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Salem-News.com (Feb-04-2015 17:15)

Fear The Measles Virus - Not The Vaccine, Says WSU Researcher

Measles is highly contagious – and easily preventable.

(PULLMAN, Wash.) - measles When it comes to the measles outbreak that originated at California’s Disneyland, it truly is a small world after all.

The virus that took hold at the resort shortly before Christmas has journeyed beyond the “happiest place on earth” to sicken people in 14 states, including Washington, Oregon, Utah and Arizona.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-08-2014 02:20)

Learn to Cope Carries a Lighted Candle of Hope in Massachusetts

First parent organization in the country that are also NARCAN trainers (used for acute opioid overdosage).

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Learn to Cope Ten years ago, Joanne Peterson founded an organization called Learn to Cope to help families deal with the prescription drug/heroin health crisis in Massachusetts.

Learn to Cope is solely peer to peer education, support, resources and providing hope for families thinking hope was no longer an option to them.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-11-2014 00:28)

Bob Rappaport, MD, Division Director of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Addiction Products at FDA Retires

What if the head of the division of the FDA responsible for opioids being approved is not a "watch dog" to the American people, but rather is a "lap dog" to the pharmaceutical industry?

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - FDA drug applications One of Dr. Rappaport's biggest contributions to the American people before the FDA announced his retirement was an opioid called Zohydro ER.

Zohydro ER will be the first hydrocodone-only opioid in doses of 5 to 10 times more heroin-like narcotic than Vicodin.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-21-2014 15:20)

Legal Drug Pharmacies with Pill Mill Behaviors Must Be Accountable

Congressman Tom Marino (PA) and Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (TN) "prescribe" Walgreens be unaccountable for errors in loss of lives. Why?

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - STOPP An organization named Stoppnow out of Florida has been instrumental in closing pill mills setting up in storefront buildings throughout their state. Here is their website http://stoppnow.com/.

Representatives from Stoppnow attended the Fed Up Rally in Washington, DC last month and scheduled a meeting with Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (TN) to discuss a bill co-sponsored by the congresswoman -- HR 4709. The bill sparked my interest because it ties the hands of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) if a pharmacy makes a serious mistake with an opioid prescription.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-06-2014 02:49)

Thousands March on Washington to End Prescription Drug Epidemic

Attorney General Eric Holder resigns! Lois Lerner, Commissioner of the I.R.S. resigns! Julia Pierson, Secret Service Director resigns! It's time for Margaret Hamburg, Commissioner of the F.D.A. to resign -- or better -- be fired!

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Fed up rally This past weekend I attended and was a speaker in Washington, DC at the FED UP Rally for a Federal Response to the Prescription Opioid/Heroin Epidemic. It was an experience I will never forget.

Below are the names of the organizations sending representatives to the reception and march to The White House. Pretty impressive don't you think?

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Salem-News.com (Sep-27-2014 00:40)

Local Agencies Participate in Prescription Drug Take Back

No questions asked

(SALEM, Ore.) - Cadets at Drug Turn In On Saturday September 27th The Marion County Sheriff's Office in cooperation with the Drug Administration Agency and several local Police agencies will have drop sites to turn in prescription Drugs. The Marion County Sheriff's Office drop site will be in the parking lot of Roths I.G.A. which is located at 702 Lancaster Dr NE in Salem.

Salem Police will have a drop site at Peace Plaza which is located at 555 Liberty St SE in Salem. All drop sites will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-22-2014 00:01)

Rally for Immediate Coordinated Federal Response to the Prescription Opioid/Heroin Crisis

They will not ignore you if they know you are not going away.

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - undertreatment of pain On September 27 and 28 I will be speaking at the FED UP Rally in Washington, DC calling attention to the national health epidemic - prescription opioids/heroin and the mounting death toll.

It is anticipated there will be a huge outpouring of families from all over the country who are "fed up" with the FDA picking the pockets of pharma by approving more and more opioids as a pay to play. For the past 12 years I have been exposing the prescription opioid/heroin Holocaust fueled by profiteers without consideration of the loss of life. My involvement in this journey for justice was as a result of the death of my daughter, Jill in 2002 to prescribed OxyContin.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-15-2014 23:15)

Outrage Over Missing Emails But Not the US Opioid/Heroin Epidemic

The US Senate Committee on Finance focuses on Lois Lerner and the IRS emails and not the prescription opioid/heroin national epidemic!! Why?

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - heroin epidemic On May 8, 2012 Senator Charles E. Grassley and Senator Max Baucus, Chairman of the US Senate Committee wrote a letter to John H. Stewart, President and CEO of Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin. Here is the first paragraph of the letter:

"As Chairman and a senior member of the Senate Finance Committee, we have a responsibility to the more than 100 million Americans who receive health care under Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-07-2014 23:40)

FDA Commissioner Hamburg and Connecticut`s Governor Malloy Play Tug-of-War with Conflict of Interest

Handing out waivers and attempting to loosen or eliminate conflict of interest laws benefits....who?

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Drug deaths in US If you continue to question why the head of the FDA and heads of states have allowed the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic in the country to grow from a spark into a raging fire, it may just be their ignoring the words "conflict of interest."

Let me begin with Margaret Hamburg, MD who begs to be terminated from her position as head of the FDA for sheer indifference to the safety of the American people. How truly dangerous is Hamburg in heading up the FDA while tens of thousands of people die and are addicted to prescription opioids/heroin? You decide.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-02-2014 01:35)

Why Margaret Hamburg, MD should be fired as Commissioner of the FDA!

The epidemic is getting worse and still the drugs keep coming.

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Zohydro Some interesting events occurred this past week in the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic paralyzing the U.S. and Canada. Dr. Hamburg, Bob A. Rappaport, MD and Douglas Throckmorton, MD need to be relieved of their duties at the FDA immediately. It is not enough to ask for the resignations of these individuals who have been accomplices in the prescription opioid/heroin deaths and addictions.

Let me lay out some facts that indicate why we are losing a generation of young people to the opioid/heroin epidemic in the U.S. and Canada while the FDA has had its eyes wide shut.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin