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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Dec-21-2011 15:44)

Letter from Vietnam Regarding Dow Sponsorship of London Olympics

"... Dow Chemical, however, has and continues to violate this spirit by manufacturing deadly chemicals that destroy the human body and mind."- letter to Olympic Organizers

(LONDON) - Vietnam Veterans against Agent Orange I returned to London on 16th December and while in Ho Chi Minh City along with others that included an Member of Parliament, representatives of the Foreign Office and the BBC World Service, we visited Children at the Tu Du Hospital affected by Agent Orange.

Dow Chemical was one of the companies that manufactured Agent Orange and has been given the contract for the Olympic Stadium that we are campaigning on to get cancelled.

Read Full Article (Dec-19-2011 21:41)

Wartime airbase dioxin to be cleaned up

“All of the dioxin contaminated spots in Viet Nam have been left for too long and there are no reasons for us to wait longer” - Associate Professor Le Ke Son

(BINH DINH, Vietnam) - Agent Orange being sprayed over Vietnam A ground-breaking ceremony was held at Phu Cat airbase yesterday morning for a 5,400 cubic metre landfill site which will be used to isolate dioxin.

Phu Cat airbase was used to launch herbicide spraying missions during the American War, making it one of three contaminated hotspots along with the airports at Bien Hoa and Da Nang.

Read Full Article (Dec-16-2011 14:49)

Are You Eating, Drinking and Breathing Monsanto`s New Agent Orange?

Monsanto admits it manufactured Agent Orange, which killed and maimed 400,000 people in Vietnam and resulted in more than 500,000 birth defects.

(NEW YORK) - Monsanto death In a groundbreaking study published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry last month, researchers found that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide “Roundup,” is flowing freely into the groundwater in areas where it is being applied.

The researchers found that 41% of the 140 groundwater samples taken from Catalonia Spain, had levels beyond the limit of quantification – indicating that, despite manufacturer’s claims, it does not break down rapidly in the environment, and is accumulating there in concerning quantities.

Read Full Article (Dec-12-2011 22:05)

Dead Forests, Dying People - Agent Orange & Chemical Warfare in Vietnam

"With the sole exception of nuclear weapons, never has such an inhuman fate ever before been reserved for the survivors..." — Dr. Ton That Tung

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - Dr. Phuong decided to keep hundreds of deformed fetuses in a locked room at Tu Du Hospital Making their way through Vietnam’s dense jungles, U.S soldiers heard a cacophony of squawking birds, chattering monkeys, and insects buzzing like high voltage wires.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2011 19:48)

Gibson Pushes Bill to Help Vietnam Veterans

The bill would move the position of the U.S. government back toward what it was in 1991, when the original Agent Orange legislation was passed.

(DANANG, Vietnam) - Congressman Chris Gibson Congressman Chris Gibson, R-Kinderhook, has introduced a bill to extend benefits for ailments associated with Agent Orange exposure suffered by "blue water veterans" who served in Vietnam aboard Navy ships but did not set foot on land.

The bill, H.R. 3612, is a companion to similar legislation introduced in the Senate earlier this year by U.S. Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2011 15:58)

Vietnam Blue Water Navy: One step closer for VA benefits

The American people needs to be aware of how this horrible herbicide has infected thousands of Naval personnel. We served onboard ship in the Vietnam war zone. We too were infected by agent orange dioxin.

(MEDIA, Pa.) - U.S. Navy A new step forward is achieved for the Blue Water Navy of the Vietnam War. Vietnam Navy veterans who are infected with presumptive exposure of Agent Orange Dioxin soon may realize benefits from Veterans Affairs (VA) compensation for agent orange disability.

Those Navy veterans, known as Blue Water sailors, who never had boots-on-ground, hopefully will see day light at the end of the tunnel.

Read Full Article (Dec-08-2011 03:21)

Time for a BC Pesticide Ban

BCers want a ban that does not affect public health protection or the forestry and agriculture industries.

(KAMLOOPS, B.C.) - Cosmetic pesticide ban Many today are involved in the effort to see a BC cosmetic pesticide ban on the sale and use of unnecessary toxic products that are used on lawns, playgrounds, sport fields, golf courses and gardens. I am a Kamloops Mom who wants all BCers, our pets and the environment to be protected from harmful pesticide exposure.

The Campbell Government did nothing after last year’s on-line public consultation, even though 88% of respondents wanted a ban!

Read Full Article (Dec-07-2011 22:10)

Agent Orange (Dioxin) Second Generation: Effects on children of Vietnam Veterans

The children of Vietnam Veterans are the innocent victims of Agent Orange Dioxin.

(MEDIA, Pa.) - Agent Orange being sprayed in Vietnam. Some Vietnam veterans who have had or now has diseases brought on by Presumptive Exposure to Agent Orange Dioxin are not alone. Many children of Vietnam Veterans conceived during and after the War are also infected by Agent Orange Dioxin. This is the second generation. Will there be a third generation?

Some members of the Armed Forces are recognized by the Veterans Administration (VA).

Read Full Article (Dec-06-2011 22:34)

An Open Letter to Shareholders of Monsanto

Perhaps among you at the AGM will be Bill and Melinda Gates, it would be interesting to hear if they make any statement regarding their 500,000 shares.

(LONDON) - Monsanto is possibly the absolutely worst business with the darkest intentions, in all of known history.  As you prepare to study the various resolutions for the coming annual general meeting of your company, being held in St Louis 24th January 2012, I ask you to take into consideration the history of your company and the policies you have supported at various annual general meetings.

It is a record that very few can be proud of.

Read Full Article (Dec-06-2011 20:51)

Group Needs Help Locating C-123 Veterans

Please get the word out to any former C-123 crew and their families to go to the web site and engage on the issue.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - C-123 Agent Orange Vietnam Through a coincidence of timing and chance I recently met a retired USAF officer who has never forgotten the aviators’ duty to take care of one’s aircrew.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
