(Nov-02-2013 20:02)
Human Rights: Being Positive
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh
Today (Saturday 11-5) we met in Ramallah for a study day to work and organize for a positive future: one democratic secular state in historic Palestine.
From now on our posts will have more positive than negative links/stories. But first an unclassified note (time will tell impact): Israeli warplanes attacked Syria.
The Palestinian negotiating team submitted its resignation following Israel’s announcement of building thousands of new Jewish colonial settler homes on Palestinian lands and its announcement of thousands of home demolitions for native Jerusalemites.
Read Full Article (Nov-01-2013 14:03)
Iran to Follow? White House Expected to Ease Sanctions Targeting Syria
Dr. Franklin Lamb
Secretary of State John Kerry is reportedly slated to continue meetings with Saudi-Israeli officials in an attempt to tamp down their growing angst.
Additional easing of Syrian sanctions is expected by mid-November according to staff at the US Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Asset Control (OFAC).
Pressure on Obama from Putin is part of the ‘price tag’ for Russia’s role in bailing out the American president, whose chemical weapons ‘redline’ became something of an albatross.
Read Full Article (Nov-01-2013 11:51)
Gerald Clark`s Nakba is a Masterpiece for Palestine
Gilad Atzmon
This new album is a treat, and you should seriously consider adding it to your Jazz collection.
The other day I learned that Gerald Clark, pretty much an unfamiliar name to me, was about to launch a Jazz suite dedicated to the Nakba and the Palestinian people. I was intrigued, I contacted Gerald and offered my help. A day later, the album found its way to my letterbox.
I am usually bored by ‘political music.’ Occasionally it lacks the necessary wit let alone a musical edge. But Clark’s Nakba is a masterpiece - music in its purest and most genuine form. It’s probably best described as a ‘Blue Note for Palestine’.
Read Full Article (Oct-31-2013 23:06)
How the Sunni-Shia Schism is Dividing the World
Robert Fisk Special to
The unprecedented Saudi refusal to take up its Security Council seat is not just about Syria but a response to the Iranian threat
(BEIRUT The Independent ) -
The Muslim world’s historic – and deeply tragic – chasm between Sunni and Shia Islam is having worldwide repercussions.
Syria’s civil war, America’s craven alliance with the Sunni Gulf autocracies, and Sunni (as well as Israeli) suspicions of Shia Iran are affecting even the work of the United Nations.
Read Full Article (Oct-31-2013 16:46)
UK Government`s Devotion to Racist Israeli Regime Continues
Stuart LIttlewood
... as new ministerial stooge is slotted in at the Foreign Office
letter from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign recently flopped into my Inbox for forwarding to MPs, urging them to write to the Foreign Office and ask what action was being taken to address the growing humanitarian disaster in Gaza.
I edited it slightly and added, to my own MP, that we do mean 'action' not the usual mealy-mouthed drivel from Messrs Hague and Burt.
Read Full Article (Oct-30-2013 20:43)
APN Denounces New Round of Settlement Approvals
"...he Palestinians’ ability to remain in talks under current circumstances depends more than ever on the United States and the international community." - APN President and CEO Debra DeLee
Americans for Peace Now (APN) today denounced the government of Israel's actions to move forward with yet more settlement approvals in both East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
APN once again urged U.S. officials – President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, and Special Envoy Indyk – to engage forcefully to convince Prime Minister Netanyahu to cease and roll back these reckless, destructive decisions.
Read Full Article (Oct-29-2013 16:39)
American Police Now `Israeli-DHS Trained,` Precursor to Dictatorship
Gordon Duff
Slowly, every police department in the United States, at the behest of the Department of Homeland Security, is being trained by Israeli groups.
As part of this training, there is an increased move to use of military uniforms, armored vehicles, heavy weapons, illegal surveillance, lying to the people, press and courts and systematic interference in the electoral system.
They are becoming “Israeli.”
Read Full Article (Oct-28-2013 00:09)
Press TV - The Debate (Topic Syria) Ken O`Keefe vs. Lee Kaplan
Ken O'Keefe
Enjoy these dinosaurs while they are still around because their days of utility in a world waking up are clearly numbered.
Lee Kaplan provides a classic example of the propagandists methods, divert, make personal attacks, revert to tired historical myths like America liberated Europe in World War II so as to imply the massive crimes during WWII and since do not matter.
I hope to be in a debate with Lee many more times as he provides one gift after another in terms of providing material that exposes the shallow, baseless foundation of lies that our global system of tyranny is built upon.
Read Full Article (Oct-26-2013 18:37)
Israel Benefits as World Loses
Dr. Paul Balles
Is there any point in public debate in a society where hardly anyone has been taught how to think, while millions have been taught what to think? --Peter Hitchens
(MANAMA, Bahrain) -
What started off as Arab Spring has turned morbidly into Arab Fall. What began as a seasonal description became directional and self-destructive.
Not only have movements that looked promising failed to benefit anyone but Israel, they have drawn their sponsors exorbitantly toward bankruptcy.
Read Full Article (Oct-21-2013 23:43)
Congratulations to our American Truth-Telling Comrades
Our heartfelt congratulations to the winners: you are the pride of the United States and the whole world. At the same time, we cannot hide our disappointment at being left off the list. Our only consolation is that the winners were all US based.
(LONDON Redress) -
It’s one of the highest accolades truth-telling fighters against racism and bigotry could hope for.
The Zio-cons of the ironically named “Anti-Defamation League” (ADL) have published a list of what it considers to be the 10 “most influential and active anti-Israel groups” operating in the United States, the Times of Israel reports.
Read Full Article