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English Translation of Report from Israel`s Blacklisting Teams

Police, Israel Security Agency (Formally GSS) and Administrative Blacklistings

(TEL AVIV) - Israeli police Each entry of Palestinians from the Occupied Palestinian Territories into Israel, settlements or seam zone between the separation fence and the Green Line, requires a permit.

Read Full Article (May-10-2014 15:26)

The Prospect of a Fascist Coup in Israel

A new historical era has begun. Any army can rebel by internet.

(London Redress News & Analysis) - David Adamov Just before Israel’s 66th anniversary, the country acquired a new national hero. If it is true that every nation gets the national heroes it deserves, it was a rather worrying spectacle. The video clip that turned David Adamov from an anonymous soldier into a national figure was taken with a Palestinian camera in Hebron.

Such video cameras have become the bane of the Israeli army. They have been widely distributed to young Palestinians throughout the occupied territories by Israeli peace organizations, especially B’Tselem.
The incident

Read Full Article (May-09-2014 15:00)


Those who manipulate the blinders use marriage for leverage; we think of Yigal Amir, Rabin's "assassin," who got a wacko Russian wife and child for keeping his mouth shut.

(ST. AUGUSTINE) - Blinders Talking with my good friend, Tova, about The Transfer Agreement, the horrid agreement between the Labor Zionists and the nazis to slaughter, their mostly, religious Jewish opposition, I spoke of the blinders of the religious Europeans of the 40's, when, somehow, we stumbled upon the abuse of one Jonathan Pollard.

To my deep disappointment, she bought into the Patriot Jonathan crapola, a complicated but typical blinder. She spouted the baloney that Pollard turned down his own freedom because it meant freeing Arab terrorists.

Read Full Article (May-09-2014 14:27)

Rights Groups Urge Abbas to Let ICC Prosecute War Crimes Committed on Palestinian Territories

Amnesty, Human Rights Watch call on PA to resist U.S. and Israeli pressure and apply for International Criminal Court membership.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch urged Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday to promptly seek access for Palestine at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Read Full Article (May-08-2014 14:17)

Gaza: Where Cemeteries Serve the Living

Welcome to Baraka City --Gaza

(SALEM / GAZA) - Gaza cemetery where people are living Most people know about the suffering in Gaza, or do they? Israeli propaganda groups like to send out photos of shopping malls with happy people and claim they are from Gaza, and God knows people of Gaza deserve what everyone else has, but I would bet my life on the fact that a very tiny percentage of Gazans ever actually go to a mall.

But they do go to their graves.

Read Full Article (May-06-2014 20:13)

Zionism Beyond Control...

Only Arafat (no other Palestinian leader) could have persuaded the PNC to be ready to make peace on that basis. What he needed thereafter was an Israeli partner for peace and there wasn’t one.

(LONDON) - Zionism out of control The conclusion to be drawn from the Obama administration’s predictable and predicted failure to get an Israeli-Palestinian peace process going is that the Zionist (not Jewish) monster state is beyond control. And the question arising is this. What are the real choices for the Palestinians?

In an editorial on 14 April the New York Times (NYT) offered its advice to President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry.

Read Full Article (May-01-2014 12:27)

Resistance Growing To Zionism`s Corrupting Influence

Narrow nationalism, in recent years, has corrupted this humane Jewish tradition.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Non-Zionist rabbis Zionism, the philosophy of Jewish nationalism which believes that Israel is the "homeland" of all Jews and that those living outside of Israel are in "exile," has distorted American Jewish life and is driving large numbers of young people away from what is becoming an increasingly intolerant community.

Many synagogues fly Israeli flags and have replaced God with Israel as the virtual object of worship, a practice akin to the idolatry practiced in the worship of the Golden Calf.

Read Full Article (May-01-2014 10:17)

A Palestinian `Resistance` View

While we wait for US Secretary of State John Kerry to contemplate the revolver on the silver tray and write his suicide note, readers will recall an earlier article telling of my failed attempts to conduct an interview with the PLO's Dr Hanan Ashrawi and posting the unanswered questions instead.

(LONDON) - Palestine resistance After 66 years of brutal occupation “peace talks without applying the principles of International Law are an exercise in delusion”.

As expected, the 'peace' talks farce has ended in disarray with all parties utterly discredited again. Do they never learn? Expect more acrobatics and slapstick if the same circus clowns remain in the ring.

Read Full Article (Apr-28-2014 09:24)

Act for Human Rights

In my talks, I emphasize that people must wake up and push politicians to do the right thing. That is how history changes...

(BETHLEHEM) - Gaza mom and her baby People asked me about the latest "reconciliation" agreement between Fatah and Hamas. Most Palestinians here are skeptical of the sincerity of leadership in Fatah and Hamas and most still think these leaders are driven by narrow factional and personal interests than by interest of Palestine.

Noticeably absent was the popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the largest secular faction after Fatah. Women leaders also complained about the exclusion of women voices.

Read Full Article (Apr-26-2014 13:51)

Gilad Atzmon - The Biology Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (video)

The lecture was given in Geneva in March and it presents the direction of my thought from now onward.

(LONDON) - Evolution to Israel The following video is probably my most important talk to date.

It is an attempt to deconstruct the notion of the ‘Jewish genius’. It elaborates on the building of Jewish cognitive elite. It equates between the Zionist and Israeli elite that is highly pragmatic as well as sinister and Palestinian elite that is, to a certain extent, dysfunctional politically.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
