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Salem-News.com (Mar-08-2023 17:47)

Rise of the Mercs and a Race to the Bottom

What were once called mercenaries were legitimized as ‘private military security contractors’.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Salem-News.com The history of mercenary fighters ("mercs")--soldiers for hire who might be disciplined fighters abiding by the rules of engagement or might be plundering freebooters--from ancient Rome to today in Ukraine--is often an ugly, brutal, killers-for-hire story.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-30-2023 14:11)

Remembering The Man Who Saved The World

The man who saved the world from thermonuclear annihilation in 1962 was born on January 30, 1926.

(POULSB0, Wash.) - Vasili Arkhipov At a time when the probability of nuclear war is as nearly as high as it was during the Cuban Missile Crisis, it is crucial that we recall the story of Vasili Arkhipov.

Arkhipov was a Soviet submarine officer who prevented a Soviet nuclear strike against U.S. surface warships during that very crisis in 1962.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-10-2022 20:05)

13 People Cited at Trident Nuclear Submarine Base at Bangor

The demonstration marked the 77th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombings

(POULSB0, Wash.) - nuclear protest Approximately 40 people were present on August 8th at a flash mob demonstration against Trident nuclear weapons at the Bangor submarine base.

Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor is homeport to the largest concentration of deployed nuclear warheads in the U.S.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-17-2021 15:39)

Officers Investigate Report of Armed Person on McKay HS Campus

Contrary to postings on social media, no shots were fired on or near the campus.

(SALEM, Ore.) - McKay High school At about 11:30 a.m. today multiple Salem Police officers responded to McKay High School on the report of an armed person.

No weapons were found. No arrests were made. The students involved were released to school administrators.

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Salem-News.com (May-19-2021 22:04)

Who has the President`s Ear?

As we face the future, nothing presents a greater danger than the threat of nuclear war.

(PORTLAND, Ore. / PeaceVoice) - doomsday clock Each Spring our country funds its priorities for the coming year.

This annual process gives us the opportunity for renewal as we address our critical needs.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-14-2015 17:37)

Statement by the President of the United States on Iran Agreement

The President of the United States announced a negotiated agreement with Iran today.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - President Barack Obama THE PRESIDENT: Today, after two years of negotiations, the United States, together with our international partners, has achieved something that decades of animosity has not -- a comprehensive, long-term deal with Iran that will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

This deal demonstrates that American diplomacy can bring about real and meaningful change -- change that makes our country, and the world, safer and more secure.

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Salem-News.com (May-12-2015 17:35)

Activists Make Statement at Nuke Base: Our Children Deserve Better!

Kitsap-Bangor has 8 of the nation's 14 OHIO Class (Trident) ballistic missile submarines.

(SILVERDALE, Wash.) - Kitsap-Bangor Activists briefly blockaded the entrance to a West Coast nuclear weapons base in a statement against U.S. Nuclear modernization efforts on the eve of Mothers Day.

Carrying signs saying “Our children deserve better”, five protesters walked into the roadway and blocked traffic entering the base. Washington State Patrol officers moved in and escorted the protesters off the roadway.

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Salem-News.com (May-09-2014 14:21)

Reactor Reax Top Stories - Media Calls Out Nuclear Industry Front Groups

"Reactor Reax" is featured on www.NuclearBailout.org, a Web site maintained by Physicians for Social Responsibility

(WASHINGTON DC) - Real face of nuclear power Today in Reactor Reax, Media calls out nuclear industry front groups, Senators take stand on nuclear zones, and a group again knocks nuclear cost law as it seeks hearing on FPL's St. Lucie plant. FPL St. Lucie nuclear reactor not run by the book, group alleges, and Toshiba writes down value of stake in Texas nuclear project...

These stories are part of today's roundup of the latest news articles covering the dangerous and complicated subject of nuclear energy and welfare.

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Salem-News.com (May-02-2014 14:39)

U.S. Claims of Nuclear Weapons Retirement, Dismantlement ``may be misleading`` GAO

According to GAO, any eventual retirement of warheads retired under New START is now contingent on the successful completion of 1) planned warhead modernization programs (i.e. Life Extension Programs, LEPs) and 2) successful acquisition of new warhead production capacity and infrastructure.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Nuclear weapons Yesterday the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released the results of a two-year audit of Obama Administration efforts to meet nuclear warhead dismantlement goals, a responsibility of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).

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Salem-News.com (Apr-16-2014 11:22)

Amnesty International: Israel... Lift `Ludicrous` Restrictions on Whistleblower Vanunu Decade After Release

Vanunu had been previously held by Israel in solitary confinement for 11 years from 1986 in conditions that Amnesty International at the time called cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Mordechai Vanunu served an 18-year-prison sentence for disclosing information to journalists about Israel’s nuclear arsenal during the 1980s. Ten years after serving a full sentence for his revelations to the press about Israel’s nuclear weapons programme, Mordechai Vanunu still faces severe restrictions that arbitrarily infringe on his freedom of movement, expression and association, said Amnesty International.

The former nuclear technician already served an 18-year-prison sentence...

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