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Turncoat Senator Jim Webb`s Attempt to Take Down Shinseki Over Agent Orange Advocacy

Sen. James Webb, D-Va. has made it perfectly clear that he is NOT a friend of the Veteran, nor an advocate for us.

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - The photos Jim Webb needs to see; only possible via Photo Shop One person who appears to be on the side of Vietnam Veterans contaminated with the deadly Monsanto chemical Agent Orange, is Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki.

Read Full Article (Jun-08-2010 23:31)

April Scott on Micro Effect Radio: on GM Food

April Scott appears tonight at 11:20 p.m. west coast time, on the Micro Effect network.

(SALEM, Ore. / AUCKLAND, N.Z.) - April Scott appears tonight at 11:20 p.m. west coast time, on the Micro Effect network. One of our goals at, is to fill the informational void created by corporate media's refusal to indict its sponsors.

If the networks and huge daily newspapers paid attention to what was really going on around them, they would be in for quite a shock. Americans are increasingly buying food that falls into the 'mad scientist' category; created in laboratories by essentially fooling nature.

Read Full Article (Jun-07-2010 22:22)

Victims of Victims

“Agent Orange is not harmful or deadly to human beings” - said the liars

(DA NANG VIETNAM) - Orphanage in Da Nang, Vietnam Saturday afternoon, the heat of the summer is upon us in Da Nang. The comforts I enjoyed back in the US still exist for me in some ways – air-conditioning, hot water, a decent meal.

Read Full Article (Jun-07-2010 05:27)

America the Munchausen Mama

Special feature on the dangers of GM foods and other household products you wouldn't expect; includes an audio version of this report.

(SALEM, Ore.) - GM food The most important job in the world is being a mother. There is nothing more satisfying that raising a child, knowing that even though you’ve made mistakes, overall you did your best. You loved them, guided them and nurtured them into well adjusted adults.

Read Full Article (May-24-2010 02:55)

A Bunch of Chickens in Salem

"Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house, as to build a cathedral" - Frank Lloyd Wright

(SALEM, Ore.) - Naked Necked Chicken Salem once again stands at the crossroads, with a chance to make a good decision for its residents. The city council is faced with a choice to help people in a poor economy; folks who want to keep a few chickens on their property so their families can have fresh eggs, while keeping their gardens free of pests.

Apparently that is a lot to ask for. Good clucking luck. Depending on their decision, the council might come out of this one with egg on their face.

Read Full Article (May-20-2010 00:30)

Protesters Block Monsanto in the Netherlands - Demanding End to GMOs

Banners were posted with the message "Imagine, monopoly of food, poisonous agriculture, The World according to ... Monsanto"

(BERGSCHENHOEK / SALEM) - File photo of a GM food protest in The Netherlands Protesters in the Netherlands shut down a Monsanto seed plant by forming a blockade.

About 50 members of the action group ‘Roundup Monsanto’ showed up at the at 6 o’clock Monday morning, demanding they stop patenting seeds and other living organisms.

Read Full Article (May-09-2010 01:50)

Ugly Truth About the American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society argues new findings, that dangers from environmental toxins are greatly underestimated.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Monsanto The jig is up on the real danger of contracting cancer from environmental contamination; a panel convened by Pres. Carter says danger is far worse than the groups charged with fighting cancer reveal.

The dirty secret of the big cancer groups? They all receive funding from the polluters who are kind enough to wreck our environment and make it dangerous in the first place.

Read Full Article (May-06-2010 21:21)

Open Letter to the United States Supreme Court over Monsanto, Dow and Agent Orange

Letter is addressed in particular to Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Stevens and Justice Thomas.

(HANOI, Vietnam) - U.S. Supreme Court A year ago, March 2009, your court denied the appeal of behalf of over three million Vietnamese seriously affected from the effects of the herbicide Agent Orange, by so doing you found in favour of the thirty-seven American chemical companies headed by two of the major ones, namely MONSANTO and DOW CHEMICALS who had manufactured Agent Orange.

Read Full Article (Apr-26-2010 23:48)

GM Food... Feeding the Hungry or Population Control?

Around 75% percent of our processed foods contain some form of genetically modified ingredients.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Image of a Syrian hamster not related to this specific report Today Salem-News reports the shocking results of a joint experiment in Russia involving hamsters, that could seriously impact the future of GM foods.

Read Full Article (Apr-23-2010 16:55)

Russia Says Genetically Modified Foods are Harmful

The scientists who carried out the experiment say that it’s too early to make far-reaching conclusions.

(MOSCOW VOR) - GM food in Russia Russia has started the annual Days of Defence against Environmental Hazards from the 15 April through 5 June with the announcement of sensational results of an independent work of research.

Scientists have proven that Genetically Modified Organisms are harmful for mammals.

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