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תקופת כליאה שניה לסרבן המצפון עומר סעד الحكم Second Prison Term for Conscientious Objector

-الرجاء التعميم- Triple language article in Hebrew, English and Arabic.

(TEL AVIV ) - Omar Saad Omar Saad, 18 years old from Mghar, a village in the Galil, arrived, Sunday 22/12/2013, to the Induction Base in Tal Hashomer, where he declared his refusal to serve in the Israeli Army.

On 23/12/2013, Omar was sentenced to 20 days of imprisonment for his refusal, for the second time, in the military prison No. 6 near Atlit.

Read Full Article (Dec-24-2013 11:54)

PTSD: Anxiety, Fear and Anguish

One dictionary said “depression is sadness”, if that is so, PTSD is cancer of the soul.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Suicide sadness “Marijuana works best,” say combat Veterans. I base this statement from my experience with hundreds of Vietnam veterans who discovered that C/MJ worked better than any other medicine given them by the medics for “battle terrors”, and its sequel, PTSD.

The military, especially the owners of the combat infantryman, have been calling PTSD “depression”. I researched many websites to see if I could find a medical definition. What I found was seemingly unlimited advertising for anti-depressant drugs which did not offer signs nor symptoms of depression.

Read Full Article (Dec-23-2013 12:28)

Why Did the Army Refuse to Aid Fallen Marines at Ganjgal? (VIDEO)

Never before in American history were U.S. troops intentionally sent on a mission where their "brother" Americans refused to help, allowing them to simply die.

(SALEM) - U.S. soldiers standing outside of the TOC at Camp Joyce in Afghanistan. As a team of Marines were killed at Ganjgal village in 2009, U.S. Army commanders made a conscious decision to leave them to die. This is a stone cold documented fact. They could have been aided and their deaths avoided, but they were left to die.

As the Marine Lieutenant in charge of the team made his final call to the army for artillery and air support, he told the officers he was about to die. The army staff at nearby Camp Joyce replied, "Try Your Best".

Read Full Article (Dec-22-2013 16:19)

Pitiful Party Politics

We’re spending $10 million per hour, and $81 billion in the new annual budget, on an operation that many top officials and experts have said generates hostility toward our country.

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Political parties In America, Republicans generally prefer to spend money on wars; Democrats on public needs—food, housing, education.

Democrats have proposed extending federal unemployment benefits for an additional year at $25 billion. Many Republicans have opposed an extension, calling it too costly.

Read Full Article (Dec-22-2013 00:11)

Beyond Arbitrary and Capricious

Latest news from the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veteran's Association...

(LITTLETON, CO) - Blue Water Navy For the fourth time in just over four years, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has taken a position contrary to current Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA or VA) policy regarding the exposure of Blue Water Navy personnel to Agent Orange/Dioxin (AO/D) during their service in the Vietnam War.

The DVA continues to claim that these offshore Navy and Marine personnel were not exposed to Agent Orange during their active military service.

Read Full Article (Dec-20-2013 00:47)

No Peace Through Military Strength

A response to Catherine Ashton's "To Secure Peace, Be Ready for Battle".

(PORTLAND, OR) - Soldiers paint peace sign by Banksy “The War to End all Wars” never achieved what H.G. Wells implied with this term. On the contrary, World War I not only resulted in the death of more than 16 million humans, it also resulted in a victor’s peace directly setting the stage for World War 2 where an estimated 60 to 100 million people died.

I like to believe that no World War is on the horizon, but I was quite surprised to read the headline of a Wall Street Journal opinion piece “To Secure Peace, Be Ready for Battle. The surprise not so much was the title itself.

Read Full Article (Dec-16-2013 01:23)

Ban Weaponized Drones! - Statement by the European Section Global Anti-Drone Network

Statement by the European Section Global Anti-Drone Network: Ban Weaponized Drones!

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Weaponized drone We oppose the use of drone technology for killing, surveillance and repression.

We oppose weaponized and surveillance drones because their deployment lowers the threshold to armed aggression, is used for “targeted” killing of people within and outside warzones – without indictment, trial and conviction, terrorizes the population of the targeted territories, fuels hatred, thereby increasing the cycle of violence, leads to the development of autonomous kille robots, thereby making even more horrifying wars likely, initiates a new round in the arms race.

Read Full Article (Dec-16-2013 00:41)

Wreaths Across America

It was a busy day at Arlington National Cemetery.

(ARLINGTON) - Wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery There was a total of 143,000 wreaths place in Arlington National Cemetery on Saturday, December 14, 2013. This is Section 60 and it took almost two hours to place the hand made wreaths from the Worcester Wreath Company of Harrington, Maine.

Their mission is to Remember, Honor, Teach. They receive no government funding. The cost of our programs are paid by individual wreaths sponsors, corporate donors and volunteer truckers.

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2013 08:43)

99 Years Ago: A Pause in the War on Christmas

It did not lessen our ardour or determination; but just put a little human punctuation mark in our lives of cold and humid hate.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - WWI Christmas truce Frank Richards recalled:

"On Christmas morning we stuck up a board with 'A Merry Christmas' on it. The enemy had stuck up a similar one. Platoons would sometimes go out for twenty-four hours' rest -- it was a day at least out of the trench and relieved the monotony a bit -- and my platoon had gone out in this way the night before, but a few of us stayed behind to see what would happen...

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2013 01:18)

There Are No Bad Bears

"Stop!" roared Steven at his own bear nation. "Who are you coming to kill?"

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Bear When he was a tiny little bear cub, Nelson would scamper over to be close to his mother when he heard any loud noise. When he got a little bigger, if something scared him he would growl.

Bigger still, and he would stand up on his hind legs, growl, and wave his paws about. And when he got even bigger than that -- when he began to look like a full-grown bear -- if Nelson heard something that might be dangerous, he would stand calmly still and listen harder.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
