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Jun-20-2010 22:15 ![]() ![]() Turncoat Senator Jim Webb's Attempt to Take Down Shinseki Over Agent Orange AdvocacyChuck Palazzo Salem-News.comSen. James Webb, D-Va. has made it perfectly clear that he is NOT a friend of the Veteran, nor an advocate for us.
(DA NANG, Vietnam) - Vietnam Veterans aren't surprised by people turning on them and being generally against them; it began when the war was still raging and it has been an uphill battle for many who survived. It hurts the most however when those dolling out the punishment are fellow Vietnam Vets. But there are those who have stood fast; who dug in and fought for Veterans rights the way they or their loved ones fought in the blazing and sweaty jungles of SE Asia. One person who appears to be on the side of Vietnam Veterans contaminated with the deadly Monsanto chemical Agent Orange, is Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki. Perhaps he is one who knows that no amount of compensation could ever be enough. His victories in championing funds to assist Veterans and their families affected by Agent Orange, is now leading to a Senate hearing he didn't want. An example of his VA leadership is the decision to begin automating part of the cumbersome system that has resulted in so many thousands of veterans waiting for years, sometimes until the end of their lives, for compensation from their war injuries. Shinseki said, “Veterans whose health was harmed during their military service are entitled to the best this nation has to offer.” He added, “We are undertaking an unprecedented modernization of our claims process to ensure timely and accurate delivery of that commitment.” [1] It goes back to Sen. James Webb, D-Va., who has made it perfectly clear that he is NOT a friend of the Veteran, nor an advocate for us[2]. He is forcing The DVA, namely, The Secretary himself, to explain why three more illnesses are being recommended for the list. Webb says he'll use a Senate Veterans Affairs Committee hearing set for 23 Sept., to have Shinseki explain his decision to compensate Vietnam veterans, and many surviving spouses, for three more ailments including heart disease. As the Montgomery Advertiser reported, "Shinseki announced last October that ischemic heart disease, Parkinson's disease and B-Cell leukemia will be added to the list of illnesses presumed caused by exposure to defoliants, including Agent Orange, used to clear jungle in combat areas during the war." [3] Why Mr. Webb? You of all people know the struggle, the fact that this reckless chemical defoliant approach to fighting a war was wrong on the first place, you know how many died of cancer, from Agent Orange, and how many children have suffered. What of the children of Vietnam? Why after so many are gone, when there is hope, do you want to take the red marker to our lives? There are those today with a brazen sense of greed, who seek to minimize the plight of the Vietnam Veteran and Agent Orange[4]. There is no credible way to do this, the loss is too severe and the governmental mistakes are too personal. The notion that Veterans were never compensated and yet Monsanto was allowed to go no, is insulting to all Americans. They are no friend of America, and their desire to force all American farmers and ultimately consumers, to adopt genetically modified (GM Food) products, could well lead to even more horrible problems. We as a nation never learn, and politicians are very lacking in real human integrity[5]. Right here in the comment section of, Monsanto's trolls of advocacy have been busy at work. One person using the name "Barney" wrote, "For you others, MONSANTO does not just make Agent Orange, they have improved the quality of life for the entire planet with their agricultural research and products. If you want to blame someone about AO, then go dig up LBJ and give him your concerns." But then a former U.S. Marine who uses the name G 2/3 who is a longtime friend of's Tim and Bonnie King, who served in Vietnam in the war's most heated period, wrote: "Barney, your statements are completely contradicting scientific evidence. I went back several times and along the DMZ all the way to the Laotian border there are still "clearcut" looking areas, vast areas in the frontier from defoliants from the war as well as multiple deaths yearly from unexploded ordinance, at the time I was doing this they'd stack the retrieved dud artillery rounds on the sides of the roads or trails to sell to the Japanese scrap metal industry. The birth defects recorded in villages near Khe Sahn were identical to the results on test animals during corporate research into dioxins. I don't want to argue, go back yourself and head on down Hiway #9 in Quang Tri province, or Tay Nihn province near Saigon where the Army's 25th Div. was located in Cu Chi. Or Tu Du hospital in Saigon where the people ruined by this agent are cared for. If it doesn't break you heart you haven't got one. Semper God Damn Fi!" [6] Jim Webb is a decorated U.S. Marine combat Veteran, that should mean something, but examine the plight of Camp Lejeune Marines fighting the political system for their lives over contaminated water on that Marine base. Who is fighting the Marine Veterans and their families seeking compensation? A bunch of decorated higher echelon Marines, that is who. Don't forget the Department of Defense and the Department of the Navy, but above and beyond that, the Marines have issued the statements, many false, for years in fact, and the AP proved that I URGE you, please - contact your local US Senate and Congressional offices. Make it clear to them that you SUPPORT The Secretary's recommendation. You DO NOT support the delay tactic that Sen. Webb is conducting. Senator Jim Webb's Website: Phone number to his office in Washington D.C. (202) 224-4024 Semper peace [1] Mar-09-2010: New VA Program Should Speed and Simplify Process for Agent Orange Veterans - Staff Report [2] Jun-06-2010: Jim Webb, D-Va: Not a Friend of Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange - Chuck Palazzo [3] June-20-2010: Sept. hearing set on Agent Orange - Column by Tom Phillpot • Special to the Advertiser [4] Apr-12-2010: Documentary Recounts Struggle of Agent Orange Veterans - Chuck Palazzo [5] Apr-26-2010: GM Food... Feeding the Hungry or Population Control? - April Scott [5] Jun-07-2010: Victims of Victims - Chuck Palazzo ![]() We at welcome Chuck aboard and look forward to sharing more of his stories with our readers in the future. 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pete39 January 15, 2011 3:19 pm (Pacific time)
All I need to know about Palazzo is he's "a longtime Vietnam Veterans Against the War Member." That specific group, along with Hanoi jane, cause more uproar and anti-war, anti-Viet vet attitudes than any other single group or person. I lost a job after six years when a new supervisor who fell for the VVAW crap came to my area, the loss of the job led to the loss of my home, my car, my furniture, and try as she might, my wife had to care for our children when I couldn't. Anybody Palazzo is against, I'm all for just on principal!
Editor: Then there isn't a single one of us who support you either then; you need to get things in perspective. Obviously you believe all that killing was a good thing; perhaps your biggest problem is karma. Try accepting responsibility for your own decisions. That is what my Brother Chuck Palazzo did. That's what I have done.
alvin e thomas December 11, 2010 11:05 am (Pacific time)
If you and others know the Senator, you need to tell him to "shut up". Not one Veteran in your state should vote for him next year. While he is giving Vietnam Veterans a negative vote, he wants money for his state to build bridges.
Wetfoot October 2, 2010 4:32 pm (Pacific time)
Thanks to our real heroe, Secretary Shenseki! Webb only looks at numbers!
Pete September 27, 2010 5:28 pm (Pacific time)
I know I was exposed to Agent Orange in 69/70. I know I had a heart attack at age 46. What I don't know is if the two are related. From what I understand, the VA reviewed heart conditions of Vietnam Veterans only from VA information, and found a much higher rate than the general public. This didn't include medical data from from outside the VA system. I say give the veterans the compensation.
Marine L/4/12 August 21, 2010 9:08 pm (Pacific time)
Taxpayer you and weeb are both yellow dogs. Leave your real name coward. To many brave men and women have died to give a dog like you freedom of speech. Shut your mouth.
Frank Watts August 15, 2010 10:34 pm (Pacific time)
I never until the last year followed politics. From what I am seeing on a daily basis how can anyone trust any congress representative. Sure, they say anything to get elected, once in office seems like all of them sell out. All vets paid the ultimate price by serving our nation so we could be free. If AO affected you step up and get your pay. Hell, congress waste our money on stupid earmarks. I do not see congress reps. or Jim Webb hesitating to get BIG $$ for their little work!
marine L /4/12 August 20, 2010 4:40 pm (Pacific time)
Hey weeb freddie and fannie have cost the government 150 billion dollars since 2008. What have they or their ceo's contibuted to the freedom of this nation. let me see 13.4 billion to 150 billion seems like that is 10 times more money for nothing. the bonus's paid to the ceo's would pay the 13.4 billion. Where's the kneejerk over that? weeb you are a traitor to every good man and woman that have worn the green suit for this country. You are a liar and a thief. My hope is you reap what you have sown. What a jerk!!!
DRDR August 7, 2010 9:27 pm (Pacific time)
Re: VA employee -- so what if your grandfather has Parkinson's? How is that evidence the disease isn't linked? You want evidence? My father, a Vietnam Vet, came down with Parkinson's in his early 50s. That is NOT NORMAL. That is not a normal consequence of aging to get Parkinson's in your 50s.
PD July 28, 2010 9:22 am (Pacific time)
2tndg how much of a knee jerk did webb do when ask to vote for all the billions given to big banks and gm?? The ceo's of those never served or did a damn thing for the good old usa but according to tony those billions were ok to be given away. both wars on going could be stopped and that money used for helping those of us who allready suffer.
Larry s. sanders July 29, 2010 1:35 pm (Pacific time)
I am a Viet Nam veteran, yes the va sent me a letter of condolence to my wife at my death but I am still here and sick an tired of having to fight the VA for my benefits, I had prostate cancer, they took the disabililty back, They killed many vets because they did not know much about PTSD, Until Me. Webb get some age behind him he will understand maybe, I wish I lived in Va, just so I could help oust him we the public pay his salary. He is sworn in to support and defend the constitution and The president. If he cannot help fix the problem, because he is the problem. I fill like all my efforts to keep him and his Family free to do all the things he likes even voice his opinion so smarten up this is your country support it or leave it. Then see how you would like it some place else.
Mona Rice July 28, 2010 4:59 am (Pacific time)
My brother died at the age of 39 with cancer. He received no benefits from AO because his wife could not prove that he was in Viet Nam. My husband was in Cu Chi in 1966 and does receive benefits and I believe he deserves every little bit he gets
Bill Hudnall July 25, 2010 5:15 pm (Pacific time)
Webb's a good man. Good men are not always right. He's wrong to insert himself into ther argument about AO benefits. I know all about him: he's just written a commentary that appeared in the Richmond Times Dispatch, Sunday 25th. I can see through him as he currys favor to people in anticipation of the next election. He is in office only because George Allen made a gaff. I'm also convinced there's a little personality conflict with the General at VA. Too bad! As a Virginia voter I shall do my utmost to turncoat Jim in the next election.
TAXPAYER July 23, 2010 3:47 pm (Pacific time)
Is you did not post my last comment-why does ..
Editor: No, and don't expect your silly rant to show up, I could care less about your opinion and this isn't a personal insult or stupid question forum. There is a reason our writers have posted bios, educate yourself.
VA employee July 20, 2010 3:26 pm (Pacific time)
I am glad that Senator Webb is actually questioning the Secretary. My grandfather had parkinson disease and he WAS not in Vietnam. The scientific data does not support this change-this is ALL political. Agent Orange does't cause Adult onset Diabetes either-how many vietnamese suffer from these presumtives. That would be a good scientific study? I would like more Senators like Webb who are looking out for ALL Americans. Ditto on Tony's comments
tax payer July 20, 2010 5:55 pm (Pacific time)
my father is a silver star receipent who served in vietnam you jerk-the mere fact you served military doesn't make you a hero or even special that matter-my father, he is a hero and after being shot up in vietnam and spending a year in the hospital, continued to serve until he retired from the military 10 years . Webb is also a hero. You are just an ass who obviouslys just want his views heard-a real journalist-right
Tim King: Don't tirade on my time, who are you to defend the actions of a politician who is making it hard ONCE AGAIN for Veterans to get the coverage they need? Webb went to special effort to reel back the progress, you sh*thead, so pack it where the sun doesn't shine and quit butting your nose into veterans affairs. Your dad probably is a hero but you have no such rating. I don't claim to be a hero or special, but I write on behalf of Veterans seven days a week, I've covered the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in addition to being a former Marine, and I smell a rat when I see one. Webb is a sellout, a burn to other Veterans, a traitor. Read what the actual Vietnam Vets have to say about it, your dad isn't the only one out there you know. And you don't even have the courage to use your real name. Get it right or expect your next comment to be flushed down the bowl with the rest of the crap I don't approve here.
Tax payer July 20, 2010 5:33 pm (Pacific time)
Pallazo is an expert on AO why? I personally believe those who were truly exposed to Agent Orange died years ago. DO I believe that AO causes heart disease, Parkinson disease or ADULT onset diabetes, NO. A good scientific study would be to determine how many Vietnamese suffer from these conditions The fact is for a veteran to receive disability compensation for a presumptive disability due to Agent Orange exposure all they have to do is prove they step in vietnam, literally step foot -they could have been in Vietnam for an hour and VA conceeds exposure to agent orange. The presumptive disabilities are added for votes (politicians pandering to veterans for votes) not scientific evidence, Thank goodness for Senator Webb who is actually looking out for all americans not just veterans. If people only knew the money veterans received for conditions most people would not consider "disabilities" I could go on and on....
VA benefits were initially established to compensate veterans for their loss in earning capacity-and that is not the case today
Editor: I barely approved this, you would never sign your name to that kind of statement now would you? Who is Chuck Pallazo? A former U.S. Marine Vietnam Vet who makes Vietnam his home today. Your IP looked like it was from Washington DC, do you work in Webb's office? You are on the wrong team, real veterans write these stories.
Behalf of Stevens family July 18, 2010 7:15 pm (Pacific time)
Anyone who does not think that agent orange has all of these side affects should visit a VA hospital. My father has Parkinsons' and his best Marine friends all have every other disease mentioned above, and or a combination of diseases. After serving their country and surviving war, they should not have to suffer the consequences of chemical exposure from their own country.
Doc June 28, 2010 7:13 pm (Pacific time)
What kind of Kool Aid have you been drinking, idiot brains (Tony)
Tom Courbat June 27, 2010 2:02 pm (Pacific time)
"Editor: Let me summarize; this is a troll with a hardcore right wing agenda. You aren't allowed here pal, your racist comments are noted."
I don't know exactly what that means, but seems to me we would WANT to hear all sides of this story. I for one am not educated sufficiently about Senator Webb's position on this topic, but I want to learn more, by going to his Web site, viewing any videos or documents where he speaks to this, etc.
Let's not get all exclusionary about who can write in and say what, so long as it is not using inflamatory language. A good honest debate is generally best to hear all sides.
Editor: Tom, there are people who write hateful messages that even border on illegal sometimes and we have to ride them hard. No racists are allowed to express their small minded views on our pages, surely that makes sense to you.
Anonymous June 27, 2010 1:47 pm (Pacific time)
Is it too much for the author to grasp that Shinseki cancelled 2 hearings by failing to provide witnesses, and all that Webb AND Akaka (both decorated veterans and both who are champion's of veterans) simply want to see the evidence? Why is that so hard for Shinseki when we're talking billions and billions of dollars?
Bryce St. John June 22, 2010 8:32 am (Pacific time)
It's obvious that the editor does not have a clue to what is behind Palazzo's agenda. We combat veterans have been defending our fellow vets ...
Editor: Let me summarize; this is a troll with a hardcore right wing agenda. You aren't allowed here pal, your racist comments are noted.
Tony Mski June 21, 2010 2:27 pm (Pacific time)
I don't know Chuck Palazzo but I do know Jim Webb, my Senator and champion of Veteran causes not the least of which was his brilliant leadership in sponsoring and guiding to passage the NEW GI Bill. Webb who has great respect for General Shinseki is careful to do the right thing for majority of Americans as well as veterans. Senator Webb doesn't "do" knee jerk poll driven policy. He researches and questions leaders and their motives in the hopes of getting the best result. The lead in and tone of your article is simply insulting to myself as a veteran and anyone who actually knows the Senator. Jim Webb a leading statesman as Senator and tireless advocate for the least amongst us. He will do the right thing.
Editor: I call foul on this, kneejerk reaction over Agent Orange? Isn't it a little late after all the death and tragedy? Chuck is a former U.S. Marine, he fought in Vietnam and today he helps the people who suffer from the war's legacy. You should and will respect this writer and we could care less if you are offended about your sold out friend making the challenges to fellow veterans be difficult. He is like other Marines selling their own down the river, it is disgusting. Billions are spent by this government killing people every day, why not use some funding to save a few national heroes? Is that too much for you to grasp?
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