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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-13-2010 04:28)

Freedom Flotilla`s Real Victory: America`s Propaganda Machine Exposed

Israeli Hoax Videos Debunked, USS Liberty Remembrance Suppressed.

(CINCINNATI, Ohio) - Israel's fake flotilla video debunked. The second the faked videos were available, cheap edits and voice overs first, Sky News and Fox, both owned by Israeli Likudist Rupert Murdoch, began the disinformation campaign.

Read Full Article (Jun-13-2010 03:14)

U.S. Filmmaker Recorded Flotilla Massacre Video

Bad news for Israel's spinmasters...

(SALEM, Ore.) - Casualty aboard the Mavi Marmara The world is slowly absorbing the real magnitude of the Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla to aid Gaza. A filmmaker was able to smuggle raw video of the attack back to the USA.

Cultures of Resistance director Iara Lee was aboard the besieged Mavi Marmara and has returned home.

Read Full Article (Jun-10-2010 03:11)

Urgent appeal: Bring back the Israeli Foreign Ministry Website!

As for more romantic labels applied to Gaza-related fatalities, Operation Summer Rains of 2006 has recently been joined by Operation Sea Breeze, the euphemism for the flotilla attack.

(ISTANBUL) - Stern of the Mavi Marmara For over a week here in Turkey, I have been unable to access the website of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At first I assumed the site was down for routine maintenance purposes and to allow experts time to craft an explanation—possibly with accompanying video—of how the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were merely trying to engage humanitarian activists on board the Mavi Marmara in a friendly game of paintball.

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2010 15:07)

Israel`s Lifting of Gaza Blockade Means Junk Food, But No Cement to Rebuild Damaged Buildings

The marginal easement is a step in the right direction, but a very small one.

(JERUSALEM) - Raffah Crossing at Gaza Israel has allowed some previously banned food items into the Gaza Strip, taking a small step toward easing its three-year-old blockade of the territory after worldwide criticism of last week’s deadly raid on a Gaza-bound international flotilla.

The decision only narrowly expands the list of goods that can enter Gaza — and most of the newly permitted items are already being smuggled into the area from neighboring Egypt.

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2010 04:41)

`They Looked in my Hair and Under my Tongue`

"I only cried when I saw that journalist Cevdet Kılıçlar had been shot." - Turkisn journalist Ayşe Sarıoğlu

(ISTANBUL) - IDF duties also include checking for gum in the mouths of international journalists. Yesterday I posted excerpts from the first part of the Turkish daily Taraf’s two-part interview with 27-year-old journalist Ayşe Sarıoğlu, recounting her experience during last week’s attack on the Mavi Marmara.

Following is my (rough) translation of excerpts from the second part of the interview, which starts with the boat’s forced docking at Ashdod port and recounts the imprisonment of the passengers on board.

Read Full Article (Jun-08-2010 05:20)

Turkish Journalist Recounts Flotilla Attack

"Everything happened so fast. At the same time, they boarded us from boats and descended from helicopters by rope. And as they were descending they starting firing" - Ayşe Sarıoğlu, who was on board the Mavi Marmara

(ISTANBUL) - Following is my (rough) translation of excerpts from the first part of Taraf newspaper’s two-part interview with Ayşe Sarıoğlu, a 27-year-old graduate student at Istanbul University, who was on board the Mavi Marmara.

Sarıoğlu begins the interview by explaining that although she is sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, she participated in the expedition to Gaza as a journalist.

Read Full Article (Jun-07-2010 15:41)

Why Israel Chooses Violence

The attack on the flotilla off Gaza is the Jewish state's latest attempt to radicalise the Palestinians.

(LONDON) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Israel's deadly commando assault last Monday on the Freedom Flotilla has been variously denounced around the world as state terrorism, piracy, a war crime and as the latest example of Israel's arrogant contempt for international law and its criminal indifference for (non-Jewish) human life.

Read Full Article (Jun-07-2010 05:46)

Jewish Ideology and Peace

" …then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy.”(Deuteronomy 7:1-2) "…do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them…as the Lord your God has commanded you…” (Deuteronomy 20:16)

(LONDON) - Netanyahu as a Pirate I am here to announce as loud as I can, there is no need for any ‘International’, ‘impartial’ or ‘independent’ inquiry into the latest Israeli massacre on the high sea. Though the Israeli opposition to such an inquiry is there to suggest that the Israelis have much to hide, the truth of the matter is actually deeper.

Read Full Article (Jun-07-2010 00:48)

`And Yes, We Fought`
Eyewitness Account From Mavi Mamara

"...we fought in the name of justice and humanity. We were right to do so, in every way."

(ISTANBUL) - Ken O'Keefe I have for many years understood that we, people of conscience, are the true holders of power in this world.

Frustratingly however we have largely relinquished that power and failed to reach our full potential.

Read Full Article (Jun-06-2010 22:42)

UN Recognition of Israel is Fatally Flawed

Christopher King argues that beneath Israel’s litany of crimes against the Palestinians, and most recently its murder of humanitarian workers aboard the Gaza-bound international aid flotilla, lies the fact of its own illegality.

(LONDON) - Artwork by the amazing Carlos Latuff The true nature of the so-called freedom-loving, democratic state of Israel is clear to the world following its military attack on Gaza, and the illegal blockade which causes terrible suffering.

These horrifying events should focus minds within the international community on the legitimacy of the Israeli regime.

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