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Salem-News.com (Nov-20-2007 10:27)

No Injuries in Keizer School Bus Crash

"This was a very low speed impact with the passenger vehicle probably traveling less than five miles per hour," - Keizer Police Captain Jeff Kuhns

(KEIZER, Ore.) - School bus Keizer Police say a crash between a school bus and a car blocked traffic today and potentially alarmed several parents in the area, but no injuries resulted from the traffic crash that involved a Salem-Keizer School District bus and a passenger vehicle.

Additional emergency personnel responded from the Keizer Fire District because this was reported as a traffic crash with possible injuries. The incident occurred in the eastbound lanes of Chemawa Road NE at the railroad tracks near Ulali Drive NE at 2:37 PM Monday.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-16-2007 05:10)

Crystal Apple Awards Held in Salem

The organizers say thank you to all the local businesses and supporters that made the 11th annual Crystal Apple Awards a memorable event for this community.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Salem-Keizer Schools logo The 11th annual Crystal Apple Awards were held Thursday night at the Elsinore Theater in downtown Salem. Hundreds of community members and businesses came together to honor educators that go above and beyond the call of duty to educate children.

The show's hosts were Brent DeHart and Patti Woods. This year's Master of Ceremonies was Tom Hewitt who provided special entertainment along with the Crystal Apple Band and Ensemble.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-09-2007 10:41)

Keizer Medical Marijuana Fiasco Obliterated

A Grand Jury dismissed the controversial case.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Anthony Beasely Anthony Wyatt Beasley of Keizer, Oregon has been vindicated, as has the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act... although the officials in Keizer and Marion County are clearly too dishonest to admit it.

In the November 9th 2007 issue the Salem Statesman-Journal newspaper reported that the Marion County grand jury convened for the case refused to indict on the charge of unlawful manufacture of a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a school, a class A felony (the same felony class as Murder) returning a finding of 'not true bill'.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-01-2007 22:07)

Body in Keizer May be Transient

Investigators have not classified this as a suspicious death, but they say criminal acts have not been ruled out.

(KEIZER, Ore.) - Death investigation Keizer Police officers are investigating a dead body that was discovered around 1:30 PM in the 3500 block of Cherry Avenue NE today. Police Spokesman Jeff Kuhns says Salem Police were initially called out to investigate, but the case was handed over after it was determined that the location was actually Keizer.

Kuhns says the body was discovered by a citizen who was in this area walking her dog.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-01-2007 05:18)

Thoughts on Keizer`s Controversial Medical Marijuana Case

The biggest issue in this case is how Oregon's medical marijuana laws are interpreted.

(KEIZER, Ore.) - Captain Jeff Kuhns of Keizer Police The Keizer medical marijuana case against Anthony Beasely has been a hot topic in the local community. Our Neal Feldman wrote an article this week that places the blame on the city of Keizer for not upholding the rules authorized by the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program.

Keizer Police Captain Jeff Kuhns, a person I have known and worked with on stories for many years, says he disagrees with several points in the story. Regular visitors to the site know that Kuhns is not a police officer who normally deals with this type of controversy, that is worth clearing the air over.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-30-2007 07:05)

Keizer Medical Marijuana Case Ignores Oregon Law

The law could not possibly be any clearer or plainer on any reasonable standard.

(KEIZER, Ore.) - Anthony Wyatt Beasley has become a lightning rod and a focal point in a legal dispute over medical marijuana in Oregon Anthony Wyatt Beasley probably did not wake up Friday, October 19th 2007 thinking he would be a lightning rod and a focal point in a legal dispute, but that is what he has become. A standard bearer, willing or not, for the medical marijuana law of Oregon and the thousands of card holders in the state.

Beasley is accused of attempting to make hash oil out of marijuana he was growing. Police say he violated the law, but supporters say he was perfectly within his rights, and Keizer may have to pay a price for their reckless law enforcement practices.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-29-2007 18:42)

Shooting in Keizer Leads to Several Arrests

Several gunshots were exchanged between individuals in or near the 4900 block of Wolf Street North early Sunday.

(KEIZER, Ore.) -  Enrique Rodriguez, Sabine Perez and Hector Ramirez-Chacon, Oregon shooting suspects Keizer Police say one of their officers heard several gun shots in the area of 4900 Wolf Street North early Sunday morning just before 1:00 AM. Several people were arrested as a result.

At least two private residences, a local business, and a stop sign were damaged by the bullets. Investigators are still evaluating the physical evidence at this time to determine the caliber of bullets, and how many shots were fired.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-22-2007 11:11)

No Injuries in Keizer House Fire

Trett says fire crews initiated an aggressive attack and had it knocked down and overhaul underway at 6:26 PM.

(KEIZER, Ore.) - Keizer, Oregon fire engine Keizer firefighters responded to a report of a house fire just after 6:00 PM Sunday. The Salem 9-1-1 Center relayed that smoke was coming from a cottage at 1498 Alder Dr. NE.

Keizer Fire Spokesman Jim Trett says the cottage, with no independent address, was located behind the house at that address. The fire was discovered by the occupant, Ryanna Lowsley when she returned home.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-19-2007 20:15)

Mistaken Pipe Bombs in Keizer Were Marijuana Containers

What a woman believed were bombs, were plastic PVC tubes which may have been used to extract THC from the marijuana.

(KEIZER, Ore.) - PVC pipes containing marijuana were mistaken as bombs A house that has been raising a lot of attention in Keizer over a legal medical marijuana grow located close to a high school, is back in the news again.

Police say it started with a 911 call on Wednesday afternoon over suspected pipe bombs.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-16-2007 14:49)

Keizer Neighborhoods Hit With Graffiti

This specific series of graffiti incidents happened on Clearview Ave NE, Homestead Court NE, River Road N, Plymouth Drive NE, Appleblossom Avenue N and Krystie Ct NE

(KEIZER, Ore.) - Paint can Keizer Police say that sometime during the weekend between Friday October 12th and Monday October 15th, multiple residential, commercial and public utility structures were targeted by acts of graffiti vandalism.

Captain Jeff Kuhns with Keizer Police says the vandals struck six different streets in Keizer, "Most of the twelve reported graffiti incidents appear to be gang-related totaling an estimated $1,000 in damage clean-up costs."

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