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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Sep-03-2013 23:53)

Palestinian Authority Cedes Fundamental Rights to Israel

It’s hard to see what the PA hopes to achieve from the new round of discussions.

(LONDON Redress) - Mahmoud Abbas The chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, has admitted conceding fundamantal Palestinian rights in return for a resumption of “peace” talks with Israel.

In a speech to members of his Fatah faction in Ramallah on 2 September, reported by the Israeli news website Ynet, he said he had conceded to US pressure not to lobby international institutions...

Read Full Article (Sep-02-2013 20:35)

Changing Lives in 24 Hours/Gaza Children with Shabab-4-Life TJP [Video]

Sixty Palestinian refugee youth enjoy a fun and educational day out thanks to some very caring souls.

(Jacksonville) - Shabab    Two buses trundled to a cemetery in Gaza that had become the unfortunate home of a number of desperate Palestinian refugees. Hussein Haniyeh and the Shabab-4-Life team had come to pick up sixty children living in that poor refuge from international politics to give them a day out for recreation and a little education.

Their first stop was at the Omari Mosque where the shaykh gave the children some history about the mosque and let them explore its facilities.

Read Full Article (Aug-27-2013 23:57)

Jumping the Gun on Syria

We are now hearing from the government’s media serfs on a regular basis that Syria has not signed up to the Chemical Weapons Convention, as if that settles the matter.

(LONDON) - Syria British people woke for a second morning to the chilling realisation that the US and UK were not waiting for the results of the UN's enquiries in Syria before launching military intervention.

There's also a suggestion that the UN inspection team’s remit does not include determining blame for the chemical attack (if that's what it was).

Read Full Article (Aug-27-2013 23:05)

Is Israel Serious About Peace?

A Carthaginian peace describes a deceptive agreement that over the centuries has emerged as synonymous with any plan enforced by a winning side in a conflict which leads to nothing less than the total submission of a defeated enemy.

(CHICAGO) - Refugees at Al Am'ari Is Israel serious about peace? Recent events say the answer is no.

A few weeks after a new round of U.S.-sponsored talks began between Israelis and Palestinians, Israel activated its plan to construct 1,500 apartments in East Jerusalem.

Read Full Article (Aug-25-2013 21:35)

Israel Introduces Apartheid Kindergartens

Let’s hope that civilized society will respond to this new apartheid in the same way that it responded to apartheid of old: boycott, divestment, sanctions.

(LONDON Redress) - Israeli apartheid First came the apartheid hitchhiking and now there’s the apartheid kindergartens. No, we’re not talking about South Africa of yesteryear.

We’re talking about Israel in the year 2013. More precisely, we’re talking about Israel’s most liberal city, Tel Aviv.

Read Full Article (Aug-25-2013 01:15)

The Art of Deception

Israel has mastered the stolen Arabic carpet under which they sweep all intimidating truths.

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Israel-US Quite often I start to write an article about the travesty of injustices heaped on the Palestinians by Israel.

Almost as often, I stop at a point where I mumble to myself that I've said it all before, and others have said it better.

Read Full Article (Aug-22-2013 03:06)

Middle East Interfaith Peace Activist, Dr. Romano, to Jerusalem

Storm Over Morocco is a true story about the challenges of Dr. Romano's work organizing interfaith events including dialogues with Christians, Jews, Muslims and people of all faiths in Israel and the West Bank.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Dr. Frank Romano “Storm Over Morocco,” & “Love & Terror in the Middle East” by Dr. Frank Romano, author event:

Wed., Sept. 11, 6:30 pm, Tmol Shilshom Bookstore Café, 5 Yoel Salomon St., Jerusalem.

Read Full Article (Aug-22-2013 02:59)

Will Palestine Retain Its Natural Gas Fields?

Secretary Kerry, acting as something less than an “honest broker”, could be devising a token economic and freedom bucket list of promises that would be nothing less than a “carthaginian peace” imposed by the U.S. and Israel on Palestine, a “peace” which conquering armies impose on a defeated population.

(CHICAGO) - Oil in Palestine For the moment, all is quiet on the Israeli-Palestinian peace front. Is it “too quiet”, as they once asked in movie westerns?

That depends entirely on what kind of peace is being discussed. Does danger lurk, or does a just peace lie ahead?

Read Full Article (Aug-18-2013 19:50)

The Divine Right of Kings and Generals

Revolutions succeed, flourish and prosper by persuasion not coercion, compulsion or demonization.

(LONDON) - Arab Kings and British generals Ever since religion as we know it was brought unto man, kings, queens and generals assumed divine power as being the representative of God on this earth.

They waged wars in the name of God, they dispersed largesse in the name of God and they meted out injustices and untold horrors in the name of the same God.

Read Full Article (Aug-10-2013 10:22)

Seven of Syria`s Thirteen Palestinian Camps Now Controlled by Salafi- Jihadists

“Syria’s Palestinian camps have become theaters of war,” - UNWRA Commissioner Filippo Grandi.

(HOMS Palestinian Refugee Camp, Syria) - FSA Jihadists are entering Syria at an accelerating pace, according to Syrian, UNWRA, and Palestinian officials as well as residents in the refugee camps here.

For the now-estimated 7000 imported foreign fighters, Palestinian camps are seen as optimal locales for setting up bases across Syria.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
