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Oct-18-2009 20:04printcomments

Our Af-Pak Strategy for Peace

General Mizra Aslam Beg is a former Chief of Staff, Army of Pakistan.

General Mizra Aslam Beg
General Mizra Aslam Beg is a former Chief of Staff, Army of Pakistan. Courtesy: Life Magazine

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - The Afpak region is in a state of flux, yet it presents tremendous opportunities for diplomacy to operate and establish peace in the region. The real change has occurred in Afghanistan, after the invasion by the Soviets, and the follow up events which disturbed the peace of the world and now has reached a boiling point, where the “bubble must burst,” giving way to new realities and a new paradigm of peace in the region, and beyond.

President Obama’s Afpak strategy has failed and therefore “there ought to be an exit strategy for Afghanistan.” How? That is the dilemma!!

The American and the NATO allies have lost their nerves and want to exit from Afghanistan, at the earliest. The only country, which can provide a safe exit, it is Pakistan and the only people, who can guarantee such exit, are the Taliban - the winners.

The Indians who were brought into the foray, as part of the strategic alliance - "to contain and curb the rising power of China and Islamic Extremism" have proved a disappointment for the Americans. The Indians, therefore have been warned to restrain themselves, yet they may try their best to retain their influence in Afghanistan, once the exit begins.

The Taliban of today, were the Mujahideen of the 80's, fighting against the Soviets, who were defeated and forced to withdraw. Thus the American objectives having been served, the Mujahideen became irrelevant and were denied their share in power, they had won. They were degraded by calling them ‘extremists and fundamentalists' and were made to fight amongst themselves.

After 9/11, Afghanistan was occupied and the ‘war on terror' was launched against the Afghans, fighting for their freedom, called Taliban. The hardcore of Taliban is the young generation which was born thirty/twenty five years back and has grown under the shadows of war. Their only objective in life is to win their freedom. They have never involved themselves, outside Afghanistan. They have no truck with Al-Qaeda except the 005 Al-Qaeda Brigade, numbering about 3000, which has recently joined the Shadow Army under Mulla Umar.

The Taliban, have never fired a bullet against the Pakistani security forces. In fact when tension mounted between Pakistani security forces and Baitullah Masud, Taliban sent a powerful, nine member delegation, advising Baitullah Masud, to talk and negotiate peace, but he did not listen. It is therefore evident, that the so called Pakistani Taliban are a different entity altogether, whereas the Afghan Taliban are the arbiters of the destiny of the people of Afghanistan.

And rightly the Americans have already developed contact with them, who are demanding a "time-frame for withdrawal" as the pre-condition. Both, the USA and Pakistan, therefore need to support the Taliban, and not to let them be cheated of their right to form the government, as it happened in 1990. They are the winners and deserve their due place in power sharing. Pakistan's support for the Taliban, therefore, is important - the diplomatic, political and military support - as much as for the Americans, for their safe exit.

The Europeans and the Americans have burdened Obama, with the Nobel Peace Prize, which he didn't deserve, but the award puts moral and psychological pressure on him to perform and find peace in Afghanistan - something Pakistan should whole heartedly welcome. One of the declared objective of Obama therefore, is to bolster Pakistan, militarily and economically, so that Pakistan could play the desired role, to provide the safe exit as well as protect their interests in the region.

In protecting American interests we have to be very discreet and mindful as not to provide the Safe Haven to them in Pakistan. The increasing number of secret agencies such as Black water, DynCorp and others, which have found space in Pakistan, are dangerous indications. Kerry Lugar bill, and the explanatory notes of individuals, like Kerry and Berman, that "there is no intention to micro-manage internal Pakistani affairs," holds no bar on the bill, which has become law under Obama's signature. American law cannot be over-ruled by individual undertakings, except by another law.

Pakistan has a pivotal role to play in exercise of this option. Any other option would mess-up the whole situation. Therefore, looking dispassionately at the responsibility placed on Pakistan, the following could be the steps to play its role:

* · Improve relations with the Taliban and reestablish the past goodwill. Mainly diplomatic and political initiatives are to be undertaken and ‘no cloak and dagger activities of the intelligence agencies.' The Indian negative influences in Afghanistan must be challenged to avoid the two-front war situation, we are facing now.

* The Taliban will not allow to be cheated this time of their right to form the government, being in the majority. Some neighbours of Afghanistan in particular must be kept at a distance, because, in the past, they played very negative role in the establishment of a broad-based government in Afghanistan.

* Pakhtunistan has emerged as a reality. There are over three million of them in Karachi - the economic support base - and their power extends to Balochistan, NWFP and to the Hindukush Mountains.

Their fight for freedom, since 1980, has galvanized them into a formidable force, combining the forces of Pakhtun Nationalism, Islamic Idealism (Jehad) and Universalism of the Islamic Resistance against oppression, with its hard core, resting along the Durand Line. Pakhtuns are our strength, as much as they are the strength of Afghanistan, as well as a very important element of our foreign policy.

During the last military regime, our relations with the Pakhtuns were tarnished, which must be repaired now to the level to provide the foundation for the formation of the Union of three countries - Pakistan - Afghanistan and Iran, to give the much needed "Strategic Depth" to the region. Our relations with China are the bed-rock of our foreign policy. China must be taken, as a friend, hand-in-hand to undertake diplomatic initiatives, as the fleeting moments of opportunity appear, which we must seize to make the best of them.

India would act like a wounded python after meeting set-backs in Afghanistan and would flex its military muscles to frighten Pakistan and intimidate, by acts of terror and actions, such as stopping the fresh water of the rivers, flowing into Pakistan. We have to take these provocations coolly; ready to challenge India, in our own time.

Diplomatic and political maneuvers are essential, whereas the military strategy must be based on the principles of ‘asymmetric war', of the present day times, where ‘men and missiles' have emerged victorious on the battlefields of Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan, against the most powerful countries, equipped with the best of technologies. Thus, there is a big role, for the Pakhtun Power, in our future conflict with India, to decide once for all the issue of Kashmir.

We have to play a very aggressive diplomatic and political role, to help Afghanistan find peace. Essentially the steps that need to be taken, to achieve the objectives are:

Occupation forces to give a time-frame for withdrawal and declare a cease-fire. Start dialogue with the Taliban and Northern Alliance, to form the Loe Jirga, to decide the main issues, such as:

* Formation of the Interim government for a period of three years; holding of the Census; framing of a Constitution; rebuilding of Institutions; massive reconstruction of the infrastructure and re-create ethnic balance, which has been disturbed since the Bonn Conference of 2001.

Hold elections in the year 2013.

* Such are the opportunities and the challenges demanding correct and timely responses, to establish the foundation for peace, in the Afpak region, and extend it beyond to other regions.

* This can be achieved only with the cooperation of all our neighbours and friends, working on the golden principles of "Peace, Cooperation and Engagement," as propounded and practiced by China. No doubt "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response, to global challenges." Roger Cohen.

Martin Luther King very rightly said: "He, who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who help to perpetrate it." And ‘Mother of all Evil', is occupation of Afghanistan. When evil is removed, peace would prevail. General Mirza Aslam Beg is Former COAS, Pakistan And Chairman FRIENDS, a research and publicationscreenhunter_14_oct._17_10.16_01 organization.

Article courtesy of Opinion Maker and Raja Mujtaba, Veterans Today's correspondent in Pakistan.

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.


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