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Steve King Earns Most Votes for Monsanto Minion Award

A petition to Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa)...

(WASHINGTON DC) - Rep Steve King Last week, the OCA sent its members a list of seven U.S. Reps and Senators who have worked hard on behalf of Monsanto. We asked consumers to vote for their favorite "Monsanto Minion." Consumers put Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), also known as the Emperor of all Morons, at the top of the list. (Click here to see how all seven ranked).

This week, the OCA joined our ally, Occupy Monsanto, to deliver the awards. Posing as lobbyists, we hand-delivered the awards.

Read Full Article (Oct-09-2013 22:22)

Dusting Off the Government Mouthpiece for Agent Orange Denial

The Korean government spent 1 1/2 million dollars and did their own studies and testing when they discovered that the Department of Defense was fudging the test results.

(DETROIT) - Evidence of Agent Orange in Okinawa For years the Department of Defense and Col. Alvin Young have lied to the Vietnam veterans about Agent Orange. Because they cannot admit that they screwed up when they sign on with the (military contractor)) Monsanto Chemical Company to (WEAPONIZD) Dioxin better known as the rainbow herbicides.

Recently Col. Alvin Young was once again was dusted off and brought out by the Department of Defense to go on record in an article in the Stars & Stripes newspaper to try and explain away the discovery of the toxic landfill at the and chemical drums clearly marked and legible Dow Chemical Company Midland Michigan at the farmer Kadena US Air Force Base in Okinawa.

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2013 21:57)

American Farmers Appeal to US Supreme Court Over Invalid Monsanto Patents

American Farmers Appeal to U.S. Supreme Court to Seek Protection from Genetic Contamination and Invalidate Monsanto's Patents on Genetically Engineered Crops.

(NEW YORK) - Maine farmer Jim Gerritsen A group of 73 American organic and conventional family farmers, seed businesses and public advocacy groups asked the U.S. Supreme Court today to hear their case against Monsanto Company challenging the chemical and biotech seed giant's patents on genetically engineered seed.

In Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) et al v. Monsanto, the plaintiffs have been forced to sue preemptively to protect themselves from being accused of patent infringement should their fields ever become contaminated by Monsanto's genetically engineered seed, something Monsanto has done to others in the past.

Read Full Article (Sep-03-2013 17:12)

Leukemia Threat to Vietnam Vets

The Otago study will shortly appear in the international journal BMJ Open and was funded by the War Pensions Medical Research Trust Fund.

(AUCKLAND) - NZ flag New Zealand Vietnam veterans deployed in a "toxic war environment" were exposed to a significantly higher risk of leukaemia, a newly released Otago University study finds.

The study found veterans who served between 1962 and 1971 have double the rate of chronic lymphatic leukaemia compared to the general population, lead author David McBride said.

Read Full Article (Aug-07-2013 12:19)

Okinawa Dump Site May be Proof of Agent Orange: Experts

Dioxin spike raises fears of local health risks.

(OKINAWA) - Agent Orange barrel in Okinawa The recent discovery of 22 barrels buried on former U.S. military land in the city of Okinawa could be posing the same level of risks to local residents as dioxin hot spots in Vietnam where the American military stored toxic defoliants during the 1960s and 1970s, according to two leading Agent Orange specialists.

At least three of the barrels are labeled with markings from Dow Chemical Co. — one of the primary manufacturers of Agent Orange.

Read Full Article (Jul-17-2013 18:28)

BREAKING NEWS: America`s Favorite Weed Killer Linked to Cancer

Monsanto clearly does not want the world to know the truth about Roundup, one of its fattest cash cows.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Roundup It's shameful how few American media outlets have written about the latest scientific studies linking Roundup, the world's most popular and profitable weed killer, and cancer.

Might it be because Monsanto, makers of Roundup and as we all know a generally bad corporate citizen with a litany of alleged crimes against humanity, spends billions in advertising and marketing and dedicates a good portion of that budget to print and television ads?

Read Full Article (Jul-17-2013 13:15)

U.S. Senate: Label GMOs

Senator Merkley started a petition on the MoveOn website, where anyone can start their own online.petition.

(WASHINGTON DC) - GMO food Whether it's corn on the cob, big juicy tomatoes, or a pint of raspberries, summer is a great time to eat whatever's fresh off the farm—nature's bounty at its finest.

But these days, it seems that food is a bit more complicated. Additives, preservatives, artificial flavorings—not to mention genetically engineered food. Maybe you want to eat 100% organic. Maybe you don't mind some artificial something-or-other.

Read Full Article (Jul-15-2013 20:35)

If George Zimmerman were Monsanto, Would any Black Leaders Seek Justice for Trayvon?

There is no leadership in any race, religion or culture that really stands up for the most important assaults on our lives. They are all sellouts.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Baby holding mother's hand If George Zimmerman were Monsanto, would any black leaders seek justice for Trayvon? The answer is no.

The African-American community is up in arms over a jury of six women finding George Zimmerman not guilty of the second degree murder of Trayvon Martin. That same community is SILENT on the routine killing of young black babies by GMOs, vaccines and even the cancer-causing chemicals found in processed meat.

Read Full Article (Jul-09-2013 11:28)

Genetically-Modified Rice Trials in U.S. Contaminate World`s Rice Supply (English & Vietnamese)

Việc thử nghiệm lúa biến đổi gene ở Mỹ gây ảnh hưởng lớn đến nguồn cung gạo của thế giới

(DA NANG Vietnam) - Contaminated rice  in Vietnam New evidence has emerged suggesting that the entire global supply of rice may have already been contaminated by unapproved, genetically-modified (GM) rice varieties manufactured by the American multinational corporation Bayer CropScience.

A recent entry in the GM Contamination Register explains that three different varieties of illegal GM rice were identified in more than 30 countries worldwide.

Read Full Article (Jul-03-2013 13:28)

Workshop to Introduce Vietnam`s Circular for GM Crop Biosafety Regulation

Participants to the workshop include representatives from different ministries, experts and scientists from research institutes, universities, and companies.

(DA NANG Vietnam) - Vietnam workshop on GMO The Department of Biodiversity Conservation of the Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) organized a seminar to introduce Circular No.08/2013/TT-BTNMT dated May, 2013 on June 21, 2013 in Hanoi.

The Circular came into force on July 1, 2013 and stipulates the order and procedures to grant and revoke the certificate of biological safety for genetically modified crops.

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