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Keep Ken O`Keefe`s Middle East Show Going

Many people are familiar with Ken O'Keefe, he served his country as a US Marine and then became a high profile activist for peace.

(LONDON) - Ken O'Keefe Here is your chance to help Ken O'Keefe's very real and sincere effort to continue broadcasting a blatantly honest television program, Ken O'Keefe's Middle East Show.

Please read the information below, watch the video, and visit this extremely important project. Ken represents the philosophy of total truth at

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2014 13:38)

`Storm Over Morocco,` by Dr. Frank Romano, Author Event Jerusalem, Jan. 27

It happens Monday, Jan. 27, 9 pm, Tmol Shilshom Bookstore Café, 5 Yoel Salomon St., Jerusalem.

(JERUSALEM) - Dr. Frank Romano Storm Over Morocco is a true story about the author; who was wrongly accused of being a Zionist spy in 1978 and tried for sabotage, a capital crime, by an extremist Islamic group in Morocco.

While traveling across Africa searching for a universal religion, he was invited to study Islam in a mosque in Casablanca, Morocco; it turned out to be controlled by a militant Moslem group which promptly imprisoned him.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2014 18:16)

Let`s Shine a Light Into the ICC`s Dusty Corners...
When Will the Palestinians Clear the Decks for Action?

Courage and bold leadership are precisely what's lacking.

(LONDON) - Prof Manuel Hassassian I watched the Palestinian ambassador, Prof Manuel Hassassian's performance before a session of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee enquiring into 'Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: prospects for 2014'.

He was asked by MP Rory Stewart: "Why did you come back to the negotiating table?"

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2014 12:44)

Respect Human Life and Rights in Yarmouk Refugee Camp

We consider all parties to be responsible for the welfare of the population in the combat zone and we call for the application of international law for any and all crimes committed against the civilian population of that zone.

(DAMASCUS) - Yarmouk refugee camp The Syria Solidarity Movement calls on all combatants in and around Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria to spare the civilian population in the camp from starvation and suffering, to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and to recognize the rights of the population. We condemn the inhuman treatment of the population.

We call for an immediate ceasefire by all sides, in order to allow all persons that wish to leave the camp the opportunity and means to do so, and for food and medicine to be supplied to those choosing to remain.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 17:59)

We Better Move On...

"I've gotten some of my best light from bridges I've burned."-- Don Henley

(LONDON) - Einstein left and right brain What does it take, in an era dominated by progressive identity politics, to be accepted as a fully qualified member of the Left? Jane is a London lawyer who identifies politically ‘as a woman,’ and marches enthusiastically for human rights. Can she join? I think the answer is yes, she can.

George is a medical doctor who happens also to be a black man and identifies as ‘Black middle class.’ Can he subscribe to a progressive email group and contribute to the discussion? I hope and suspect that he can.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 17:00)

Peace Now to Israeli Government: Remove Belligerent West Bank Outpost

Peace Now's lawyers point out that demolition orders have been issued in the past against Esh Kodesh's illegally-built homes and other structures.

(TEL AVIV) - Belligerent West Bank Outpost Israel's Peace Now (Shalom Achshav) movement today sent a letter to the Israeli government, demanding that it enforce the law and remove Esh Kodesh, a West Bank settlement that was established in violation of Israeli law, whose residents have repeatedly attacked neighboring Palestinians.

Residents of this illegal outpost yesterday attacked Palestinians in the neighboring village of Kusra, near Nablus after Israeli law enforcement officers removed saplings that the settlers had planted in an attempt to illegally take over more land that they don't own.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 13:11)

Palestinian Rights

We must learn to appreciate and thank people more while they are alive.

(BETHLEHEM) - Palestine flag We are in a new year and certainly I wish all humans (friends and foes) a happy new year that would bring justice which is the prerequisite for peace.

In the first few field-trips in 2014, we saw beautiful budding lilies, many species of snails and insects, and birds and others signs of renewed life after the snow in Palestine. Our water wells are full and Spring is coming. Life renews itself. We remember fallen comrades but we look to the future with hope.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 12:32)

As Iran Diplomacy Advances, APN Urges Congress and US Jewish Groups to Stop Pushing New Sanctions

"... we urge American Jewish organizations to stop their ongoing campaign in support of new Iran sanctions. This campaign is bad for America, and bad for Israel..." - APN President and CEO Debra DeLee

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Americans for Peace Now is the sister organization of Shalom Achshav, Israel's preeminent peace movement The Obama Administration and its international partners have reached an agreement with Iran to implement the Joint Plan of Action signed in November 2013.

Americans for Peace Now (APN) is calling on Congress to support President Obama’s diplomatic effort and is urging fellow American Jewish organizations to stop their campaign in support of new Iran sanctions.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 11:18)

A Petition from the Campaign to
Tell Musicians: Don`t Entertain Apartheid Israel!

Sign the Petition to Musicians invited to play the Red Sea Jazz Festival.

(TEL AVIV) - Boycott Israeli music fest The Red Sea Jazz Festival is a bi-yearly event in Israel's city of Eilat. The festival could have been a festival to celebrate the free spirit of Jazz music, and this beautiful tradition of oppressed minorities.

Instead, it is a government event of propaganda, which uses Jazz music as a tool for whitewashing military occupation, apartheid and oppression of the Palestinian people...

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2014 19:09)

Sharon and a Nobel Prize for Nonsense

One interesting thing very few people know about Sharon is that he was opposed to Israel developing and possessing nuclear weapons.

(LONDON) - Ariel Sharon Until recently I thought Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had no rivals in the business of talking propaganda nonsense (Israel’s Jews in danger of annihilation etcetera, etcetera, etcetera). But if there was a Nobel Prize for talking nonsense it does now seem that there would be a number of contenders.

At the top of my list of them would be British Prime Minister David Cameron. In paying tribute to Sharon he praised him for his “brave and controversial decisions in pursuit of peace.”

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
