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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (May-10-2010 10:36)

Pakistan The Evil Doer and the Times Square Fizzler

Could such an event be orchestrated to make it appear the work of Muslim Evil Doers?

(TEMPE, Az.) - Drawing of Times Square suspect Were Muslim Evil Doers again at work in New York?

Is that the lesson to be learned from a May 1st “car bomb” that fizzled while parked alongside the Marriott Hotel in Manhattan’s busy Times Square?

Read Full Article (Apr-29-2010 00:16)

Three Points of View: The United States, Pakistan and India

STRATFOR Writer Peter Zeihan examines the interests and potential futures.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - In recent weeks, STRATFOR has explored how the U.S. government has been seeing its interests in the Middle East and South Asia shift.

When it comes down to it, the United States is interested in stability at the highest level — a sort of cold equilibrium among the region’s major players that prevents any one of them, or a coalition of them — from overpowering the others and projecting power outward.

Read Full Article (Apr-14-2010 13:46)

Time for Real Laws to Protect our Troops and Veterans

Doing nothing at all would be a huge improvement; allowing veterans to die quietly - it's better than the abuse.

(CINCINNATI, Ohio) - America has been at war for a decade.

For most of the war, we financed massive corruption through cutting benefits to veterans, even destroying thousands of their files and through discharging wounded soldiers under the diagnosis of “personality disorder,” often brought on by a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) caused by multiple combat deployments.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2010 23:49)

Southern California Al Qaeda Spokesman Arrested in Pakistan

In June 1995, when Gadahn was sixteen, he left the farm to live with his grandparents in Santa Ana. He had completed his high-school coursework, and was uncertain what to do next.

(MEXICO CITY) - Adam Gadahn This arrest in Pakistan is a top story headline at Google news, but it fails to mention that Adam Gadahn had converted to radical Islam while living with his Jewish Zionist grandfather who was an official of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2010 14:24)

FLASHBACK - Saudis Reject Pakistani Diplomat Whose Name Translates to `Biggest Dick`

In Saudi Arabia, size does count.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Pakistan High Commissioner Akbar Zeb A high level Pakistani diplomat has been rejected as Ambassador of Saudi Arabia because his name. Akbar Zeb, equates to "Biggest Dick" in Arabic.

Read Full Article (Dec-31-2009 00:09)

Pakistan Assures UNHCR of Continued Hospitality Towards Registered Afghans

Some 2.19 million Afghans were registered in Pakistan, in 2007, today some 1.7 million registered Afghans live in camps and urban centers in Pakistan.

(KABUL, Afghanistan) - Pakistan art Pakistan's Ministry for States and Frontier Regions has assured the UN refugee agency that it will continue to extend its traditional hospitality to some 1.7 million registered Afghans, pending a decision on the modalities of the renewal of their Proof of Registration (PoR) cards.

Read Full Article (Dec-28-2009 01:40)

Are America`s Mercenary Armies Really Drug Cartels?

Did Bush/Cheney rebuild Reagan's "Iran Contra" drug gang?

(CINCINNATI, Ohio) - Blackwater CASA 212 over Afghanistan dropping supplies to U.S. Army troops News out of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India reports massive corruption at the highest levels of government, corruption that could only be financed with drug money. In Afghanistan, the president's brother is known to be one of the biggest drug runners in the world.

In Pakistan, President Zardani is found with 60 million in a Swiss Bank and his Interior Minister is suspected of ties to American groups involved in paramilitary operations, totally illegal that could involve nothing but drugs, there is no other possibility.

Read Full Article (Dec-27-2009 20:25)

Xe, Formerly Blackwater, Poses Biggest Threat to Pakistan`s Nukes

Is America out to hurt her trusted ally?

(LONDON) - Blackwater Lawyers from the local bar associations protested outside the 'secret base' of US mercenaries (Xe/Blackwater) inside the ‘Sehala’ Police Training College, a few miles from the Kahuta Nuclear Plant. Why did Pakistani media ignore the story?

As the propaganda that Pakistani nukes are likely to fall into the hands of the Taliban continues in the American press, one wonders what might be the U.S. intent. Seen in the light that American mercenaries have become overt operationally, it appears that the intent is to use them to ‘lift’ the Pak Nukes using the threat from the Taliban as an excuse.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2009 20:04)

Our Af-Pak Strategy for Peace

General Mizra Aslam Beg is a former Chief of Staff, Army of Pakistan.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - General Mizra Aslam Beg The Afpak region is in a state of flux, yet it presents tremendous opportunities for diplomacy to operate and establish peace in the region.

The real change has occurred in Afghanistan, after the invasion by the Soviets, and the follow up events which disturbed the peace of the world and now has reached a boiling point, where the “bubble must burst,” giving way to new realities and a new paradigm of peace in the region, and beyond.

Read Full Article (Aug-07-2009 19:29)

Sought After Pakistani Taliban Leader Mehsud May Be Dead

The death is unconfirmed, but militants say the Taliban is already holding a "shura" council to select Mehsud's replacement.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Military officials in Pakistan believe Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud may have been killed during a CIA missile strike.

Pakistani security officials report that Mehsud, his wife and bodyguards were killed on August 5th 2009 when an American drone aircraft attacked their location in the Zangar area in South Waziristan.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
