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Continental Plane Crash in New York Kills 49

A passenger plane crashed into a home located a few miles from the Buffalo airport in New York.

(MANASSAS, Va.) - Continental Connection flight 3407 crashed at about 10:20 p.m. EST Thursday as the aircraft was enroute between Newark and Buffalo.

Airline personnel and local authorities have already begun working to confirm the number of people on board and their identities.

Read Full Article (Feb-02-2009 09:48)

Wells Fargo to Pay $371.5 Million Dividend to U.S. Treasury

Wells Fargo says their average earning assets, primarily loans and securities, up $119 billion, or 28 percent, since the start of the credit crisis in mid-2007.

(NEW YORK) - Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) today announced a total quarterly dividend of $371.5 million payable to the U.S. Treasury on its 25,000 shares of Fixed Rate Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series D purchased from the Company as part of the department's Capital Purchase Program (CPP).

Read Full Article (Dec-10-2008 11:06)

If Facebook and Twitter had a Baby, They`d Name it Wee Web

Wee Web, from the founders of, introduces a simple sharing utility.

(NEW YORK) - Wee Web, the easy-to-use tool that enables parents to update loved ones about their kids, has officially entered into public beta. Created by Matt Meeker and Peter Kamali, two of the founders of, Wee Web is the fastest and easiest way for busy parents to share their babies' photos, videos, and stories with family members and close friends.

The site is not just another social network or online baby book; it is a secure and efficient way for parents to share their kids' lives with the people who care the most.

One of the reasons behind the concept of Wee Web comes from Peter's own experience as a father. "Being a time-crunched new parent, I didn't have time to keep a baby book or a scrapbook of my kids and update our family, even though I had good intentions to do so," said Kamali. "With Wee Web, I can quickly upload a photo and shoot a quick message to my family so they can check it out.

Read Full Article (Jul-14-2008 17:57)

New Yorker Magazine - a Hallmark of Shame for our Nation

Last Friday's Newsweek poll showed that 12 per cent of voters believe Obama is a Muslim. The staff at the New Yorker magazine already knew that, and they decided to misuse their cover for no good, simple or honest reason. It was a slam; a toast for Obama's enemies, and those who are nervous about seeing the first black American hold the office of Presidency.

(SALEM, Ore.) - New Yorker Magazine Cover The New Yorker Magazine plays Russian Roulette with a nation and their gun is loaded. Should we be surprised that this happened?

Read Full Article (May-07-2008 19:59)

Al Sharpton and Civil Rights Protesters Arrested in New York

Reverend Al Sharpton led protests today in New York City over the acquittal of police officers in the 50-bullet shooting of an unarmed black man on his wedding day.

(NEW YORK) - Reverend Al Sharpton Arrests were part of a civil rights demonstration that was organized and held today in New York City, in protest of the recent acquittal of three New York City Police detectives over the police shooting death of Sean Bell.

Before it was over, Reverend Al Sharpton, founder of the National Action Network and noted and outspoken leader in the movement for civil rights, was arrested.

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2008 09:34)

Eliot Spitzer Resigns Over Call Girl Scandal

The man who will replace Spitzer, 53-year-old Lt. Gov. David Paterson, will become the first black governor in the state.

(NEW YORK) - Eliot Spitzer Embattled New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer handed in his resignation today effective on Monday.

Spitzer took over the governor's office in 2006, and has faced calls for his resignation since apologizing for an undisclosed personal indiscretion Monday afternoon.

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2008 07:05)

Reports: Spitzer to Hand In Resignation Today will have more on this story as soon as it becomes available.

(NEW YORK) - Eliot Spitzer CNBC is reporting the embattled New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer will hand in his resignation today at 11 a.m. EST.

The Associated Press is reporting that Spitzer's resignation will be effective on Monday. He took over the governor's office in 2006, and has faced calls for his resignation since apologizing for an undisclosed personal indiscretion Monday afternoon.

Read Full Article (Mar-11-2008 22:25)

Martin Luther King Jr. Family Photos Discovered in Abandoned House

In a rare coincidence, the block on which the auction house stands is the Underground Railroad, a Revolutionary War-era pocket of freedom for slaves. Part of the block is threatened with destruction to make room for an apartment house.

(YONKERS, N.Y.) - Dr. Martin Luther King An album with over two hundred original snapshots of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s family, found in an abandoned house, will soon be crossing the auction block.

Read Full Article (Feb-06-2008 15:13)

Legal Prescription Drugs Killed Brokeback Mountain Star Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger's death has been ruled an accidental overdose of legal prescription drugs. He father believes it should serve as a wake up call.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Heath Ledger The father of Hollywood actor Heath Ledger is asking Americans to pay closer attention to the use of prescription drugs in the wake of a coroner's confirmation that the Brokeback Mountain star lost his life to an accidental overdose.

It is a truly desperate picture that we face as a society that attacks the use of natural medical treatments like medical marijuana, even going so far as to demonize the people who use it to seek relief from sickness and disease, while adopting and allowing slick potions hatched in dollar-driven laboratories to choke the life out of people.

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2006 01:34)

Documentary is an Indictment of Current U.S. Administration

Documentary "911 Loose Change" is nearing the top of the charts in Google's video section.

(SALEM) - Trade Tower NY To sum it up, information revealed in the new documentary `911 Loose Change,` could be called nothing less than a damming charge against the Bush administration. Unlike Michael Moore`s Fahrenheit 911, this narrator does not throw casual insults out against the president or use the storyline for entertainment. Instead, he delivers a point that will leave most red-blooded Americans angry and seeking answers.

For years, Americans have voiced opinions about how too many things about 911 don`t fit. This team may be the first to take the pieces and put them into their correct place.

Perhaps the biggest lesson in all of it is that blind dedication to any political leadership can lead down the darkest of roads, an ironic thought in this so-called information age.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
