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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-17-2014 22:38)

Proxy Wars

Today we have a new crop of Messianic warriors who have taken on the mission in the name of western democracy.

(LONDON) - General Wesley Clark The Messianic warriors are at work again. Their mission is not to spread the word of God, though that is their cover, but to serve their own God; the God of Mammon, greed and avarice.

This is not new. It’s been an ongoing process since the advent of the Industrial Revolution when the British ruled the world and the English firmly believed that God was an Anglo Saxon. It was the Empire on which the sun never set or, as some said, the blood never dried.’

Read Full Article (May-31-2014 22:31)

Mavi Marmara`s March for Freedom Continues

After four years, the court has issued an arrest warrant with a red notice to INTERPOL for four defendants.

(ISTANBUL, Turkey) - Mavi Marmara It has been 4 years since the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, with over 700 volunteers from 37 different countries, was attacked by the Israeli armed forces in international waters on its way to break the illegal blockade on Gaza and to deliver humanitarian aid.

During this attack nine humanitarian aid volunteers were killed and dozens of others injured on board the Mavi Marmara vessel. Last week, Ugur Soylemez, who was in a coma since the attack, also died. TEN.

Read Full Article (May-31-2014 08:31)

Syrians Working to Preserve Jewish Cultural Heritage

A volunteer with the Sabra-Shatila Scholarship Program, Franklin Lamb is in Syria doing research.

(Jewish Quarter, DAMASCUS) - Jobar Synagogue It’s always encouraging when one comes upon some inspiring human enterprise, here in Syria or elsewhere, that refutes the worn shibboleths and clichés about how this or that group, or this or that religion, hates others and won’t cease targeting them until they are destroyed and burning in Hell.

In Syria today there is much evidence to refute the claims, often politically motivated, that Jewish cultural heritage sites are being singled out for destruction by rabid anti-Semites.

Read Full Article (May-29-2014 13:54)

O`Keefe Presents TV Program, Says US Subservience to Israel is Dangerous

The 4th Anniversary of the tragedy aboard the Mavi Marmara is May 31st. This prominent Palestinian rights activist blames the US for its blatant support of Israel.

(LONDON PressTV) - Ken O'Keefe Ken O’Keefe is a survivor from the Turkish Gaza-bound aid Freedom Flotilla, which was attacked by Israel in 2010.

Having investigated the evidence on the extent of brutality used by the Israeli forces in Mavi Marmara incident, O’Keefe believes the Israeli impunity, earned by the western powers’ support, is highly dangerous.

Read Full Article (May-24-2014 00:17)

After 4 Years in Coma Mavi Marmara Victim Passes Away

The death toll has now reached 10. Ten humanitarians killed in international waters.

(ISTANBUL, Turkey) - Mavi Marmara activist Uğur Süleyman Söylemez, who was heavily injured by the Israeli attack on May 31, 2010 and was left in a coma for four years, has passed away today at 51 years of age.

Mavi Marmara was on its way to bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza in May 2010, when Israeli soldiers attacked the ship in international waters leaving 9 dead and 30 wounded. The death toll has now reached 10 after Söylemez died in a hospital where he was receiving treatment.

Read Full Article (May-21-2014 21:40)

Sir Geoffrey Nice QC Announced He Will Represent Victims of Mavi Marmara at Int`l Criminal Court

Milošević-prosecutor, Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, confirms today he is representing Mavi Marmara victims at the International Criminal Court.

(LONDON) - Mavi Marmara The court is being pressed to investigate the deaths, injuries and other suffering of those on board the Mavi Marmara when, four years ago, it was part of a humanitarian convoy attacked by Israel Defence Forces (IDF).

On 31 May 2010, the IDF conducted a pre-planned attack on a flotilla of aid ships in international waters. The flotilla, consisting of 6 ships carrying passengers of very many different nationalities, travelled under the joint name of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla towards Gaza where they hoped to deliver humanitarian aid.

Read Full Article (May-21-2014 15:21)

A Very Particular God

The quest for knowledge and understanding is a lifelong journey.

(LONDON) - Abrahamic religion Today is my birthday. I am seventy one years old and in all the years that I have been on this earth I often wondered what or who is God.

I read about the Prophet Muhammad, his journey and his struggles to establish the Muslim faith. I heard sermons from Christian priests singing the praises of Jesus and the just and peaceful message he brought to humanity. I listened to and read many a Torah scholar, talking about the oneness of God and the relationship of that God to his subjects.

Read Full Article (May-20-2014 23:26)

Is Palestine `Solidarity` Going Soft?

ECCP: The EU must ...avoid contributing to Israeli violations of international law.

(LONDON) - Free Palestine In the run-up to the EU elections the UK's Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) emailed supporters urging them to use a specially worded form for MEP candidates to fill in. It included these two questions...

  • Will you ensure that the EU fully applies the conditionality clause guaranteeing respect for human rights in all its future and current agreements between the EU and Israel?
  • Will you oppose Israel’s violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and will you support Palestinians’ right to self-determination?

  • Read Full Article (May-14-2014 18:20)

    On Kosher Statistics

    Apparently, according to the ADL, the territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip had the highest ‘anti-Semitic’ attitudes at 93%. But is it really ‘anti Semitic’ to oppose those who plundered your home and murdered your family?

    (LONDON) - Jewish stats The Jewish ADL (Anti Defamation League) revealed this week that more than ‘one in four adults are ‘anti-Semitic.’

    Of Some 53,100 adults in 102 countries and territories around the world surveyed for the ADL Global 100: An Index of Anti-Semitism, 26% were found to be ‘deeply infected’ with ‘anti-Semitic attitudes.’

    Read Full Article (May-12-2014 11:57)

    ``Zionism Unsettled``: Neither False Nor Misguided

    Time for Obama To Earn His 2009 Nobel Prize

    (CHICAGO) - Israeli soldier arresting Palestinian child The battle has begun over Zionism Unsettled. The Christian Century opened round one by publishing an attack on Zionism Unsettled, a study guide developed for the study of Zionism, a secular ideology formed in the 19th century, which has had a major impact on Jewish–Christian relations.

    The battle will continue June 14, when the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) gathers for national deliberations in Detroit, Michigan.

    Read Full Article
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    The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

    Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
