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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Feb-21-2011 21:26)

Celebrities` Private and Commercial Lives

Celebrities are known by the brands they promote, but a star’s private life can negatively affects the products that they sell

(MADRID, Spain) - Wayne Rooney Penelope Cruz’s pregnancy has called the world’s attention. On that note, an ad campaign launched by a cosmetic multinational is ongoing showing off the actress’ face.

It is possible that the birth place of the newborn will be the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center of Beverly Hills, hospital where famous celebrities such as Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts and Salma Hayek have given birth.

Read Full Article (Feb-06-2011 23:18)

Jesus Seminar Scholars to Discuss the Origins of Christianity

Jesus Seminar Spring Meeting in Salem begins on the 30th of March and runs through the 2nd of April.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Jesus seminar in Salem, Oregon Scholars of the Jesus Seminar will meet in Salem, Oregon to discuss the origins of Christianity.

This meeting includes a conversation with renowned feminist biblical scholar, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, a workshop by L. Michael White, recently featured on the PBS Frontline documentary, From Jesus to Christ; and an evening with film-maker Paul Verhoeven, discussing his new book, Jesus of Nazareth.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2011 00:20)

Filmmaker Honors Highly Decorated Oregon National Guard Unit

Shepherds of Helmand: the true story of one of the most decorated units in Oregon's history.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Shepherds of Helmand In his second documentary, filmmaker Gary Mortensen captures the stories of six Oregon Guard soldiers on their 2008 Afghanistan mission.

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2011 20:29)

Stuttering Gets the Royal Treatment on the Big Screen

The Stuttering Foundation Applauds The King’s Speech for Raising Worldwide Awareness

(MEMPHIS, Tenn.) - The King’s Speech With the release of the critically acclaimed new film, The King’s Speech, starring Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush, it is most timely to highlight the plight of those who stutter and the resources that are available to them.

This incredibly complex disorder affects 68 million people worldwide.

Read Full Article (Nov-18-2010 12:54)

The Film You Must See -- or, We Told You So

(BERKELEY, Calif.) - A few days ago I joined a group of my colleagues from The Greenlining Institute to see the new documentary, Inside Job. I don't normally go around telling people what to do, but seriously: Step away from the computer and go see this film.

We had a special motivation for seeing Inside Job, which lays out in painful detail how the subprime mortgage meltdown happened and how it tanked the economy.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2010 14:28)

Shannon Tavares (In Memorial) The Lion King

Shannon's contributions in this lifetime were amazing.

(CLEVELAND) - Shannon Tavares Broadway Actress Shannon Tavares, who performed in “The Lion King”, who was 11-years old, died Monday after losing a battle with leukemia. The news was confirmed by her family Monday.

After experiencing lower back and leg pain, Shannon was diagnosed last April with acute myeloid leukemia, which is also known as AML.

Read Full Article (Nov-01-2010 21:14)

Sarah Palin Refudiates 5-Minaret Plan for New York

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - New York’ta Beş Minare It comes as somewhat of a surprise that the Nov. 5 release of the Turkish film “New York’ta Beş Minare”—“Five Minarets in New York”—has not prompted any warnings on Twitter by Sarah Palin.

Warnings about how five minarets cause even more unnecessary heart-stabbing pain throughout the heartland than does a Ground Zero mosque that is neither a mosque nor located at Ground Zero.

Read Full Article (Oct-19-2010 19:54)

Brigitte Bardot Seeks French Presidency

Many fellow countrymen were shocked by her announcement...

(CHICAGO) - Brigitte Bardot Brigitte Bardot says she may seek to become the president of France.

Read Full Article (Jul-28-2010 05:25)

Time for the Palestinians to Call Israel`s Bluff?

Defenders of Israel right or wrong continue to assert that the absence of peace is all the fault of the Palestinians.

(LONDON) - Fatah and Hamas leaders, Mahmoud Abbas and Khaled Mishal In one sense they are right. When the Palestine file was closed by Israel’s victory (ethnic cleansing and all) on the battlefield in 1948, the Palestinians were supposed to accept their lot as the sacrificial lamb on the altar of political expediency.

That was according to the script written by Zionism and effectively endorsed by all the major powers and, behind closed doors, the regimes of a divided and impotent Arab order.

Read Full Article (Jul-28-2010 04:16)

Oliver Stone Apologized for Telling the Truth

Instead of silencing criticism, Edelstein, Steinberg and others better look in the mirror because the time is running out for Israel and its supporters.

(LONDON) - Silenced mouth There you go, Oliver Stone apologized for suggesting that the Jewish lobby controls Washington's foreign policy and that Hitler's actions should be put into context.

In fact, Stone’s apology confirms Stone’s argument. We are subject to constant assault by Jewish and Israeli gatekeepers who insist on controlling the political and historical discourse and defy any possible criticism of Jewish national affairs.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
