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Salem-News.com (Jan-06-2010 15:35)

Salem Man Arrested on Charges Related to August 2008 Fatal Traffic Crash East of Stayton

Ramirez-Torres was the driver of a vehicle involved in a single-vehicle fatal crash on Highway 22E.

(STAYTON, Ore.) - 25-year old Martin Ramirez-Torres An investigation into an August 2008 fatal traffic crash led to the arrest Sunday of a northeast Salem-area man on charges related to the death of an 18 year old female and injuries to another passenger.

Trooper Andrew Goffrier arrested 25-year old Martin Ramirez-Torres at his northeast Salem residence for Manslaughter in the Second Degree, Assault in the Third Degree, and DUII -Drugs.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-06-2010 02:13)

Bradbury Backs Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana

False facts offered to Americans in the first half of the 20th Century were accepted by an otherwise ignorant public, and guided by an industrial desire to rid the United States of the strongest natural fiber known to man.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Bill Bradbury We have left messages with the John Kitzhaber's campaign for Governor, asking what his position on medical marijuana is, without reply.

Former Gov. Kitzhaber will face longtime Secretary of State Bill Bradbury in the next Oregon primary, and this equally familiar face in Oregon politics didn't flinch when asked about his position on both Oregon industrial hemp, and medical marijuana.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-04-2010 15:47)

Working Oregonians Can Still Use Cell Phones While Driving?

There certainly is some gray area in Oregon's new cell phone driving ban.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Cell phone driving A new law went into effect New Year's Day that bans Oregon drivers from talking on a cell phone or texting while driving.

But police indicate that there will be some likely challenges to this somewhat vague law, one that allows certain work-related exceptions to the rule.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-02-2010 00:39)

`I Was Raped Twice in Iraq` US Veteran Speaks Out

US Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Sandra Lee, who was raped twice while serving in Iraq, shared her story in an interview with Russian Television.

(MOSCOW, Russian Federation RT) - U.S. Army Iraq War Vet Sandra Lee According to a new study by the US Department of Defense, one in three women in the military is raped. Veterans for Peace add to those statistics, claiming 75% of raped women in the military fail to report it.

Sandra Lee has decided to break the silence five years after she was assaulted by a fellow soldier. She had been rebuilding schools in the middle of a war zone in Iraq when the incident occurred.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-23-2009 11:09)

Marijuana Policy Project Welcomes New Director of Communications

Most recently, Gardinier was a producer for “The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC in New York.

(WASHINGTON D.C. ) - Kurt A. Gardinier The Marijuana Policy Project recently hired Kurt A. Gardinier to be the organization’s new director of communications. Gardinier joined MPP earlier this month and officially takes over the communications department from Bruce Mirken on Tuesday, December 22.

Gardinier is based in MPP’s Washington, D.C. office, and among other things will serve as an MPP spokesperson for radio, newspaper and TV interviews.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-20-2009 21:08)

Howard Udell and Purdue Pharma`s Corporate Responsibility

Maybe Udell should pick up one of his Mont Blanc fountain pens and begin a rough draft of a resume since he won't be of much value to Purdue Pharma as general counsel -- with an embarrassing debarment hanging over him.

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Judge's gavel The right to do business with the federal government was taken from several Purdue Pharma corporate officers and one of their lawyers, for their failure to prevent the Misbranding and Fraudulent Distribution of OxyContin.

Michael Friedman and Paul Goldenheim, MD are responsible corporate officers, and their general counsel is Howard Udell.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-18-2009 19:21)

Study Links OxyContin to Increase in Deaths in Canada

Oxycodone deaths rose fivefold in Ontario after OxyContin – the brand name of a popular version of the prescription painkiller – was introduced to the public drug plan, according to a study published recently in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

(ONTARIO, Quebec) - Oxycontin The devastation to families in the United States in addiction and death because of the criminal marketing of OxyContin is not just our problem -- it's cruelly shared by Canada.

A study in Canada indicates that deaths from the misuse of prescription narcotic painkillers almost doubled in 13 years.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-10-2009 16:22)

Video Footage Reveals Raid on Rick Simpson Home

Here is actual footage taken during the raid in Canada November 25, 2009.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Salem-News.com Apparently without a warrant, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) raided medical marijuana activist Rick Simpson's home. The video below was produced by Christian Laurette, also producer of Run From The Cure.

This is the third police raid since 2005 on the man who cures cancer (and controls many other illnesses) with hemp oil. Police were aware of the cameras in the house due to posted window and door signs.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-09-2009 20:43)

Jay McCloskey Under Consideration for U.S. Attorney of Maine Again

The citizens of Maine don't deserve a U.S. Attorney who has both hands plunged into the deep pockets of Purdue Pharma and is their "poster child."

(ASHEVILLE, N.C.) - Salem-News.com Last week I received a telephone call from a concerned citizen in the State of Maine. "Are you aware that Jay McCloskey, former US Attorney of Maine may be confirmed once again as our US Attorney?"

I was aware, but had thought it wasn't a "done deal." I think I'm wrong and it may just be a very "scary" done deal.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-09-2009 19:34)

Letter to Judge: Ukrainian Immigrant Child Abuse Illustrates Tragic Past

Copy of a letter sent to local judge by an east coast historian, in the recent Salem, Oregon child abuse case involving a Ukrainian immigrant family.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Soviet era propaganda poster Dear Honorable Judge Hart,

I have the feeling I can help. I am an Historian of Russian History and Culture and my goal is to save the world from ever experiencing Cold War again by helping our two cultures understand each other better. As you know Russia is still 3 times the size of the US and the Slavic speaking nations account for 1/6th of the global landmass.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
