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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-09-2010 21:12)

Behold the Four Horsemen of the Looming Food Apocalypse

The short list of Monsanto`s toxic products includes Agent Orange, PCBs, aspartame, rBGH, and Ready Roundup.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Monsanto horsemen It`s not enough that former Monsanto executive Michael Taylor is the Food Czar in Obama`s administration. Monsanto recently purchased Xe Intelligence Services.

Xe is the new name for Blackwater, the largest private mercenary military outfit in the world. Within that same time frame, Bill Gates purchased 23 million dollars (US) of Monsanto stocks.

Read Full Article (Nov-07-2010 15:23)

Widows of Farmers Protest Obama Visit

The protesters offered prayers to all 216,000 cotton farmers who committed suicide since 1999.

(NAGPUR - INDIA TIMES) - India widow The cotton growers of Vidarbha, who are suffering immensely due to the prevailing agrarian crisis, staged candlelight protests ahead of US President Barack Obama's India visit on Friday.

Read Full Article (Nov-01-2010 23:43)

The GMO Elephant in the Room - from the Trenches of America`s Hidden Food War

Many scientists, farmers, pure food activists and a few brave politicians want you to know that it’s not too late to turn it around and recapture our agricultural heritage before the food ship sinks.

(SALEM, Ore.) - GMO tomatoes A large grass-roots movement is diligently advocating for your right to pure non-genetically modified food and honest labeling.

Read Full Article (Oct-31-2010 22:34)

Study Shows Monsanto Roundup Herbicide Link to Birth Defects

New facts on one of America's most dangerous companies.

(FRANKFURT, Germany) - Monsanto is the main company behind genetically modified food. A major new scientific study has confirmed growing conviction that the world’s most widely used chemical herbicide, Monsanto Corporation’s Roundup is toxic and a danger to human as well as animal organisms.

The latest scientific research shows that Monsanto and the GMO agribusiness industry have systematically lied about the safety of their Roundup.

Read Full Article (Sep-27-2010 01:00)

Monsanto Hired Mercenary Blackwater to Infiltrate Anti-GMO Groups

A spokesperson for Monsanto, reached by Scahill, first denied the relationship with Blackwater, but then admitted that Monsanto had paid Total Intelligence for intelligence reports...

(LONDON) - Blackwater Documents reveal that Blackwater has been busy expanding its corporate reach.

The military contractor notorious for serious war crime violations, is providing intelligence services for agencies such as the Canadian Military, Netherlands Police and corporations like Monsanto.

Read Full Article (Sep-07-2010 14:21)

Agent Orange Poisoning in Australian Veterans: They Suffer Too

I hope the American System is more realistic about the hideous danger of Dioxins. It is unfortunate that Dioxins have no immediate or acute toxicity but a particular Australian writer we recently published is correct; it is almost certainly the most deadly chemical produced by man.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - VC Base Camp is very fortunate to have an Australian Veteran post this article for us and American Vietnam Veterans. It is one of the most educational but concise reviews I have seen on the subject.

I may have had among the first patients poisoned by the Dioxins in 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T in the world but I did not know it or about the Dioxins at the time.

Read Full Article (Sep-06-2010 00:14)

Genetically Engineered Salmon...Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Fish

Are you comfortable feeding transgenic animals to your children? If not, speak now or forever hold your fish. Here’s your only chance to say no.

(SALEM, Ore.) - GE Salmon This decision will open the flood gates for approval of any and all transgenic or “mutant” species. Are you comfortable with the mixing and miss-matching of genes from different animals? Are you comfortable feeding them to your children?

Here’s your only chance to say no.

Read Full Article (Aug-08-2010 23:42)

Letter to the Editor Addresses Military Service and Agent Orange

An Editorial Assessment of Agent Orange and Vietnam Veterans as of August 2010

(SEATTLE) - Agent Orange vets It's comically painful to read and watch comments by some Vietnam Veterans and concerned folks on this and other issues relating to Agent Orange.

I'm a Vietnam Veteran who unknowingly bathed regularly in various dilutions of the sprayed AO chemical mixed with our shower water.

Read Full Article (Jul-31-2010 21:29)

Agent Orange Update

The Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee has scheduled a hearing to examine the reasons and evidence used to add these three conditions to the list of presumptive diseases related to Agent Orange exposure.

(GARDEN GROVE, Calif.) - Veterans for Change The President signed the War Supplemental yesterday. In that bill is the $13.4 billion in funding for the three newly designated presumptive diseases related to Agent Orange exposure.

What does this mean for veterans who have already filed and those waiting to file on these conditions?

Read Full Article (Jul-15-2010 18:03)

Cluster Weapons and Agent Orange

Despite calls on the U.S. governments, lawsuits against the 35 U.S. Chemical companies headed by Monsanto and Dow Chemicals, they refuse to accept responsibility or to pay any compensation to the victims and their families.

(LONDON) - Cluster bombs In a few weeks on August 1st The international ban on Cluster weapons will come into being.

While the ban is to be welcomed, for many it will have come too late, they have been either killed or injured.

Read Full Article
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