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banner image of various photos in the Salem-News Oregon Coast photo album (Aug-29-2006 12:49)

Small Quake Rattles Off Oregon Coast

(NEWPORT) - Oregon Coast Image The U-S Geologic Survey says a minor earthquake shook Monday night nearly 300 miles off the Oregon coast.

The USGS says the 4.5 magnitude quake occurred just after 6:30 PM about 275 miles due west from Newport.

No injuries or damages were reported.

Read Full Article (Aug-28-2006 01:58)

New Exhibit Opens at the North Lincoln County Historical Museum

Surveying and Road Building in the Pacific Northwest.

(LINCOLN CITY) - With the exception of the perseverance and hard work of the early settlers, nothing has had a greater impact on the development of the Pacific Northwest more than road building.

On the Oregon coast roads allowed access to even the most remote areas. No one knows this more than Pete Fiddler, a surveyor and highway engineer for more than forty years on the Pacific coast.

Fidler’s territory covered the area from Astoria to Yachats to Junction City. “ It was a young man’s job but I did it even when I wasn’t so young anymore,” said Fiddler, now 71, but looking so fit he could probably still do the job today.

Read Full Article (Aug-23-2006 02:21)

Porpoises Deluge Seaside Cove Area

Experts say Seaside should see more porpoises in the coming days.

(SEASIDE) - porpoises at Seaside, Oregon An abundance of small baitfish in the waters off the north Oregon coast has resulted in a huge deluge of gulls and pelicans in Seaside and Cannon Beach, as well as another unusual occurrence in the world
of nature.

Tuesday, staff at the Seaside Aquarium is reporting something like 100 harbor porpoises have gathered in the "cove area" of Seaside - at the southern end of town - to feed on the surge of wee fishies.

Read Full Article (Aug-16-2006 22:37)

Scientists: Oregon’s Ocean Upwelling Fueled by Jet Stream, Sub-Arctic and River Flow

The Coastal Ocean Advances in Shelf Transport program, or COAST, was led by researchers at Oregon State University.

(CORVALLIS) - Oregon coast A team of nearly 60 scientists, have wrapped up a five-year study of the ocean circulation, biology and chemistry off the Oregon coast, has discovered a new cycle of activity in the Jet Stream that has a major influence on upwelling and ocean productivity.

Funded by the National Science Foundation, the study also found that Oregon has a unique upwelling system with...

Read Full Article (Aug-14-2006 22:45)

Sixth Annual Oregon Coast Lighthouse Photo Contest Underway

Only photos of Oregon Coast Lighthouses will be accepted.

(NEWPORT) - Oregon Lighthouse The Friends of Yaquina Lighthouses are sponsoring the Sixth Annual Lighthouse Photo Contest.

Read Full Article (Aug-13-2006 22:23)

Seal Pups Must Be Left Alone on the Beach

People should give them 50 feet of space, and remember that they are young and simply resting on the beach.

(SALEM) - Baby seal Marine wildlife officials on the Oregon coast say a baby seal on the beach near Seaside allows a good opportunity to remind the public that seal pups rest on the beach, and should be left alone.

Read Full Article (Aug-13-2006 17:11)

Heceta Head Lighthouse is Magic on The Oregon Coast

Heceta Head is said to be the most photographed lighthouse in the United States.

(FLORENCE) - Various Heceta Head It is pronounced “Ha – SEE – Ta” by most, “HECK – ah – Ta” by others, but everyone agrees Heceta Head is one of the most beautiful and magical lighthouses in the world.

The area is named for Captain Don Bruno de Hezeta (Heceta) of the Spanish Royal Navy, an explorer whose expedition passed along the Oregon coast around 1775.

Read Full Article (Aug-11-2006 06:53)

Coast Guard Terminates Voyage of California Vessel

Coast Guard Group Astoria received several calls last week from concerned citizens who had knowledge of the boat's safety violations.

(ASTORIA) - Coast Guard boat The Coast Guard terminated the voyage of a fishing vessel that failed to meet safety requirements Thursday at around 3:30 PM near Astoria after receiving tips from concerned citizens to keep an eye out for the boat.

The fishing vessel, Little Linda, homeported in Oakland, California, was found to be in violation of several boating safety regulations.

Read Full Article (Aug-07-2006 23:35)

Surfing is a Growing Sport in Oregon

As Oregon moves into the future with new recognition from the surfing world, people need to remember that public access laws mean any person can surf anywhere they like.

(SALEM) - Various Oregon surfing I’ll never forget my first surf trip in Oregon. It was a time when the sport was still a fairly recent arrival to this region of the country. It was a cold, wet day and I have to admit that I didn’t even paddle out. But my second attempt at Oregon surfing was better, and as the years went by I swore a couple of times that I’d ridden the best wave of my life...

Read Full Article (Jul-23-2006 22:43)

Strange Fish Found on Beach Near Seaside

The extremely rare fish's name stems from Indian lore when it was believed that the King of the Salmon led the smaller species back to the rivers to spawn.

(SEASIDE) - image: King-of-the-Salmon (Trachipterus Altivelis) There was a strange find on the Oregon coast this weekend, not too far from Seaside. Keith Chandler and Tiffany Boothe, of the Seaside Aquarium, say they got a tip about a strange fish that washed up at Sunset Beach, just south of Astoria and it led to a most unusual discovery.

Boothe and Chandler went to the beach and discovered a very rare find: a fish called King-of-the-Salmon (Trachipterus Altivelis), which normally lives around 1600 feet under the sea.

“He belongs to the family of Ribbonfish,” Boothe said. “There are four other species of Ribbonfish along our coast, but the King-of-the-Salmon is the largest; growing up to and possibly exceeding six feet.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
