:44)

New Ads on Portland Buses Will Encourage Critical Thinking About Israel

Courage and persistence will finally see the ads opposing support of Israel's military, debut.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - New bus ads discourage funding Israel Activists in Portland, Oregon say they are optimistic that a powerful new message on public transportation vehicles supporting equal Human Rights in the Israeli occupation of Palestine, will help citizens of Portland become informed and aware of the need for change in American policy with Israel.

It isn't a distant problem, it is in fact closer to home than it seems, according to Friends of Sabeel – North America.

Read Full Article (Jul-28-2011 14:57)

Video Screenings of Works by Victor Raphael at Oregon Jewish Museum

The Artist will be present at the event, set for Wednesday, August 10 at 7:00 p.m.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Art by Victor Raphael A rare evening with Los Angeles based artist Victor Raphael, his art videos, and other art-related documentaries. In an informal conversation with the audience and museum staff members, the artist discusses the creative process of these distinct videos.

Filmed at locations spanning the world, titles to be shown include but are not limited to his Japanese travelogue Travels in the Floating World, A Call to Prayer (shot on location in Istanbul's largest synagogue), and Raphael's homage to natural beauty entitled A Visit to the Hubbard Glacier.

Read Full Article (Jul-28-2011 02:41)

Cholera Hits Haiti again; Medical Teams International Mobilizes Volunteers

Since last year, more than 5,000 people have died from cholera in Haiti.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Haiti child Cholera has resurged in Haiti, with more than 1,000 people affected in the past month.

Read Full Article (Jul-28-2011 00:30)

Police Say Armed Man Threatened Park Volunteer and Used his Daughter as Human Shield

An actual 'human shield' incident.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Portland, Oregon Police Portland Police officers assigned to East Precinct responded to Mt Tabor Park on a threatening man armed with a gun threatening Tuesday, at about 5:06 p.m.

Officers say the suspect, 32-year old Hugh Brandon Neustel, spit on a park volunteer, then got a gun out of his car and threatened the volunteer.

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2011 18:58)

Two-Year-Old Child Injured After Fall From 4th Story Window

The Portland Police Bureau would like to remind people to consider using a window safeguard to control the height or width of your window openings, especially in residences with small children.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Police lights Portland Police officers assigned to Central Precinct responded to a residence in the 3600 Block of Southeast 28th Avenue on the report that a 2-year old child had fallen out of a 4th floor window.

It happened this afternoon shortly after 3:00 p.m.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2011 10:43)

Peace Activist Brian Willson Launches Book Tour with 24 June Kick-off in Portland

His message: "We are not worth more, they are not worth less."

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - S. Brian Willson is a prominent Viet Nam veteran turned peace activist and Portland resident. S. Brian Willson, a prominent Viet Nam veteran turned peace activist and Portland resident, celebrates the publication of his new memoir, Blood on the Tracks: The Life and Times of S. Brian Willson (PM Press, 2011).

It happens Friday, 24 June 2011, with a book launch at People's Food Co-op in Portland. The book talk and signing begins at 7:00 p.m.

Read Full Article (Jun-11-2011 21:22)

Palestinians Join the Arab Spring and Reach for UN Membership

Apparently, the US is alone among nations willing to join Israel in its plot–ascribed, as usual, to “security concerns”–to keep the Palestinians from UN membership.

(CHICAGO) - Posters on Mid east city walls Five years before the 2011 Arab Spring, Hamas won a decisive victory in the January 25, 2006, Palestinian parliamentary elections.

The United States and Israel had both endorsed the participation of Hamas in the 2006 elections, putting aside their usual “terrorism” rejection of Hamas.

Read Full Article (Jun-11-2011 15:27)

`False Flag Racism,` The Internet Proxy War

“Proxy Buster” Software Exposes False Flag Antisemite Spammers Tied to Spy/Terror Groups.

(CINCINNATI ) - Troll Spray An unclassified version of the software used by the FBI has allowed Veterans Today to track the IP addresses of a group of, what appeared to be, hate mongers and racists whose rhetoric borders on terrorist extremism. What we found was astounding.

In one case, an individual using the email address “” was traced to the computer of the head the largest Jewish “defense” organization.

Read Full Article (Jun-11-2011 15:09)

Failed Favoritism Toward Israel

There will be disastrous consequences for U.S.-Saudi relations if the United States vetoes U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state.

(RIYADH, Saudi Arabia) - Israel Palestine Gaza Revolution Portland Oregon Business Civil_rights Racism War_crimes United_nations Volunteers Food Death Genocide President Obama gave a rousing call to action in his controversial speech last month, admonishing Arab governments to embrace democracy and provide freedom to their populations.

We in Saudi Arabia, although not cited, took his call seriously. We noted, however, that he conspicuously failed to demand the same rights to self-determination for Palestinians — despite the occupation of their territory by the region’s strongest military power.

Read Full Article (Jun-10-2011 23:40)

Flash Mob`s Major Production at Portland Apartheid Supporter `New Seasons`

I think people are eventually going to learn, the way we all learned about South Africa...

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Flash mob goes to town at Portland's 'New Seasons' market With all of the stories about terrible things taking place in the world, it is good to know that flash mobs are out there to embarrass the holy living sh*t out of retailers that want to grease their palms with blood money from Israel.

The people in this Portland, Oregon flash mob carry with them the virtue of what is right in this world, they are drawing attention to what is wrong.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
