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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jan-12-2014 11:24)

A Pact With The Devil

The King of Israel is dead. Here’s to the demise of his appalling legacy.

(LONDON) - Ariel Sharon Those of you who are familiar with my thoughts and writings will know by now that I loathe invoking any religious edict to make my point. In this case the exception is justified.

You would have to be living in the deepest recesses of the Amazonian jungle or the farthest reaches of Outer Mongolia not to have heard of the death of ‘the devil’ that was Ariel Sharon. Forgive me if I don’t shed a tear nor have a decent word to say about the dead but on this occasion I will just refrain from dancing over his grave.

Read Full Article (Jan-11-2014 14:41)

Palestine`s Quislings

A Hand in the Till Not on the Tiller.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - State John Kerry disembarking from his plane in Tel Aviv with  chief US negotiator Martin Indyk. A picture is indeed sometimes worth a thousand words. A photo of Secretary of State John Kerry disembarking from his plane in Tel Aviv showed chief US negotiator Martin Indyk walking along at his side with a grin on his face as if he had just heard a new Palestinian joke in the plane on the way over.

It looked like Israel’s American legal team had arrived and just couldn’t wait for the first photo op with a glowering Benjamin Netanyahu.

Read Full Article (Jan-10-2014 14:01)

Israel-Palestine: Is Peace Possible On Obama`s Watch?

If Rosenberg is right about the process he describes as being underway in America’s Jewish community, the day IS coming when an American president WILL be able to break free from the Zionist lobby’s stranglehold on policy for the Israel-Palestine conflict.

(LONDON) - Obama and Israel The answer to my headline question could be, not necessarily would be, “Yes” IF President Obama was prepared to put America’s own best interests first and use as necessary all the leverage he has to oblige Israel to accept that peace with the Palestinians requires a complete end to its occupation of the West Bank.

With East Jerusalem the capital of a Palestinian state or, preferably, Jerusalem an undivided, open city and the capital of two states, Israel back to its 1967 pre-war frontiers subject only to minor and mutually agreed border modifications is an Israel the Palestinians could and would make peace with. But...

Read Full Article (Jan-10-2014 11:41)

Pressures Mounting... A Palestinian-Hezbollah War in Lebanon?

The Sunni and the Shia just as with the Palestinians and Hezbollah need each other for many reasons including to confront growing Islamophobia...

(AIN EL HELWEH CAMP, Lebanon) - Fatah member stands guard at the entrance of the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain al-Hilweh It’s not just the leadership of the Zionist regime still occupying Palestine, six decades after the 1948 Nakba, that appears to be salivating at the current stoking of current tensions between the Palestinian Resistance and in some respects, its historic off-spring Hezbollah.

From Tel Aviv, to Amman, Riyadh, the Gulf Kingdoms to Washington DC and beyond, the forces allied against the Tehran-Damascus-Hezbollah-Palestinian Resistance are working on yet another project to weaken and hopefully destroy all four.

Read Full Article (Jan-08-2014 23:21)

Take Israel to the ICC, Abbas or GET OUT of the WAY

Abbas does not speak for Palestine. He cannot sign or agree to any “agreement” for the Palestinians. If he agrees to a U.S. Framework Agreement that gives away Palestinian rights, he is a Traitor.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - It is time for Palestine to Sign the Rome Statute and take Israel to the International Criminal Court. If it is necessary to be a member state at the U.N. in order to sign the Rome Statute, the UNGA will approve that.

These bogus “Peace Talks” are only used by Israel for propaganda purposes and used to further the occupation. The people must demand that the “Peace Talks” end.

Read Full Article (Jan-08-2014 13:07)

Peace Now to Israeli Government: Remove Belligerent West Bank Outpost

Peace Now’s lawyers point out that demolition orders have been issued in the past against Esh Kodesh’s illegally-built homes and other structures.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Americans for Peace Now Israel’s Peace Now (Shalom Achshav) movement today sent a letter to the Israeli government, demanding that it enforce the law and remove Esh Kodesh, a West Bank settlement that was established in violation of Israeli law, whose residents have repeatedly attacked neighboring Palestinians.

Residents of this illegal outpost yesterday attacked Palestinians in the neighboring village of Kusra, near Nablus after Israeli law enforcement officers removed saplings that the settlers had planted in an attempt to illegally take over more land that they don’t own.

Read Full Article (Jan-08-2014 12:10)

Gilad Atzmon on Dieudonné and the Quenelle

The truth is devastating - Palestine is here and the French people are the Palestinians Du Jour...

(LONDON) - Gilad Atzmon If the quenelle is loosely defined as an anti establishment salute, one may wonder why Jews are offended by it and regard it as an ‘anti-Semitic’ gesture? Is it because many Jews actually identify with ‘the establishment’?

And how do we explain the fact that the French government is happy to compromise the most elementary liberties just to appease the French Jewish Lobby (Crif)?

Read Full Article (Jan-07-2014 17:48)

Help Prod the ICC Into Action Over Israel`s Illegal `Settlements`

It is imperative that these crimes and abominations are not only halted but reversed.

(LONDON) - Israeli settlements The Palestinian leadership won't do it – will you?

Unbelievably, President Mahmoud Abbas and his hapless crew in Ramallah promised the US not to file charges against Israel in the International Criminal Court. Meanwhile the Israeli regime is accelerating its squatter programme on Palestinian territory even in the middle of so­ called peace talks, increasing its air strikes and generally upping its aggression.

Read Full Article (Jan-07-2014 12:31)

UN Has Failed to Bring Israel to Justice for 65 Years

It is today a bit of a stretch to point to what should be done with the reality that the seizure of virtually all of the Palestinian land has made so impossible.

(TEHRAN FNA) - writers, Professor Bill Cook and Kourosh Ziabari We are used to hearing every day that a Palestinian citizen is killed by the Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip, or that Israel has begun constructing new settlements on the lands it has stolen from the Palestinians.

Although the illegal actions of Israel against the people of Palestine and its continued occupation of the Palestinian lands predates some 60 years back, the future of Israeli-Palestinian conflict needs precise and in-depth investigation and study.

Read Full Article (Jan-06-2014 09:09)

Erekat Wakes up to the Peace Swindle - Abbas Still in Cloud Cuckoo Land

None of this is new or surprising; it's standard stuff and should be unobjectionable, supported as it is by UN resolutions (unimplemented) and international law (unenforced).

(LONDON) - Saeb Erekat The Times of Israel reports that Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat, who recently resigned (again) but mysteriously remains in post, said in an interview that the Palestinians will not agree to extending latest talks with Israel one minute beyond the allotted nine months, ending in April.

Proper talks, which started last July, have not been held for two month owing to stalemate and unofficial meetings had been fruitless.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
