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Salem-News.com (May-02-2022 14:10)

US Senator Orrin Hatch (Utah) Legacy as a Purveyor of Deaths

Orrin Hatch could have put an end to the destruction of human life.

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Orrin Hatch Recently it was reported that retired US Senator Orrin Hatch (Utah) had died. In 2019, I wrote the below newspaper article for publication regarding Hatch's culpability in the unprecedented deaths to opioids.

The words "Rest in Peace Orrin Hatch" are definitely not fitting for him in death.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-23-2021 14:30)

It`s Time for Impunity to End with the FDA: PART 4

Part 4 in a series - "Why wasn't Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers charged under RICO?"

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - pharma The below article was published in three newspapers including Salem-News.com in 2019 during my 19 years of "continuously" exposing Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family, maker of OxyContin.

We are now left with sheep in wolves clothing profiting off of Purdue Pharma and their fifteen minutes of fame.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-25-2021 21:48)

It`s Time for Impunity to End with the FDA: PART 2

This is Part 2 of my series on the impunity of the FDA as regards the opioid addiction/death epidemic crippling the U.S.

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - drug deaths For almost two decades I have been exposing the FDA and their leadership with "pay to play", conflicts of interest with hedge funds and many decision makers forming their own consulting firms -- even while employed at the FDA.

This article expands on Bob Rappaport, MD, Division Director of Analgesic, Anesthetic and Addiction Drugs (now retired from the FDA and serving on pharmaceutical boards).

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Salem-News.com (Sep-19-2021 22:03)


"It's time for impunity to end with the FDA": PART 1

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - drug increases In my 19 continuous years of exposing the FDA and their "pay to play" tactics with the pharmaceutical industry, I have had many articles published calling it as it is -- "the root of the opioid epidemic is at the top" with the FDA.

I will be running a series of these articles from the past naming the offenders in the FDA as well as the pharmaceutical industry.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-21-2021 15:24)

Janet Woodcock, MD - Interim Commissioner of the FDA - Should be fired!

There is not an opioid Woodcock has not approved.

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Janet Woodcock, MD After years of my exposing the FDA for their "pay to play" tactics, it appears some momentum is growing.

Public Citizen is asking Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra to fire Janet Woodcock, as well as fire Patrizia Cavazzoni and Billy Dunn over the FDA's approval of Biogen's Alzheimer treatment, Aduhelm.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-14-2021 18:34)

Maloney`s Mockery of a Hearing on Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers

Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family's reign of death and addiction has devastated every state in the country.

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - pill addiction Why is Rep. Maloney re-inventing the wheel on a tsunami of deaths and addictions when a US Senate Finance Committee already conducted a thorough investigation? Does she know their findings were sealed before being presented by the now-retired US Senator Orrin Hatch (UT) in an effort to protect his pharma cronies?

When will people realize they are being played?

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Salem-News.com (Mar-10-2021 14:15)

Tamiflu is Dangerous to Children

Why approve use of a known dangerous drug?

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Salem-News.com It appears the CDC is positioning itself to recommend a very dangerous drug called Tamiflu in the treatment of COVID-19. In 2012, I wrote an article republished below warning of the dangers of children and infants being prescribed Tamiflu.

This drug causes psychosis, delusions and paranoia and adversely affects children.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-26-2021 13:58)

Woodcock FDA Commissioner Appointment Controversy

Will Janet Woodcock, MD be dangerous to America if appointed FDA Commissioner?

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Janet Woodcock Janet Woodcock, MD's role in the opioid epidemic killing and addicting people in the hundreds of thousands has been an issue for years. Now there may be even more concerns in her involvement with pharma and currently a new COVID-19 vaccine.

This week it was announced that Woodcock has been appointed Acting Commissioner of the FDA.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-30-2020 00:29)

Question for Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, NY:
Why Yet ANOTHER Hearing on the Criminals of Purdue Pharma?

Hundreds of thousands of victims want prison time for the offenders -- not more hearings.

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Carolyn B. Maloney Representative Maloney, if you are going to hold hearings in an effort to reinvent the wheel and have no intentions of bringing justice to victims of Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family, or are looking for further political aspirations, victims need more -- much more!

They need RICO charges and prison time for the Sackler family and the "brains" behind Purdue Pharma resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths and addictions throughout the country.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-07-2020 12:24)

Purdue Pharma - I don`t answer your questions - you answer my questions!

The questions in their email are too ludicrous for me to respond.

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - pharma On September 29, 2020 I wrote an article for Salem-News.com entitled "Janel R. Miller, Deceased Will Not Be Another Statistic in the Opioid Epidemic!"

My editor at Salem-News.com received an email from the criminally convicted pharmaceutical company, Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin. The subject of the email was "Follow-up question regarding your media article."

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