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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Mar-17-2012 16:24)

Sri Lankan and Pakistani Intelligence Scheme Against Eelam Tamils

Pakistan is directly involved for the first Time in the act of devastating Tamils.

(LONDON TBC) - Pakistan ISI It has come to limelight that the Sri Lankan Intelligence Agency has been relentlessly hatching diabolical plots with dark intent to ensure the Eelam Tamils should never have a conducive link with India.

It is disheartening to know that the Sri Lankan Government have chosen to our great shock a few knee crooking Eelam Tamils and fielded them in many regions in Europe to implement their dark design.

Read Full Article (Mar-15-2012 16:20)

Balochistan Ceasefire & Political Settlement Proposed at UN

Urgent need for a military ceasefire & political settlement in Pakistani-occupied Balochistan.

(GENEVA) - Balochistan rally Speaking at the UN in Geneva, British human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has “condemned Pakistan’s intensified repression in Balochistan.

He "urged the UN to send a fact-finding mission, called on the International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants for Pakistani leaders and outlined proposals for military de-escalation and a negotiated political settlement in Balochistan.”

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2012 13:50)

PTSD Denial and Dead Afghan Civilians

Pushed Too Far? Soldier was a sniper who supported Navy SEAL's and Green Berets.

(SALEM) - Afghan civilans killed near Kandahar Last week we learned that army psychiatrists are increasingly denying that combat veteran suffer PTSD from war; the military suggesting their problems were pre-existing and not a result of combat.

Sunday, at least 16 Afghan civilians were gunned down by a rogue U.S. Army soldier Sunday, who reportedly carried out the attack on an Afghan village after dark using night vision goggles.

Read Full Article (Mar-09-2012 20:02)

PAKISTAN: Saleem Shahzad Case -Rule of Law or Rule of ISI?

Any civilized person will ask what are the processes and procedure that allowed for this complete impunity.

(HONG KONG) - Syed Saleem Shahzad Freedom of expression is one of the essential pre-requirements for the practice, protection and promotion of democracy.

If we are to speak of a democratic Pakistan we need to examine, whether the media is free.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2012 11:02)

PAKISTAN: Hindu Girl Forcibly Converted to Islam Eye on the World report.

(DHAKA- Bangladesh) - protest in Pakistan against forced conversion Islam Rinkle Kumari is a 17-year old Hindu girl who was first abducted, then forced to convert to Islam and forcibly marry a gangster.

Following her abduction she was forced to embrace Islam. It is especially disturbing to know that a legislator from the ruling party was involved in this illegal act.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2012 05:13)

Balochistan & Bangladesh - Enduring Pakistan`s Selective Genocide

"It is the most incredible, calculated thing since the days of the Nazis in Poland." - U.S. official at time of Bangladesh Genocide

(SALEM) - Violence in Balochistan In southwest Pakistan's rugged mountains, exists a land of great violence and tremendous strife... Balochistan, a nation swallowed up in a post-WWII land grab.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2012 19:29)

PAKISTAN: Housewife Prevented from Leaving Country to Meet Her Husband Eye on the World report.

(DHAKA- Bangladesh) - A house wife is being prevented from leaving the country to meet her husband The illegal and uncalled misuse of the Exit Control List in Pakistan, is being used to stop ordinary citizens, even housewives, from travelling abroad for family unification.

Ms. Zaibul Nigar was stopped by officials at Islamabad Airport and banned from flight without any justifiable reason, because her husband chairs the Balawaristan National Front.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2012 23:24)

Pakistan Frees US Embassy Employee After Bullets Found in Luggage

Is US Foreign Policy that hard to sell that their “diplomats” need weapons to persuade or enforce it?

(MELBOURNE) - Consulate car leaves a Peshawar police station carrying the US embassy employee. Photograph: Mohammmad Sajjad/AP The CIA has a multitude of Ray Davises on the books and in the closets, and as long as they are not caught with smoking guns in hand and dead Pakistanis at their feet, they are impervious to and immune from Law of any sort except their own.

Just what kind of “diplomacy” it is that the USA is engaging in which requires that US Diplomatic Officers, those who qualify for “Diplomatic Immunity,” to carry arms

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2012 21:28)

PAKISTAN: Young Woman Released After a Year of Assault, Abuse and Rape Eye on the World Report.

(SAYDABAD, Bangladesh) - Pakistan sex abuse After moving to Karachi to earn money and support her ailing father, a 19-year old woman was abducted by a perpetrator and raped by 10-15 men every week, for a year, and then she was then sold off to a pimp.

The most appalling aspect is a witness report, that 11-12 woman are currently being held against their will by the same, named perpetrator...

Read Full Article (Feb-20-2012 14:22)

Afghanistan: Taliban vs. Zal Khalilzad

Taliban are not considered a Pashtun nationalist movement, on the contrary, they mimic ideological and political inspirations from Arabs and others.

(SEATTLE) - “Khalilzad: A Satan whispering in the Hearts of Men”, was the title of in an email sent to many recipients by two Piled higher and Deeper (PhDs) expressing their views about Mr. Zal Khalilzad.

Indeed, it is alarming news to hear a hardcore neocon Mr. Khalizad arriving on his white horse to rescue his forefather’s land from the fraudulent Karzai government and Taliban’s mayhem.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
