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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jul-03-2013 10:54)

40 Tons of GMO Crops TORCHED in America, Media Blackout

More than a decade ago, environmental saboteurs vandalized experimental crops across the country in a revolt against high-tech agriculture.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Anti-GMO Though the controlled corporate media apparatus is suppressing the story, 40 tons of GMO crops were torched, prompting an FBI investigation.

There has been a complete media blackout. It was only reported locally live on KXL Radio and echoed by the Oregonian, where the ONLY web mention exists, hard to find because the headline wording carefully avoids the most likely keywords for a search.

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2013 16:41)

GMO Zombie Bill Comes Back to Life!

Please email and/or call your Oregon Representative! Tell them to vote NO on HB 3192!

(SALEM) - GMO tomatoes Weeks ago the Oregon Senate passed SB 633 to preempt counties from banning GMO. Now at the last minute of the session, the House is scheduled to vote on its companion bill, HB 3192.

The state wants to make all the decisions about our agriculture while they consistently decide in favor of multinational corporations.

Read Full Article (Jun-27-2013 02:23)

Vietnam: a Victim of Chemical Weapons

Owing to the great harm to humans and the environment, most countries agree to add chemical weapons to the list of weapons of mass destruction...

(DA NANG Vietnam) - Image from Operation Ranch Hand After nuclear weapons, chemical weapons are one of the most destructive weapons, causing mass destruction because chemicals in this type of weapon have a common character...

They're highly toxic, fast-acting to cause major losses to the enemy or direct hazard for many people, animals and plants in general.

Read Full Article (Jun-26-2013 13:31)

House Passes GMO Canola Ban... Action requested

If you have not yet signed the STOP GMO CANOLA IN OREGON petition, take a look at it now.

(CORVALLIS) - GMO banned here Front page news this morning--Bill to Ban Canola Moves Forward! Rep. Sara Gelser, the major sponsor, is optimistic that the Senate will pass it too.

I have been told that your response to our petition resulted in each legislator recieving an automatic MoveOn email with hundreds of their constituents' signatures and comments which had a HUGE impact. This bill had been stuck in a subcommittee with no life support until your response revived it.

Read Full Article (Jun-21-2013 19:23)

What Would Tom McCall Do?

Thousands of Oregonians represented in protest of genetically modified food (GMO) products this week, but Oregon's Governor didn't seem to have much interest in the wishes of the people of his state.

(EUGENE, OR) - Painting of Tom Tom McCall at the state capitol A stalwart group of progressive activists showed up in the rain on the Capitol steps on Thursday to rally for the STOP GMO in OREGON petition.

The group may have appeared small; however, we all stood shoulder-to-shoulder with almost 10,000 other Oregonians who signed our petition to stop open field trials, reaffirm the Public Good mission of our Land Grant Oregon State University, and sue Monsanto for economic damage to our Oregon farmers.

Read Full Article (Jun-13-2013 22:12)

GMO Wheat in Oregon Threatens Export Income, Japan`s out, Whose Next?

Farmers contend that Monsanto obviously failed to take steps to make sure the genetically engineered plants didn't contaminate regular wheat through cross-pollination.

(EUGENE, OR) - GMO wheat Earlier this month it was reported that an unapproved genetically engineered wheat has been discovered in an Oregon field, and is proving itself to be a threat to our international trade with countries that have concerns about genetically modified foods.

The USDA is actively investigating how it is that the GMO wheat ended up in the field, and are trying to determine whether there was any criminal wrongdoing...

Read Full Article (Jun-10-2013 15:52)

Appeals Court Binds Monsanto To Promise Not To Sue Organic Farmers

The Organic Seed plaintiffs’ complaint detailed Monsanto's abusive business and litigation tactics that have put several farmers and independent seed companies out of business.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Gavel Court of Appeals judges affirmed the Southern District of New York's previous decision that the plaintiffs did not present a sufficient controversy to warrant adjudication by the courts.

However, it did so only because Monsanto made repeated commitments during the lawsuit to not sue farmers with “trace amounts” of contamination of crops containing their patented genes.

Read Full Article (May-30-2013 19:36)

FDN! Responds to the Discovery of Unapproved Genetically-Modified Monsanto Wheat in an Oregon Field

"As long as genetically engineered crops remain unregulated and unlabeled the American people and citizens around the world will continue to protest Monsanto and their rogue business practices."

(PORTLAND, OR) - Monsanto wheat The continued genetic contamination of organic and non-GMO farmers fields is another sign of how Monsanto's flawed technology continues to negatively impact family farmers and our food supply.

Monsanto's GMO wheat has never been approved for use in the United States and has not be approved for planting in the U.S. since 2004.

Read Full Article (May-29-2013 22:22)

AGENT ORANGE MAN (Better Living Through Chemistry)

New song illustrates the frustrating plight of despair for those unfortunate enough to be poisoned by their own government during the Vietnam War.

(DA NANG Vietnam) - Agent Orange Man The song "AGENT ORANGE MAN (Better Living Through Chemistry)" is Recorded by Michael Gram (Former LHI Records Recording Artist).

It tells the story of the Chemical Poisoning of Military Veterans and the environment both in Vietnam and here in the United States of America.

Read Full Article (May-20-2013 21:59)

Food Democracy Now! Pushes for Congress to Repeal the `Monsanto Protection Act`

Family Farmer Organization of more than 400K Farmers and Citizens back Senator Jeff Merkley on push to repeal dangerous bill.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Monsanto out, farmers in This week, an amendment to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act could be introduced in Congress by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) during the farm bill debate.

The Monsanto Protection Act has been called the most outrageous corporate handout in recent history.

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