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Governor Orders Flags at Half-Staff in Memory of Virginia Tech Tragedy

Flags will be flown at half-staff through sundown on Sunday, April 22nd.

(SALEM) - flag half photo Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski has ordered all flags at public institutions be flown at half-staff today, Tuesday, April 17th, through sundown on Sunday, April 22nd, in memory of the lives lost at Virginia Tech yesterday.

“Yesterday’s events at Virginia Tech were not just a tragedy for Virginia, but for our entire nation,” said Governor Kulongoski.

33 individuals, including the shooter, lost their lives, and dozens more were injured in the worst mass shooting rampage ever in the U.S.

Read Full Article (Apr-17-2007 13:08)

Memorial Fund Established in Wake of Virginia Tech Massacre

32 individuals lost their lives, and 15 were injured in the worst mass shooting rampage ever in the U.S.

(BLACKSBURG, Va.) - virginia tech logo On Monday, the 16th of April, a campus resident senior student shot two students in Ambler Johnston residence hall and proceeded shortly thereafter to the other side of the Drillfield, entered Norris Hall and randomly shot more than 40 students and faculty in several classrooms.

The individual has been identified as Cho Seung-Hui, 23. Cho was enrolled as an undergraduate student in his senior year as an English major at Virginia Tech. Cho, a South Korean native, was in the U.S. as a resident alien with a residence established in Centerville, Va. Cho was living on campus in Harper Residence Hall.

Read Full Article (Apr-17-2007 11:11)

Virginia Tech Gunman Identified (VIDEO)

A 9-millimeter handgun and 22-caliber handgun were recovered from Norris Hall.

(BLACKSBURG, Va.) - Cho Seung Hui photo The Virginia Tech Police Department has confirmed the identification of the gunman responsible for the multiple fatalities at Norris Hall on the Virginia Tech campus Monday.

The individual has been identified as 23-year old Cho Seung-Hui (pronounced Choh Suhng-whee). Cho was enrolled as an undergraduate student in his senior year as an English major at Virginia Tech. Cho, a South Korean native, was in the U.S. as a resident alien in Centerville, Va. He was living in a dorm on campus, Harper Residence Hall.

Read Full Article (Apr-17-2007 06:18)

Victims, Gunman Names Coming Out from Massacre at Virginia Tech

Police have identified the gunman as 23-year old Cho Seung-Hui.

(BLACKSBURG, Va.) - Va. Tech campus from air Two shooting incidents on the Virginia Tech campus Monday left 33 dead. The deadliest mass shooting rampage in U.S. history.

Law enforcement reported that Cho Seung-Hui killed himself inside Norris Hall by a shot to the head and used a 9 mm handgun and a .22 caliber handgun.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2007 19:01)

Oregon Universities to Offer Counseling in Wake of Virginia Tech Shootings

Oregon University System campuses are organizing counseling services for students who may need support today and in the upcoming weeks.

(PORTLAND) - virginia tech campus On behalf of the State Board of Higher Education and the Oregon University System, Chancellor George Pernsteiner on Monday expressed his concern and sympathy for the students, faculty, staff, families and campus community at Virginia Tech for the tragic shootings which occurred Monday morning.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this terrible incident at Virginia Tech,” said Pernsteiner.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2007 17:22)

State Schools Superintendent Issues Statement on Virginia Tech Shootings

Death toll at Virginia Tech rises to 33, dozens more wounded.

(SALEM) - Susan Castillo photo Oregon State Schools Superintendent Susan Castillo released the following statement regarding the shootings on the Virginia Tech campus on Monday.

We are all shocked and saddened by the senseless outburst of violence on the campus of Virginia Tech. Our thoughts are with the students and the families of that community.

I encourage schools and districts to take time to review and update their existing policies and emergency plans.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2007 13:39)

Death Count at Virginia Tech rises to 33 Including Gunman

Police are saying that they believe the gunman acted alone and they are not looking for additional suspects.

(BLACKSBURG, Va.) - Map of Vinginia Tech The scene of the worst school shooting in the nation's history continues to be chaotic at this hour in Virginia, as police investigators from a number of agencies continue to investigate the tragic killing spree.

The university received bomb threats as recently as last Friday, but officials are not drawing a connection at this point.

There are many questions circulating about what is described as a slow police response. Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum, says his officers initially believed that they were dealing with an isolated incident that had taken place in a dorm.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2007 11:51)

Death Toll Rises to 32 in Virginia Tech Campus Shootings

This is being called the worst shooting of any kind in American history.

(BLACKSBURG, Va.) - virginia tech classroom Two shootings on the Virginia Tech campus today have left 32 dead, including students government officals said.

In addition, police say 28 people were injured, four are in critical condition.

There are unconfirmed reports that the suspect was a young Asian-American male, who was looking for his girlfriend.

There are media reports that police have recovered two 9-MM handguns, and a 22-caliber handgun used by the suspect during the rampage.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2007 10:28)

Virginia Tech Campus Shootings Leave 22 Dead; Gunman Killed

This is being called the worst shooting of any kind in American history.

(BLACKSBURG, Va) - virginia tech photo Two shootings on the Virginia Tech campus today have left 22 confirmed dead, including students.

In addition, police say 28 people were injured, four are in critical condition.

There are unconfirmed reports that the suspect was a young Asian-American male, who was looking for his girlfriend.

There are media reports that the gunman used two 9-MM handguns during the rampage.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2007 09:40)

Police Report Multiple Fatalities in Virginia School Shooting

It has been declared the worst school shooting in national history.

(BLACKSBURG, Va.) - Shootings in a dorm and classroom at Virginia Tech may have led to as many as 21 deaths. The Associated Press reports that 21 more people have been injured.

It happened Monday, the alleged gunman is also dead.

At one point, police had confirmed that a suspect was in custody, that information was reported via the university's Website.

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